Home » US abortion rate falls…


US abortion rate falls… — 11 Comments

  1. I listen to The Patriot, which is KEIB in Los Angeles.

    There’s this commercial that I find very annoying. I never listened except to this one phrase “You didn’t give up on sex . . . ”


    Didn’t give up on sex?

    It’s a birth control advertisement. I got the site and looked at it. Lot’s of ways to not have children. Here’s top ten reasons why abortions have declined:

    10. Women aren’t as fun anymore.
    9. Porn is a lot easier.
    8. Young men don’t if they have to ask.
    7. Anything but penetration.
    6. More kids sick of the pressure.
    5. More abortions than you know.
    4. Is that hair down there?
    3. Only the ones who can afford it.
    2. Reproduction and ‘legal’ meds don’t mix.
    1. Kids? Sure if there’s a nurse.


    at 1:15

  2. This is going to cut into the profit for abortion healthcare and Planned P. They’re going to have to find new ways to fund themselves, other than through DC money laundering.

    But I guess that’s ObamaCare the solution.

  3. The abortion rate (number per 1000 women) is roughly the same as it was the year that abortion was legalized? I doubt that very much.

  4. Don’t take this as threadcrapping.
    I found this to be an interesting read from the pro-life side of the aisle. Calm, reflective and dealing with facts not feelings and opinions.
    “In 1993, an old family friend and pro-life activist, Lisa Chambers, sat down and talked to me about abortion. She didn’t try to argue with me – even though she was passionately pro-life and I was, at the time, pro-choice. Instead, she told me about Bernard Nathanson’s classic film, The Silent Scream. She just took a few minutes to describe what abortion looked like when it was shown on ultrasound. Her description of a baby trying to escape from surgical instruments while being dismembered was haunting. It caused me to focus on the single narrow question in the abortion debate, which is simple: are the unborn human?”


  5. Mike:

    It’s a human life from conception to death, with varying degrees of consciousness throughout its evolution. The question that needs to be answered is: When and by whose determination does a human life acquire value? As we are well aware, the answer varies from always to never, often selectively.

  6. It’s better to prevent a human rights violation, than to rationalize or justify it. The pro-abortion/choice advocates are desperate to reduce awareness of their sanctimonious hypocrisy. They are well aware that most people intuitively understand that a human life is not a product of spontaneous conception or a “big bang”. Perhaps people even feel uncomfortable or anxious to tolerate the devaluation of human life.

    Well, I can hope for positive change, even if I don’t believe it is forthcoming. It’s more likely that a Dodo or dodo Dynasty is inevitable as women, and men, choose money, sex, and ego gratification over their progeny and posterity.

  7. The Jews weren’t considered human by the Nazis. That’s why people could easily ignore things or obey the trigger pullers.

    And the same will apply to gays, homos, blacks, whites, and various other “groups” that the Left will select for pre extermination.

    Abortion was originally a culling tool used by the founder of Planned Parenthood to cut down on the inferior DNA of blacks in the US.

  8. Ymarsakar:

    They think that there is a material difference between the involuntary population control protocol in China and their voluntary alternative in America, the West, and any other society which accepts their “aide”. They are wrong.

  9. Pro-choice people don’t reproduce as often as pro-life people.
    What, is everybody suddenly a creationist?

  10. Not sure what the purpose of your comment is but I’ll take a stab at it.
    I agree that pro-choice views in a isolated environment would eventually die out.
    But the experiment does not take place in a petri dish.
    Back in the early 1800s there was a sect of people that thought sex was bad period i.e. Shakers. The higher ups thought that even though they were not physically increasing their numbers, their religion would grow due to converts. They were wrong- the general population didn’t like the product they were selling.
    With the pro-abortion people, most are basically saying sex is fun but sometimes you need a way to “fix” your mistake. They are selling a product people like.
    I suspect as long as people compartmentalize their lives and the actual results of the decisions they make on themselves and innocents around them, the pro-abortion people will find converts. 🙁

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