Home » Reid: hey, it worked the first time, so why not?


Reid: hey, it worked the first time, so why not? — 8 Comments

  1. Not as familiar with the Koch brothers’ situation, but . . .

    In 2012, when Mitt Romney disclosed (how many?) years’ worth of 1040s, did anyone, *anyone*, ever get back to Harry Reid for his reaction? (It’s not like he’s terribly hard to find, if anyone cared.)

    Beyond despicable.

  2. Those Koch boys get to live rent free in the minds of millions of the clueless left. BTW, Charles Koch has a piece in the WSJ worth reading.

  3. Democrats have discovered that their money pleas are much more successful when the email or letter includes accusations about the Koch brothers, no matter how off-the-wall.

    Leftists are real suckers when it comes to any lies fed them about the Kochs.

    I think you know where I’m headed with this….

  4. The MSM isn’t there to challenge lies. It’s there, and IT ALWAYS WAS, to elevate the Press Class to a new aristocracy.

  5. Parker, the rent space of murderers, criminals, rapists, and child molestors on the Left isn’t particularly worth living in for free. They have to pay a stipend for that kind of over time and risk work.

  6. Someday Harry Reid is going to be exposed for the despicable person he is. People who are as nasty and petty and dishonest as Reid, are usually guilty of the very things they accuse others.

  7. Reid will have a normal end just like Ted Kennedy and Robert KKK Byrd.

    The power of evil ensures temporal luxury and does not allow certain truths to out. Meanwhile, Reagan gets amnesia functionality until death and Breitbart gets capped out via supposed heart failure on a run.

    Sounds normal to me.

  8. southpaw Says:
    April 3rd, 2014 at 9:06 pm

    Someday Harry Reid is going to be exposed for the despicable person he is. People who are as nasty and petty and dishonest as Reid, are usually guilty of the very things they accuse others.”

    His flaccid face, simpering murmur and conscienceless sub-moral commissar manner announce it. Despite the fact that he was obviously whelped here, he is not fit to be counted as a fellow American by anyone to whom the term “American” means anything positive at all.

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