Home » Wendy Davis: “empowerment” and the poor little woman; “struggle” and the man


Wendy Davis: “empowerment” and the poor little woman; “struggle” and the man — 114 Comments

  1. “For one of the implicit, if unadmitted, tenets of feminism has been a fundamental disrespect for men.” — Wendy Dennis

    “Feminism is built on believing women’s accounts of sexual use and abuse by men.” — Catharine MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified, 1987

    nothing else needs to be said…
    this is just the normal way things have become…

  2. Yeah, Abbott doesn’t understand Davis’s struggles, does he? He didn’t have a sugar daddy to pay for law school after all, did he? But We Must Not Question.

  3. Countrylawyer:

    If you read the whole article, you’ll discover that although Abbott didn’t have a sugar daddy to pay for law school, he did sue and got a settlement after the accident:

    As he forged a new life, he sued Roy Moore, owner of the River Oaks property where the tree fell, and won. While Abbott declines to discuss the settlement terms, the tax-free insurance payout is believed to be worth $10 million or more.

    He had already graduated from law school at that point, however. He was studying for the bar exam when the accident occurred.

    And by the way, I don’t fault him for suing. The tree had been weakened in a previous storm, and came down because it was a windy day the day he was running. It seems as though, had it been properly maintained by the property owner, it would not have fallen.

  4. The comments on this matter from the left go a long way to allow one to conclude that all liberals are trash.

  5. I didn’t expect to find much trouble in his background; perhaps a bit of financial difficulty while growing up, at the most.

    now ask yourself why those where your assumptions
    what pavlovian process has you pick those as the defaults?

    only took 40 years plus to create the reflex to discount automatically… (and believe women automatically!)

    but what you dont get is that the assumption is now full flowered.. he had privlelege so with that, his struggles can NEVER meet the hard strruggles of women…

    heck, you should have caught on with clinton and the femmes arguments that men dont suffer in war, but women have!!! (i guess being dead is the easy way out according to women)

    but also note, we are also trained to ignore the man talking and listen to the woman telling us what he thinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    so no matter what he has experienced
    it doesnt count..

    you know, the way whats expected doesnt count..

    when you were a kid, they applauded you going to the potty, since its now expected, no one applauds when you go… (but wait long enough and old enough, they just might!)

    so womens work counts
    mens work never counts…

    how else can a womans work never be done?

    note that if he wants, he can enter the race where men do get to run in womens shoes… to teach them a lesson as to what they do to women!!!

    It turns out that “hypocrites” is way too mild a word to describe Davis and Garcia.

    yes. but remember…
    these are the people in which the voters have decided to trust their abilty to build utopia for them!!!

    kind of like hiring Leopold and Loeb to watch your kid.

  6. Poor pitiful Wendy, the perfect female victim who would stab you in the back and then blame you. She is all about herself.

  7. She is a clown show. It’s funny- for all of the terrible Tea Party candidates that were put forward (some lost, but some big ones won), we never hear about the awful candidates the D’s or standard R’s put out there. Davis is a terrible candidate. Tin ear, mean-spirited, and totally out of touch with Texas. She’s a better fit for an MSNBC program, which may be her real aim. That or head of the state party apparatus, etc.

  8. I am ashamed that people like Wendy Davis call themselves Americans and our countrymen.

    Thank you, Neo for this post. Greg Abbott is an example of the true American spirit of overcoming adversity and becoming exceptional.

    It was Davis’ ex husband who called her out on her lies. And the court gave him cusody of the daughter.

    And the Girl Scouts called Davis an incredible woman. Another reason there is a new organization availlable in most states that offers an alternative group for girls called American Heritage Girls. A similar program has been developed for boys.

  9. artfldgr:

    Wrong again, art! You are misunderstanding my thought process.

    I didn’t expect it for one big reason: since the Wendy Davis comments have gotten so much press (and a great deal of that press has been on the right, from people who would love to find fault with her), I assumed that any hardship in Abbott’s background would already have been uncovered and written about in the articles that covered her remarks, especially the articles on the right. I ended up being very surprised that I appeared to be the only one making the connection between her “walk in my shoes” remark and that fact that he is a paraplegic. Very surprised.

    I’m not the least bit surprised that Republicans, men, white people, whatever category he would be placed in, have struggles and hardships. In fact, that’s why I decided to check his background in the first place. It occurred to me that, despite the fact that no one had pointed it out yet, there might be some hardship there.

