France tries to stop the US…
…from appeasing Iran and selling out Israel.
Yes, you heard that right.
[ADDENDUM: Some theories as to why France may have said “non.”]
…from appeasing Iran and selling out Israel.
Yes, you heard that right.
[ADDENDUM: Some theories as to why France may have said “non.”]
The former French president, Nicholas Sarkozy, took a very tough stand re Iran and its nuclear program. Wasn’t he the one responsible for the relatively tough sanctions that Obama’s aiming to soften? Or, rather, soften even more.
I never thought the day would arrive that I, a confirmed Francophobe as a result of my encounters with the French in the US and in Latin America, would ever say that France had a more sensible foreign policy position than the US did.
What will happen next? Will Obama speak three consecutive truthful sentences?
Given the pervasive antisemitism in the black community is this any surprise?
Given the hatred of Israel (as a Marxist oppressor) in the Leftism community is this any surprise?
WOW…How’bout that?! A Leftwing French gov’t takes a (much) tougher stand on Iran than the American gov’t. Whew..! Good for you, Frenchies.
The French, in spite of everything, understand this enemy far better than the affirmative action faculty loungers ..
The US has now fallen below France in the international strength count and spine solidity density.
So all those people talking about Bush weakening us and how Democrats were going to do it better, was just a bunch of political lies, right?
The French, in spite of everything, understand this enemy far better than the affirmative action faculty loungers .
One of the reasons that the French opposed our taking down Saddam was that they feared some blowback within their own borders. Yes, the French do understand this enemy better than our faculty loungers.
Also note that France is taking a fairly active role in several of its former colonies in Africa.
Remember those riots in the the heavily Muslim banlieues a few years ago? France is well aware of the tensions caused by large numbers of unassimilated Muslim immigrants within its borders who are greatly influenced by what’s happening outside the country.
It tells you all you need to know about this administration that the *French* have more backbone.
France was in bed with Saddam due to weapons sales, as well as their President’s immunity to corruption prosecution.
This shows that the only politicians you can (kinda-) trust are the ones who will bear the consequences. Thank goodness for the (not-at-all-cheese-eating-surrender-monkey) French!
The French know Vichy when they see Vichy.
Ymarsakar: that is why I wrote ONE OF THE REASONS.
It doesn’t hurt to remind people every once in awhile of the real history with Iraq. Before long we’ll have the Left’s version of the history of pre and post Iraq taught in the schools. 50 years from now, who knows what’ll that be like.
Also, the French were the Vichy. They united as one nation (except the commies infiltrators who were told to fight fascism before they were allied with fascism) to help the German cause.
That was Vichy.
I will not defend everything the France has done since pre-Nepoleon, but they are steadfastly pro-France without regard to how inconsistent they may be. They realize they (left, right, or in between) are under the gun of an Iran with nuke tipped missiles. Its great fun to make fun of the French, often justified, but instead of making fun at the French, your efforts are better directed on home soil.
“Also, the French were the Vichy. They united as one nation (except the commies infiltrators who were told to fight fascism before they were allied with fascism) to help the German cause.
That was Vichy.”
Non, non; s’il est vrai de nombreux dans la résistance étaient communistes, de nombreux autres ont été tout anti-Vichy et l’allemand. Vive la France.
Its great fun to make fun of the French, often justified, but instead of making fun at the French, your efforts are better directed on home soil.
The lower the position of France, the better the comparison works with the US audience when told they are now beneath even that. The better France is, the better Obama starts looking. Like certain crack smoking mayors in French canada.
The nature of communism is to corrupt all that it touches, irregardless of the individual in question or their wish.
*** A Russian, A Frenchman and an American are shipwrecked on a desert island. For weeks the barely survive, half-starved, eating only whatever washes up on the beach.
One day they find a magic lamp on the sand and when they rub it, a genie pops out and grants each one of them a wish.
The Frenchman says, “I wish to return to France, where we have the best food and the most beautiful women in the world!” And Poof! he disappears and returns to France.
The American says, “I wish to return to the good ol’ USA, where have more money and more time-saving gadgets than anywhere in the world!” And Poof! he disappears and returns to America.
The Russian, a hardcore communist, says, “Those others were greedy and lazy. A hard life is good for a man’s soul! So I prefer to stay here, hungry and without possessions, on this desert island.”
“If that’s the case,” says the genie, “Then what is your wish?”
“Well, I’ll probably get a little lonely, so my wish is – that you bring those other guys back here for company.”
Poof Poof!-Zombie
Lest we forget: during the car-b-que campaign in France Iranian agents were positively linked to supplying gasoline (canned) to the youths.
At the time, selling gasoline in cans was prohibited in the troubled areas.
Subsequently, Chirac made a speech at Cherbourg (?) where he made it crystal clear that atomic retaliation was in store for uppity, disruptive nations. (Iran)
It’s MOSCOW that I don’t understand. Putin has to know that you can’t aim a grenade blast — and you’re in an elevator cabin.
As for Red China: the loss of OPEC crude would ruin the Mandate of Heaven. She would be in absolutely no position to overbid the other players. She’s an energy pig — using more BTU to produce GDP than any other power. Her manufacturing engine would sputter to a halt.
The fracking king would be sitting pretty.
As for the mullahs, they’re functionally insane. They live in an imaginary space no less that Barry and Valerie girl.
BTW, it should be obvious now that V girl is the top policy wonk — not JFK — who is but an errand boy.
It’s MOSCOW that I don’t understand. Putin has to know that you can’t aim a grenade blast – and you’re in an elevator cabin.
That’s why Putin is using Syria’s regime as a barrier to Shia terrorists when it looked like America might topple another dictatorship and replace it with AQ, like in Libya.