Home » SCOTUS: public sector unions on trial


SCOTUS: public sector unions on trial — 8 Comments

  1. While I am not a union supporter, I do believe that unions in the private sector have the same right to exist as any other corporation. In the public sector, I agree with FDR and Truman, among others, that they hamper govt and give unions seats on both sides of the table and its the taxpayer (i.e., the one who foots the bill) who is never represented (taxation without representation?).

    As for neo’s comment (“. . . there is a great reluctance to take such a huge step to reverse precedent . . . .”) I would say that this is correct if only because large institutions normally tend to shy away from revolutionary actions just as a matter of course. The larger the institution, whether it be SCOTUS, a govt, a governmental department or a corporation, the more likely it is subject to the inertia of the status quo.

  2. The public unions have simply become a money laundering scheme to turn tax dollars into contributions to the Democratic Party. And what could be more undemocratic than being forced to pay money to a private group for the privilege of being employed? My wife works at a state university. Despite being a big lib, she’d dump her union membership and fees in second. All it does is cost money and limit her advancement because of union rules. Let’s hope they lose.

  3. “Meticulous attention should be paid to the special relations and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the Government….

    The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service.

    A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent on their part to obstruct the operations of government until their demands are satisfied.

    Such action looking toward the paralysis of government by those who have sworn to support it is unthinkable and intolerable.” President Franklin Roosevelt, 1937

  4. Partisan public sector unions — and the agencies that employ their members — are wrecking the Republic.

  5. As I recall, the whole public union thing in the Federal government came about because of an executive order by JFK. It doesn’t seem like that big a step to overrule an EO.

  6. “limiting public union power in this way on a national level” is Neo’s modest hope.
    “Limiting”??? Limit to what extent, exactly? Like limiting Dracula to less than each night from sunset to sunrise; we’ll just limit him to 10pm-4am. Now we’ve really accomplished something.

    If it’s wrong, it’s wrong 100%.

  7. Actually Unions in the federal government were codified by the federal services labor management relations act. https://www.flra.gov/webfm_send/527

    Federal union membership is not mandated, even when a union is present. In many states, it is. “Closed shops.”

    I doubt they will overrule it and actually, they shouldn’t. It’s a state policy and to invent some new “right” basically at the federal level would be hypocritical of conservatives even if the outcome is good. States need to address this corruption directly as Walker has done. In fact, it’s a great thing for R’s to run on in purple states. Taking on the fat cat Unions now that people see they really don’t represent anything but their own interests.

  8. Back in the day (1933-1960s) government jobs paid less than private sector jobs because they were more secure. Once hired, people were seldom laid off. That has all been stood on its head. Government employees in general make more than their counterparts in the private sector and have more job security. They also have much better pension plans. No private company can promise a pension with COLAs, but they are quite common in the public sector. COLAs make future pension costs completely unknowable. The COLAs (along with a stagnant economy) are a big reason why so many government pension plans are in trouble. (See Illinois State pensions for an example.)

    If public sector unions are not outlawed, I support Governor Walker’s approach. Non-compulsory union membership and no right to strike – only compulsory arbitration – as the way to go. That tends to take the politics out of it and forces unions to serve their member’s interests. I would also make it illegal for unions to donate dues money to campaigns. They should be able to organize a PAC and take voluntary contributions, just like any other business or organization.

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