    You are also missing the point of my post, which is that of course his struggles might not only match, but exceed, her struggles (note the post’s title, for example). I also don’t believe that politics should be about who has had the biggest struggle. But if a candidate makes it a case of comparing struggle stories, make sure your struggle is the bigger one before you attack your opponent for his lack thereof!

  10. Wendy is my state senator, and the perfect distillation of a modern Democratic Party candidate: all about abortion and personal fable; she blithely misrepresented her politics during her campaign.

  11. You just don’t get it–if you don’t have a victim card, you have no right to speak. None. And those who do have the victims cards are fully justified in using any means necessary to shut. you. up.

    Greg Abbott is a white male. End of story.

    Even my kids, who are not the most socially sensitive people on the planet, are picking up on this dynamic in their online interactions–one wrong word and the grievance-mongers swarm like a pack of piranhas.

  12. I am so sick of these idiot women who presume to speak for me and to assume that abortion and damaging my brain on a glass ceiling are the most important things in my life. I resent their accusations about my grandfathers, my father, my male friends, boyfriends, and husband. I resent their assumptions that my mother and other female relatives were not whole people. They don’t know me. they should simply STFU.

  13. I never knew this about Greg Abbott. Maybe our side needs to be better at whining. Yes, NO, I can’t decide.

    Well thanks for telling this story.

    As to Davis, she sounds like a typical narcissist. People like that are very dangerous.

  14. If I were Abbott my response would be I wish I could “walk” a day in your shoes. I wish I could “walk” in and out of a trailer and take my kids for a “walk.”

  15. Vogue described her, “Barbie-doll looks”

    Back in 1996, Wendy Davis lost an election for the Fort Worth, TX City Council. After the election, she sued the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the local newspaper, for defamation.

    In short, Davis did not like being criticized by the media (something she won’t have to worry about this go round), so she sued for those criticisms claiming they defamed her.

    The Texas Court of Appeals and then the Texas Supreme Court both threw out her case.

    But it is worth noting that Davis, in making her case, claimed that the nasty newspaper, by virtue of criticizing her, damaged her “mental health.”

    More worrisome regarding her mental stability, Davis sued the newspaper months after losing her city council and claimed that she “ha[d] suffered and [was] continuing to suffer damages to her mental health.”

    basically, women are damaged…
    but the future..
    all of them are martyrs, and victims
    none of them are heroines… but may be heroes
    which erases the things they do!

    here is another clue as to why not to bring up her feminist female wacky martyred victimed modern normal life (as judged by the View)

    Wendy Davis’s own child requested her father be her custodian. her husband requested the court enter the temporary restraining order.

    The court ordered that Wendy Davis “be immediately restrained from . . . using illegal drugs or consuming alcohol within 24 hours before or during the period of possession of or access to the child.”

    women are the future…
    the nuttier ones especially…

    no matter how wacked out nutty, and extreme, and willing to debase themselves to win (nothings), they still are the best candidate for any job. superior in every way…

    “I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which a man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.” — Former Congressman Barbara Jordan

    but the same thing can be said by a delusional psychotic and be right too… no?

    wendy davis has such superior thinking…

    The court also ordered Wendy Davis to keep out of her residence anyone she was having “intimate or dating relationship[s]” with while children were present between 10pm and 6am

    remember when we saw hooker characters on tv with their kids in the other room? we thought that really messed up the kids..

    well… thats normal now…
    but momma dont get paid..
    she is liberated…

    and her struggle?

    The Dallas Morning News reported Davis’s husband, who paid Davis’s way through Harvard Law School by cashing in his 401(K) and taking out a loan, claimed Davis committed adultery on him.

    like betty friedan, eh? taken care of, good life, children, and all that, including paid education… but he is evil..

    a whole lof of us guys lives have been ruined and ended early by this kind of thing. my family exterminated by it.

    we dont care any more…

    (few remember that artfldgr was a founder of MGTOW… go ahead… go check it out at mancoat…)

    if we fight, we lose
    if we dont fight, we lose

    so, lets play nintendo, let them have it all
    and when the whine to be saved, turn away..

    as there is nothing else to do when its a no win situation, with no choices..

    obviously, they are willing to beat up their mates, their children, and all that for a payot from a strangers promises!!! (and think they are good mates and mothers… not really)

    game over.
    unless you have a way to neutralize this…

    my wife and i will just wait for the choir triumphant, as we have no chance… no one will help… and thats that…

    wish neo would let me show my work before i go..
    but its to be erased… no chance of someone here being inspired by it and helping either… is there?

    lets declare a win for the women
    and i can pitch in for a keg, and we can have a party
    let them to their fate..
    nintendo awaits…

  16. Amen, expat!

    First, I have zero empathy for any Democrat woman who squeals about intrusive, judgmental discussion of her personal life after what was done to Sarah Palin.

