Home » Apparently, Carina Kolodny was placed in a time capsule in 1958…


Apparently, Carina Kolodny was placed in a time capsule in 1958… — 14 Comments

  1. “So yes, I told a white lie while soldiering on toward this inevitable outcome.”

    Wow. What a brave and unexpected move coming from a leftist. She’s got guts.

  2. Maybe next, she can celebrate this victory in an equally unexpected way. Maybe say, by dressing up as a giant vagina.

  3. For Marxists, there is only Subject/Object, Reified/Alienated, Oppressor/Oppressed, Normal/Stigmatized – Creation/Destruction.

    There can be only one.

  4. Unexpectedly.

    Yet another shoddy example of Humpty-Dumptyism (she defines the full dimensions of “traditional marriage” by referring to one ancient English legal doctrine?) and grievance-mongering passing for thought among the feminist Left. It is completely unpersuasive outside the social bubble in which she lives. And of course she presumes herself fit to judge when she isn’t prevaricating. This is arrogance in action; or perhaps just Womyn Privilege.

  5. On choosing family names…

    I had college friends who married some years ago who went to Bryce Canyon for their honeymoon. It was beautiful. It was magnificent. It was majestic. It was everything they wanted their marriage to be. So together they decided to change their family name to Bryce, so that they would signal to the world their new identity together.

    A mutual friend said, “It’s a good thing they didn’t decide to honeymoon at Lake Okeechobee.”

  6. There are more cooperatives and associations in this world than couples and couplets. Why stop with those two classes? This ignores both the biological and social impetus for marriage. Ironically, the proponents of homosexual marriage are now guilty of arbitrary discrimination. With the normalization of abortion, and corruption of evolutionary fitness, there is no defensible argument to oppose other coupling arrangements.

    That said, the material difference between members of any cooperatives is not gender but ego. The material difference between men and women is circumstantial and limited. That does not mean we should morph them into asexual blobs.

  7. I’m in a “traditional” marriage. I’ve stayed home with my children managing that home. I do my husband’s washing, cleaning, cooking and errand running while he works 50+ hours a week. His generous paycheck is deposited in the bank in accounts that all have my name on them. For some reason this uninformed woman thinks this “gender roll” I’ve played has some how resulted in “nauseating inequality.”

    She is very confused. If any one is suffering inequality around here it is my husband, not me! I have a fantastic, fulfilling occupation–probably more so the he. The only misogyny I see here is the feelings this woman has for ME and my choices.

  8. As a feminist, I expect Colodny believes that men should have no right to an opinion on abortion, not having a uterus. I therefore want to know if she is married, and if she is not, I ask her by what right she expresses any opinion on what marriage is or is not or should or should not be.

  9. Do homosexual marriages have any rules on relatedness, as do heterosexual unions? (restrictions such as parent/child, siblings, first cousins, etc.). If so, why?

    I have posed this question to many proponents of homosexual marriages but nobody has an answer.

    Will homosexual marriage open the door to incestuous couplings?

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