Home » President Obama gives Pravda…


President Obama gives <i>Pravda</i>… — 23 Comments

  1. “… thought leaders..”

    Audacity and pride describe, along with hubris, the narcissism of the left. These people are so full of their own BS they will never realize how utterly foolish and uniformed they are; and as they shrug off their mortal coils they will die in denial of their vain folly.

  2. ” . . . several meetings with thought leaders from across the political spectrum during his presidency.”

    “From across the political spectrum.”

    “From across the political spectrum.”

    “From across the political spectrum”???

    Who the h#ll are they kiddin’??? (Not this dude.)

    [shakes head in disbelief]

    Have some people got their heads wedged!

  3. M J R, maybe “across the sprectrum” is supposed to mean from blue to indigo in this case.

  4. “thought leaders from across the political spectrum”
    “That’s right honey, we got both kinds of music – country and western!”

  5. I’d thought Juan Williams was dense and befuddled before. Now I know he’s a paid propagandist for Obama. See? Transparency!

  6. Hasn’t a control freak state with a ubiquitous propaganda arm, led by a personality cult dictator been tried somewhere before?

  7. *enable deep sarcasm”

    Gee, can’t the President even have a private meeting with his public affairs team without everyone having a cow about it? Sheesh!

    *disable deep sarcasm”

  8. The Left sanctioned Juan and fired him from several services in the past for making certain statements he wouldn’t retract.

    Though he is still a Democrat somehow.

  9. Ymarsakar:

    If you’ve followed Williams’ utterances on Obamacare in the last few months, you’d probably agree with me that he has been second to no one in carrying water for the administration, no matter how arduous and convoluted the task. He has been a wholly-owned administration tool. Whether that was for the express purpose of getting back in the administration’s good graces, whether he would have done it anyway, or whether he sincerely believes the stuff he says, I don’t know. But he’s certainly earned his way back into the inner circle; he’s worked hard for it.

  10. ArmyMom Says:

    November 21st, 2013 at 11:26 pm

    Wow! No bias in the media ….move on….nothing to see here.”

    The collaborationist press has openly become the party organ as Neo suggests.

    “Neo-neocon Says:
    November 22nd, 2013 at 11:15 am


    If you’ve followed Williams’ utterances on Obamacare in the last few months, you’d probably agree with me that he has been second to no one in carrying water for the administration, no matter how arduous and convoluted the task. He has been a wholly-owned administration tool.”

    Now is the time for Neo-neo to post one of those scenes from “Comrade X” or a like film, wherein the jailed Whatever-sheviks they are are led from the dungeon to execution while celebrating their loyalties to the regime that is killing them.

    Reading about the spies Stalin recalled to the USSR so that they could be killed … and they went knowingly … tells you something about the mentality in operation there; and now here.

    Hail comrade!

    Why, Propaganda Commissar David Corn even looks the part.

  11. But he’s certainly earned his way back into the inner circle; he’s worked hard for it.

    I wouldn’t doubt that. The Left’s mind control techniques, operant conditioning, and punishment wouldn’t exist if it didn’t work.

  12. Why, Propaganda Commissar David Corn even looks the part.

    You may or may not recall, but Mitsu a few weeks ago started to question Obama’s moral legitimacy concerning his claim about grandfathering insurance plans. He openly admitted that it was a “lie” or a “mistake”.

    A few weeks later, after an absence here, he came back here and said after his “vacation”, he feels energetic now.

    To do what?

    To defend ObamaCare of course… he went on a roll.

  13. Reminds me of that line in The Blues Brothers:

    Elwood: “What kind of music do you usually have here?”

    Claire: “Oh, we got both kinds. We got country *and* western.”

    On a side note, how does Obama have any time to get any work done with all of his campaign-style trips around the country to tout his latest policy, meeting with activist leaders and their organizations, meeting with “thought leaders” (and really, are journalists/columnists the best source?), television appearances & speeches, state dinners & other WH bashes, golfing, vacations, etc.? If you look at his daily calendar you’ll see that he rarely has his Presidnetial Dialy Briefing before 10:00am.
    Rehtorical question, of course.

  14. Lizzy, Obama thinks he can reset his playstation once America gets nuked. So it doesn’t worry him.

  15. Juan Williams always had excuses for something on Fox News. He was given a chance to defect, but it looks like he didn’t take it.

    Which just goes to show that you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.

    The purpose of tools is to be used and discarded by the masters. Those who choose a life of slavery and abdicate their free will to the Left, are no longer qualified as human in my eyes.

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