    Second, Wendy Davis is the one who has used her experience as a mother and woman to promote herself and her pet cause, abortion. So comments on several major choices she’s made as a wife & mother are fair game. They fall right in line with feminist and pro-abortion ideal of putting the woman’s health and career first (ahead of the child’s), so she shouldn’t be surprised we’ve noticed it.

  17. Re “I didn’t expect it for one big reason: since the Wendy Davis comments have gotten so much press (and a great deal of that press has been on the right, from people who would love to find fault with her), I assumed that any hardship in Abbott’s background would already have been uncovered and written about in the articles that covered her remarks, especially the articles on the right.”

    Good point. And since misery loves company, I bet ignorance does too – from my perch in New England I had no idea that Greg Abbott was in a wheelchair.

    However! The guy has been the Texas AG since 2002 and his wheelchair is hardly a secret down there. Just for example, from his announcement speech:

    ““Some politicians talk about having a steel spine. I actually have one,” he said in his announcement speech. “I will use my steel spine to fight for Texas values every single day.”

    So enough about my ignorance – how could Wendy Davis and her campaign people not know this?

    And a bonus question – Abbott’s father died when Abbott was sixteen. Is a competition about who has had the tougher life and worked harder to overcome character-building obstacles really a great strategy for Davis?

  18. This put me in mind of the controversy about THE STORY OF ALL POOR GUATEMALANS by Rigoberta Menchu, another case in which an untruthful autobiographical narrative was justified by an appeal to a wider, more universal “truth.”

  19. “Greg Abbott is running scared and for good reason…” s/b “Greg Abbott is rolling scared and for good reason.”

    Or as Joe Biden would say “Stand up,Greg Abbott!! Oh…God love you, you can tell I’m new.”

  20. Wendy Davis(D-AbortionBarbie) sez critics “haven’t walked a day in my shoes” that the husband she dumped paid for…

  21. It’s simple. Democrat=criminal and liar. It has for most of my adult life. To admit being Democrat is to make an open admission one is lacking both morals and good sense. I’ve ceased having Democrat acquaintances and I don’t do business with them if I can avoid it. It would not be good for me to be in the same room with the current infestor of the White House; he would not like what I would say to him.

    It used to be said that conservatives think Democrats are stupid and Democrats think conservatives are evil. That’s true; Schumpeter explained this clearly. However, the paradigm has changed. I now no longer think they’re stupid, I KNOW they’re evil and Hell will freeze over before I trust another one of them.

    We need to fight them with everything we can possibly muster and treat the battle like it is a civil war because it is. It just hasn’t gone hot–yet. I strongly suspect that day is coming, and soon.

  22. Here is the difference. Ms. Davis became a single mother because she chose to get pregnant as a teen. The woman went to Harvard, it is not horribly difficult to make good choices and not get pregnant. When she found her new sugar daddy she made damn sure to get pregnant again so he’d marry her and support her eventually
    cleaning out his retirement savings to put her through law school. She abandoned her family to go to Harvard. What decent person does this, wait a few years, or go to a school near your kids. At this point she divorced him and effectively psychologically aborted her teen daughter, by dumping her on daddy. The daughter clearly had served her purpose for Wendy, she was a little meal ticket, and dinner in the form of a Harvard education was over. Her unfaithfulness to the man who paid her way through law school was cited in divorce papers.

    Mr Abbott legitimately had something bad happen to him, something that he didn’t have any control over. He didn’t have a tree fall on him when he was having sex, he was running. The obvious consequence of running is not paralysis, the obvious consequence of sex is pregnancy, a Harvard grad should understand that.

    I feel sorry for Ms. Davis’s daughters. She had them to trap men, apparently using your uterus as a financial weapon is feminist. Ms. Davis is a horrible person.

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  24. Keep in mind, Democrats are judged primarily as an avatar of the movement, not on individual merit.

    Obama is the prime example of a Democrat who’s been elevated as an avatar more than from his personal caliber as a candidate, then President.

    The Obama model sets the standard. Davis can follow the same path of being carried to office by the movement, despite her personal flaws, as long as she meets the requirements of a Democratic avatar.

