Home » Senator Obama on the Constitution and the balance of powers


Senator Obama on the Constitution and the balance of powers — 11 Comments

  1. I often watch CSPAN, and Gowdy appears to be a real conservative and a warrior. Go Trey.

  2. @q “apparently O learned a lot from his observations of W”.

    I think you meant Lenin and Mao.

    W was a great and good man. Obama is a bad man and a worse leader.

  3. “W was a great and good man. Obama is a bad man and a worse leader.”

    Dubya is a good person, although he made, IMO, many damaging long term decisions which I can excuse becuase his heart was purely for the USA. BHO is, to put it kindly and stay ‘G’ rated, a deranged and dangerous narcissistic empty chair. F*&# him and the f*&#ing horse he rode in on. Burn the MSM down to the ground.

  4. BTW Mr, Ms, It, q:

    BHO and the Constitution are mutually exclusive. A matter of matter meets anti-matter. Stand back or else you will lose all the skin on your skull.

  5. Mike: “When the King is lawless, must we obey the King?”

    That may be an ethical question, but it’s also a risk assessment question.

  6. This is group therapy. The half-life of its benefit is very short. We come here, having informed ourselves as to which of our oxen has been gored today, and vent.
    Feel better for having done so? Will tomorrow be any better for today’s venting against venality, idiocy and evil?
    No. Which is why we keep coming back.

  7. Eric,

    I agree. At some point the risk assessment question also becomes ethical though. I think we are past that point, but maybe not yet.

    There was a debate in, I think, the 17th century on the matter – along the lines of the morality of removing a King (in a forceful way even) when the King is against the Nation and the people.

    I think there were good reasons on both sides.

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