Thanks for the laugh! I like her shoes better than his, though.
Now THAT’S funny!
I used to live in Germany and saw people dressed like him at the Oktoberfest and the rathause.
Another Neoneocon fashionista posting for a troglodyte like me – I have several shirts over 40 years old- to laugh at what is considered “fashion” these days.
she looks kind of pathetically awful. doesn’t she have any friends?
Heck, I see people dressed like him every year … at Wurstfest, in New Braunfels. Usually they have a sausage-onna-stick in the other hand. I also laugh with Gringo at current high-fashion.
Although – seeing a girl wearing a dirndl with cowboy-boots is completely Texas-German special.
[ c h u c k l e ]
I think that she looks worn out and tired, it makes me feel kind of sorry for her. That dress, however was made for someone much curvier, and bustier than Ms. Paltrow.
Palto is getting a bit old to try being sexy, but… whatever. While I would prefer her to age naturally, it’s already obvious she has failed.
The latter? Cheers. Need me another beer. No, Neo-Neo, it’s not kosher. Still, for a wink from a dame such as yourself… I might share… Damned right tending dames get me easy… nowadays.
Thank God for progress!!!
Sgt. Mom is right about Germans here in the Texas Hill country. We have the oldest German Band in the world outside of Germany here in Boerne and they perform regularly on the Plaza through the summer. So, Beer and Sausage onna-stick in the hand of a man mit der lederhosen is kind of considered normal around here. Skinny ladies who forgot to wear their blouse with their dirndl not so much.
Raise the neck, cover the midriff, and those feet, and she’d probably look inoffensive and dignified enough.
“OldTexan Says:
February 5th, 2014 at 7:55 pm
Sgt. Mom is right about Germans here in the Texas Hill country. We have the oldest German Band in the world outside of Germany here in Boerne and they perform regularly on the Plaza through the summer.”
Pretty good bar-b-que there as I remember
Also took a tour of one of those caves. Toward the end, and dying of thirst, I drank out of a cave-wall mounted drinking fountain before noticing that it had a “drink at your own risk” or similar, sign above it.
Woke up at 3 AM to some outrageous noises; and looking down, confused in the dim light, discovered that someone must have slipped half of a basket ball between my stomach and tee shirt.
That was just the beginning …
Yep, drink at your own risk DNW. Most of our water down here is so hard and full of minerals I am surprised you didn’t have stalagmites coming out your what-ever.
Is it a him or a her?
Android, no navel. Not bad looking for an Android though.
That dress looks like the “designer” found another use for black electrical tape.
The German guy looks better and much happier. Ben Franklin said that beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. That guy looks very happy. Somebody give Paltrow a beer
Dress is too long. Brrrr. It is below 0 here, and that dress looks freezing – among its other issues.
Wasn’t it Paltrow who went to the Oscars a year ago with a dress that had no sides? And then talked about having to shave her butt? Or was that another classy 40-something?
If she wanted an Octoberfest-like outfit, she should have worn a traditional Finnish dress with pretty red. I used to have ESL classes near a Finnish-American club and the women always looked pretty. And the men wore suits and ties…
She looks like Sissy Spacek now.
I’ve always thought that Gwyneth was a beautiful woman, but she should have her head flushed in a toilet for wearing this out in public on any day that isn’t October 31. And whoever gave it to her to wear should be fired and not allowed to work again. Ever.
Deer Lord, she’s wearing a tactical dress. Have her arrested on suspicion!
My thoughts exactly.
Age is not being kind to this gal.
I do not think she would look better (to me) if nude.
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I get it: Is it a him or a her?
Thanks for the laugh! I like her shoes better than his, though.
Now THAT’S funny!
I used to live in Germany and saw people dressed like him at the Oktoberfest and the rathause.
Another Neoneocon fashionista posting for a troglodyte like me – I have several shirts over 40 years old- to laugh at what is considered “fashion” these days.
she looks kind of pathetically awful. doesn’t she have any friends?
Heck, I see people dressed like him every year … at Wurstfest, in New Braunfels. Usually they have a sausage-onna-stick in the other hand. I also laugh with Gringo at current high-fashion.
Although – seeing a girl wearing a dirndl with cowboy-boots is completely Texas-German special.
[ c h u c k l e ]
I think that she looks worn out and tired, it makes me feel kind of sorry for her. That dress, however was made for someone much curvier, and bustier than Ms. Paltrow.
Palto is getting a bit old to try being sexy, but… whatever. While I would prefer her to age naturally, it’s already obvious she has failed.
The latter? Cheers. Need me another beer. No, Neo-Neo, it’s not kosher. Still, for a wink from a dame such as yourself… I might share… Damned right tending dames get me easy… nowadays.
Thank God for progress!!!
Sgt. Mom is right about Germans here in the Texas Hill country. We have the oldest German Band in the world outside of Germany here in Boerne and they perform regularly on the Plaza through the summer. So, Beer and Sausage onna-stick in the hand of a man mit der lederhosen is kind of considered normal around here. Skinny ladies who forgot to wear their blouse with their dirndl not so much.
Raise the neck, cover the midriff, and those feet, and she’d probably look inoffensive and dignified enough.
Pretty good bar-b-que there as I remember
Also took a tour of one of those caves. Toward the end, and dying of thirst, I drank out of a cave-wall mounted drinking fountain before noticing that it had a “drink at your own risk” or similar, sign above it.
Woke up at 3 AM to some outrageous noises; and looking down, confused in the dim light, discovered that someone must have slipped half of a basket ball between my stomach and tee shirt.
That was just the beginning …
Yep, drink at your own risk DNW. Most of our water down here is so hard and full of minerals I am surprised you didn’t have stalagmites coming out your what-ever.
Is it a him or a her?
Android, no navel. Not bad looking for an Android though.
That dress looks like the “designer” found another use for black electrical tape.
The German guy looks better and much happier. Ben Franklin said that beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. That guy looks very happy. Somebody give Paltrow a beer
Dress is too long. Brrrr. It is below 0 here, and that dress looks freezing – among its other issues.
Wasn’t it Paltrow who went to the Oscars a year ago with a dress that had no sides? And then talked about having to shave her butt? Or was that another classy 40-something?
If she wanted an Octoberfest-like outfit, she should have worn a traditional Finnish dress with pretty red. I used to have ESL classes near a Finnish-American club and the women always looked pretty. And the men wore suits and ties…
She looks like Sissy Spacek now.
I’ve always thought that Gwyneth was a beautiful woman, but she should have her head flushed in a toilet for wearing this out in public on any day that isn’t October 31. And whoever gave it to her to wear should be fired and not allowed to work again. Ever.
Deer Lord, she’s wearing a tactical dress. Have her arrested on suspicion!
My thoughts exactly.
Age is not being kind to this gal.
I do not think she would look better (to me) if nude.