  25. artfldgr beat me to the news about Wendy Davis suing the Fort Worth Star-Telegram for defamation, and losing. Here is another article on it: Wendy Davis Tells Court: That Mean Newspaper Hurt My Brain! If you appeal the case, lose the appeal, and then take it to the Texas Supreme Court, this is someone who is DETERMINED to win a defamation case.

    If she becomes governor, given her past record of suing for defamation when she didn’t have a plausible case, it is logical to conclude that she will do all she can to punish and stifle those who express disagreement with her. But she’s a Democrat, so that comes as no surprise.

  26. As a non-Texan, I knew little about Greg Abbott. I know three things about his personal life: his father died when he was 16, he was partially paralyzed in a freak accident, and he used the money collected from a lawsuit from that accident to take care of himself and go forward.

    I also knew little (but relatively more, thanks to the MSM) about Wendy Davis: she had been a single mother, she had been married and divorced, and she was the darling of the progressives.

    But now hearing her story more closely, I realize that contrary to the assertion made by Grace Garcia that we must not question her story, it turns out that when we do, we see that it’s lacking something —

    — veracity. As in, truthfulness.

    Something that would be, you know, rather useful to have in a governor.

    I do not know enough about Mr. Abbott yet. Perhaps there are holes in his story, perhaps he too embellishes, shades and manipulates his story for public benefit. I rather think if he had done such things I would, all the way up here in Illinois, have heard about it. The MSM would have made sure.

    Perhaps it is wrong to venture an opinion as to Ms. Davis’ motivations for her pregnancies, marriages and divorces. Some things are better left private — oh, right, tell that to Mr. Jack Ryan, Illinois Republican senate candidate in 2004 against one Barack Obama. The man married to and divorced from Jerri Ryan, the actress. The man whose sealed divorced records were opened by court order because the Chicago Tribune (goaded by one David Axelrod, and we all know who he is and was) declared that “the public needed to know”.

    Gander, meet goose; or said another way, the precedent has been established. Without my knowing anything more about Ms. Davis, it sure does seem like she walked into a trap of her own making.

  27. kit: “Another reason there is a new organization availlable in most states that offers an alternative group for girls called American Heritage Girls. A similar program has been developed for boys.”

    You never know what golden nugget of info will appear on Neo’s blog.


    The boys group is Trail Life USA.

    American Heritage Girls.

    I am very interested in the social-cultural character of the American people and positive masculinity.

    While I’m not religious and may not agree with all their positions, I would gladly work for, or otherwise help, them in their mission for the greater good of our nation.

  28. Clearly what the race for the Texas Governorship needs is a survivor of the Andrea Doria shipwreck.

    Victory to the candidate who can jerk the most tears!

    God, we’ve become so pathetic. Nothing against paraplegics or single mothers who went to law school. But those things really do nothing to inform me of what they’d plan to do in office.

    Now, if we can find somebody who’s both a paraplegic AND a single mother, then we might have something.

  29. Tom Maguire

    Good point. And since misery loves company, I bet ignorance does too — from my perch in New England I had no idea that Greg Abbott was in a wheelchair.

    However! The guy has been the Texas AG since 2002 and his wheelchair is hardly a secret down there.

    As you point out, Greg Abbott’s being in a wheelchair is no secret in Texas. Mr. Abbott doesn’t make a big deal about his condition. He presents himself as a politician, not as a paraplegic-politician. Like FDR. Years ago I wrote Gregg Abbott in his capacity as AG of Texas, regarding some HOA issues, and got a reply.

    One thing for sure: if Wendy Davis were in a wheelchair, she would be mentioning it in every other sentence.

  30. You’re right that it’s not a secret in Texas about Abbott being in a wheelchair; for example, see here in one of his campaign ads showing him visiting schools.

    So I’m assuming everyone in Texas knows he’s disabled, which means that Davis and Garcia are not just creeps but must be very dumb indeed to be making references to hardships endured and walking in another’s shoes, etc.

  31. When your sole claim to fame is that you worked overtime to try to get women the right to be able to kill their unborn children up until the day that gestation is complete, it is not surprising Davis has to rely upon a (semi) fake life story.

  32. Is it just me or is there just ‘something about’ Texas Dems? Off the top of my head:

    Molly Ivins ( RIP)
    Ann Richards
    Bill Burkett ( Source of the Rathergate documents)
    Dan Rather ( yep, born in Wharton County, Texas)
    Sheila Jackson Lee
    Wendy Davis

  33. ContrarianLibertarian:

    I am in complete agreement that politics should not be a “who suffered more?” contest.

    But if Davis started talking about her own suffering and accused Abbott and her critics of having insufficient understanding of suffering, she is fair game in the suffering competition.

  34. I read the story of her lawsuit against the Disney-owned paper yesterday (a Bob Parks link, I think). It’s a good thing for Davis that conservative journalists are actually professional; it would be fun to patronizingly ask her how she overcame her (repeated bouts of) mental trauma to run for office again.

    She reminds me much of Michigan state representative Lisa Brown, the idiotic vulgarian who told colleagues on the floor of the House, “I’m flattered that you’re all so interested in my vagina, but ‘no’ means ‘no.'” She was censured – just as a man would have been if he suggested the ladies were interested in his junk.

    Then various wingbats descended. The lowest was Eve Pushnet herself flew in to do the V Monologues on the capital steps. Even a British comedienne got involved.

    Lost in the circus was the fact that Brown didn’t know what was in the bill being discussed and brought up her Jewish faith in a kind of pre-emptive Victim Card strike. I hope that Davis and her crew don’t manage to redirect the “narrative.”

  35. Am I to understand that her ex-husband was granted custody of both children, the one from Davis’ previous relationship in addition to the child he fathered?

    I guess he’s good for something after all…

  36. Is it fair to say Wendy Davis hate paraplegics?

    She had to that is what he is and that he can’t walk even in his own shoes. That is just mean.

  37. I love it – we’re lying, presenting facts in a different-than-real light to gin up the voter base, but don’t you dare question us!

    Liberal trash…oh wait, I’m repeating myself there…

  38. Pingback:Wendy Davis: Joe Biden in pink sneakers - BitsBlog

  39. Pingback:Wendy Davis: Paraplegic Greg Abbot ' Never Walked A Day In My Shoes'

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  41. “I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which a man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.” – Former Congressman Barbara Jordan

    “I believe that men women have a capacity for reason understanding and decisiveness compassion which a woman man structurally does not have, does not have it because she he cannot have it. She’s He’s just incapable of it.” – Former Congressman Barbara Jordan

  42. Pingback:Pastor Mikes Report | Wendy Davis: Paraplegic Greg Abbot ‘ Never Walked A Day In My Shoes’

  43. Dave LeBlanc:

    To be fair, Davis didn’t directly write or say, “Greg Abbot hasn’t walked in my shoes.” But she did write, “We’re not surprised by Greg Abbott’s campaign attacks on the personal story of my life as a single mother who worked hard to get ahead.” She riffed on that for a few sentences and then added, addressing her “attackers,” that “I am proud of where I came from and I am proud of what I’ve been able to achieve through hard work and perseverance. And I guarantee you that anyone who tries to say otherwise hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.”

  44. The facts around this case seem too easy to find out, there is no way this would have stayed quiet through November, if the press didn’t print this now, it would have been an October surprise. The timing is too good for Davis to be accident.

  45. Does anyone here even know anyone who wears pink sneakers? I can empathize with lots of different kinds of people in lots of situations, but pink sneakers is a step too far for me.

  46. carl in atlanta
    Is it just me or is there just ‘something about’ Texas Dems? Off the top of my head:..

    You might be interested in this 50 year old book, A Texan Looks at Lyndon, if you can get a hold of it.

    JFK called LBJ “Landslide Johnson,” a nickname that LBJ detested. Unfortunately for Lyndon, he earned the nickname for his 48 vote victory in the 1948 US Senate primary. LBJ’s margin of victory came from ballot-box stuffing in South Texas, a tradition that carries on today. From the NYT:

    DONNA, Tex. – In this Rio Grande Valley town of trailer parks and weedy lots eight miles from the Mexico border, people call them runners or politiqueras – the campaign workers who use their network of relatives and friends to deliver votes for their candidates. They travel around town with binders stuffed with the names and addresses of registered voters, driving residents to and from the polls and urging those they bump into at the grocery store to support their candidates.

    Despite rumors that some politiqueras went over the line in encouraging voters, the tradition continued in Donna and other border towns and cities, and campaigns for nearly every local office or seat have paid politiqueras to turn out the vote in contested races.

    But in recent weeks, the suicide of the school board president here and accusations of vote buying against three politiqueras have rocked the system. The charges may threaten the existence of politiqueras in Donna, an impoverished community of 16,000, where politics and jobs are inseparable. The school system is the largest employer, and city government is the second largest; local politics rivals high school football as a favored pastime.
    Three women working as politiqueras in the 2012 elections in Donna were arrested by F.B.I. agents in December and accused of giving residents cash, drugs, beer and cigarettes in exchange for their votes.

    According to court documents, the typical payment to a voter was $10, a sign of the extreme poverty in the Rio Grande Valley, which is home to some of the poorest counties in America. Two of the three women – Rebecca Gonzalez and Guadalupe Escamilla – are accused of paying some voters as little as $3 for each of their votes. One voter was given a pack of cigarettes. Others were taken to buy drugs after they received cash for voting for a politiquera’s candidate.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.


  47. carl in atlanta
    Is it just me or is there just ‘something about’ Texas Dems? Off the top of my head:..

    I will quote from my comment last month at Chicagoboyz. BP sued a San Antonio lawyer for fraudulent claims regarding the Macondo blowout.

    BP has sued a plaintiff’s lawyer active in the compensation process for the 2010 Macondo disaster, alleging that a $2.3 billion agreement aimed at helping seafood hands affected by the oil spill contained thousands of phony claims.

    The UK supermajor has accused attorney Mikal Watts of inflating estimates of damages and inventing up to half of his 40,000 clients using fake social security numbers. BP made the claims in a civil lawsuit filed on Tuesday in district court.

    Watts, who is also a major political donor to Democratic candidates, stepped down from the plaintiff’s steering committee and federal agents raided his San Antonio office earlier this year as part of a federal investigation, the San Antonio Express-News reported……

    Watts has filed 648 claims for individual crew members, of which 40% listed Social Security numbers belonging to another living person, while 5% belonged to a dead person. About 13% were “dummy” numbers or incomplete.

    Of the claims, only eight were deemed eligible and 17 still pending, according to BP.

    Earlier this month BP alleged that court-appointed judge Patrick Juneau approved a $173,000 payment to an escort service under the claims programme. [The article is now behind a paywall.]

    An article in the San Antonio Express from last February adds to the story.

    Seven months after hosting a private $35,800-a-plate fundraiser for President Barack Obama at his home in The Dominion, nationally recognized plaintiff’s lawyer and Democratic Party stalwart Mikal C. Watts finds himself under federal investigation over the legitimacy of his client list in a case stemming from the 2010 BP oil spill.

    Earlier this month, Secret Service agents, who not only protect the president but investigate cases of fraud, counterfeiting and identity theft, served search warrants at Watts’ two law offices on the Northwest Side, the San Antonio Express-News has confirmed with federal officials and Watts’ attorney.

    An Obama fundraiser being investigated and being sued for fraud in the BP Macondo claims cases. Typical Texas Democrat,I would say.

  48. BroncoBubba …

    If I were Abbott my response would be I wish I could “walk” a day in your shoes. I wish I could “walk” in and out of a trailer and take my kids for a “walk.”

    Oh, if he could do it with a little wit, the way John McCain referred to Hillary’s support of a memorial for Woodstock (“At the time, I was tied up”) …

  49. All I need to know about Wendy Davis is that she stood there and hour after hour, in-your-face, defended the killing of viable, smiling, squirming, thumb-sucking babies only weeks before birth (yes, babies do all those things in utero).

    What kind of a monster not only supports late-term abortion, but supports it vocally, visibly, shamelessly, for all the world to see?

    It’s like Obama when he was in the Illinois state senate, standing up and giving a speech defending the continued legality of infanticide, the “right” to kill babies who are accidentally born alive during unsuccessful late-term abortions.

    Something is wrong, on a very deep level, with people who are so vigorous in their advocacy for killing the most defenseless amongst us. No one that callous and cold-hearted should be allowed to get anywhere near any position that will give them power over our lives.

    Has Obama not proven himself to be a pathologically uncaring, disconnected, unempathetic person? All of this was easily predictable given his cruelty toward even the smallest and weakest.

    If every voter in America would use my basic litmus test — any candidate who advocates for legal baby-killing is automatically disqualified from my vote — we wouldn’t keep getting warped control freaks like Obama in power.

  50. And I guarantee you that anyone who tries to say otherwise hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.

    I guarantee that I will never ever see a need to walk in the shoes of a zombie.

    These “people” aren’t human. And it’s time humans recognized the difference between livestock and free will.

  51. Well, the grotesque, the perverted, the Aquarius ego has indeed sprouted wings, come out of its cocoon, as it were, and you, the watcher, watch while the jury, having received its full amount of gov’t funded tampering, provides pardon, and goes a step further to say hip hip hooray.

  52. Pingback:Wendy Davis Slams Paraplegic Opponent: 'Hasn't walked a day in my shoes' - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - City-Data Forum

  53. It ain’t in DC. This stuff is all over. 50% of Americans are infected and more are being processed as we speak. Soon an entire generation will be like her and Obama. And the rest, the mutations that think they have free will? Those get aborted.

  54. Wendy needs to go to Norway where her looks and socialism wouldn’t be no big thang. Girl, you know that neck is going turkey some time quick, and won’t be marketable even to McDonalds. So, she doin what she can, now, nah wah I mean, and who blame her for dat.

  55. Here’s sumpin us hillbilly and porta potty in the front yard people wonder about. If in about half of the country is so goddamn progressive and friendly, how a come they ain’t?

    Like, if they want the minimum workor to get more an their minimut wager, then why hain’t they just pay moran at der register?

    I don’t realize my misunderstandin on that there point?

    Do any body?

    An if a bortion is freedom, what that make us? I spose we all should get aborted. More freedom that way.

  56. Pingback:Abortion Barbie is ready for prime time! | THE TEXAS SCRIBBLER

  57. Part of the Wendy Davis narrative- a narrative that she chose- is that she rose from the depths of living in a trailer to graduate from Harvard Law.

    My grandfather was a teacher, and a respected enough as a teacher to have a park named for him. The last five years of their lives he and my grandmother lived in a trailer when they could no longer keep up their three story house with an acre lawn.

    My aunt and uncle, both teachers, lived in trailers for 5-10 years.

    Which makes the Wendy Davis narrative rather condescending to my ears.

  58. Wendy Davis is a feminist exemplar. She is the new normal, the paragon, the culmination of decades of struggle against europhallologocentric oppression.

    She should be celebrated for what she is and not condemned for what she is not. She is a true Democrat, the perfect Harvard Grad, the pure politician. She is everything to which feminism and Left aspires.

    She the Mohammed of the Left: the perfect woman.

  59. Let’s see – Wendy Davis was married when she gave birth to her first child (at age 19). She was divorced at age 21 and married her second husband at age 24. So she was a “single mom” for about three years, and was married when she gave birth.

    Does this qualify her as a single mom? To my mind, a single mom is one who gives birth when they are unmarried, or is single for a substantial portion of her offspring’s childhood. Being single for a grand total of three years out of her first child’s life barely seems to qualify her. Especially as her second husband was (apparently) very wealthy and took care of all of her expenses, AND her children, while she chased her personal bliss.

  60. For the left the end justifies the means. It really doesn’t matter whether it is a small white lie or a totally fabricated life story. So long as she is an effective advocate for killing more babies she’ll be loved and supported.

    Because, “it is all for the children” you know.

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  63. The idea of Davis being financed by her husband probably doesn’t bother Democrats much because their redistributionists. They can rationalize that the true story just proves that victim identities can rise with the proper re-allocation of resources.

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  65. I am amazed by the blatant attempts to shut up any counter arguments or claims. It seems to me that I see this mostly coming from the left, but others could be trying that too.

    If you go back to the Grace Garcia and Wendy Davis quotes, the the thread is “Don’t question my narrative. Talk about what I want you to talk about”. Rather than address the accusations toward Wendy Davis’s story, they just want you to “shut up”.

    The horrible metaphor of “walk a mile in my shoes” that neo uncovered is priceless. I did not know Abbot was confined to a wheel chair, but it is now unforgettable. Thanks, Wendy.

  66. Rule of Thumb: Anyone who is claiming victim status and using that as an argument to advance their cause whether it be a law or a candidacy is a liar, a cheat, a brutish thug, a bully, and a vicious low life.

    Treat them accordingly, and that’s it. “Delving” into their cases is a waste of time.

    That rule holds for almost everything, from bridge closings to Presidential elections; from gay marriage to gun control.

  67. “”What I committed to my daughters when I started this journey was that I would not revisit a very difficult time in our life which was that period,” Davis said. “I am not going to revisit that for the purposes of this campaign, not today, not in the future of the campaign. I would just remind you that there are always two sides to every story in a divorce.” http://www.khou.com/news/national/241350111.html

    So now she doesn’t want to talk about it. She doesn’t want to hurt daughters in their twenties and early thirties but it was fine for her to hurt them when they were twelve and twenty one. Her second ex also said her campaign told him to keep his yap shut in another article dated this fall but he said she was going to have to deal with it anyway.

    The only way for Wendy Davis to stop the drip, drip, drip of her own poor choices (she chose to run off with and lived with her boyfriend at 17 against her mothers wishes), her single mom mother (who remarried shortly after her own divorce so stepfather was paying). her non child support paying father who abandoned her (but employed her and introduced her to her second husband probably with the hope of good influence in her downward spiral due to her own choices) and her nasty, money grubbing second divorce for her own convenience, is to drop out shortly. Her political career at anything is over. Jeff Davis is one of the best passive-aggressive grudge bearing smack down artists ever.

  68. Pingback:Wendy Davis (D-Gosnell) keeps on digging … [Darleen Click] UPDATED | protein wisdom

  69. Walking home, after the graveyard shift was done, the sun had come up. Again. Now for the fun, he thought, and that good feeling of survival, of fitting himself to the world, or providing for his family. He walked. The car was for the kids.

    He looked forward to acceptance and warmth and much touching and kissing of the new baby. Wife would bend her head and sigh and exclaim how rough his night must have been. And it had been.

    But he was above it, above it all, because there was this, this home that made the graveyard worth it.

  70. Pingback:Watcher’s Council Nominations – Black And White Edition | Nice Deb

  71. Pingback:Wednesday, January 22, 2014 – Storm Blast Stops Traffic In New York – How Would They Know? | The Daily Spew for the Discerning Few

  72. Gringo:

    I’ve seen some pretty nifty trailers. They can be more like manufactured homes.

  73. Pingback:Watcher’s Council Nominations – Black and White Edition | therightplanet.com

  74. It does seem Wendy Davis has had an exceptional amount of support from men in her life along the way.

    Which is fine and should be a plus in her story rather than a minus. Necessary support from the men in her life doesn’t mean she didn’t work hard for her achievements.

    The problem is she’s based her political goals on a false narrative of feminist striving shorn of masculine support that is simply false.

    More, in light of the exceptional support she’s received from the men in her life, the utter ingratitude, lack of respect, and lack of acknowledgement she has shown for the men she has used and discarded is jarring and that impacts directly on what kind of government official she would be.

  75. Add: The Davis controversy reminds me of the fake-veteran con artists. Of course, stolen-honor fake veterans are normally stigmatized, not defended by Leftists for whom Narrative is truth.

  76. And by the way, I don’t fault him for suing. The tree had been weakened in a previous storm, and came down because it was a windy day the day he was running. It seems as though, had it been properly maintained by the property owner, it would not have fallen.

    I can’t agree with you here, nnc. You run under a tree on a windy day, visibly weakened or not, you take your chances. (And if it were that visibly weakened, why didn’t he see it?) What happened to him was a horrible accident, but suing about something like this that occurs in the ordinary course of nature is as bad in a different way. This abuse of the law is enough to make one want to move to a place without sidewalks.

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  79. Pingback:NewsBusters joins right-wing media in accusing Democratic candidate for Governor of attacking paraplegic opponent by using common metaphor | Busting NewsBusters

  80. Pingback:Wendy Davis | Greg Abbott | challenges | struggles

  81. Pingback:Dana Loesch: “Jeff Davis Is a Better Single Mother Than Wendy Davis” (Video) | The Penn Ave Post

  82. Pingback:Watcher’s Council Nominations – Black And White Edition | Virginia Right!

  83. Pingback:Watcher’s Council nominations for January 23, 2014

  84. Pingback:Wendy Davis crassly panders to gun owners in Texas

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  90. Pingback:The Council Has Spoken!! This Week’s Watcher’s Council Results – 01/24/14 | NoisyRoom.net

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  92. Wendy Davis not only perpetuates bigotry against her paraplegic opponent, but the mentally ill: a feminist resorting to a claim that media pressure and scrutiny created her mental health vulnerability only perpetuates the sexist myth of womb-based hysteria.

    Also, how many pills does it take to cure a behavioral disorder? This woman, an alleged substance abuser, is now drunk with her potential to access power, rather than become a public servant. Harvard Law is tarnished. It would be interesting to delve into her paperwork there.

    Neo-con begins the investigative journey so few professional journalists are ethical enough to pursue.

  93. Pingback:Watcher’s Council winners for January 24, 2014

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