Home » If only Stalin knew…code


If only Stalin knew…code — 22 Comments

  1. “…I wanted to go fix it myself, but I don’t write code.”

    As if the problem was bad code. As I’m sure you’ve read, neo, the problems go way, way, beyond that.

    So even in his fake apology he continues to lie.

  2. Great take on his “slip of the tongue” Neo. I, my self, took his comment about not writing code himself as if he is saying that such a mundane task is below him; but I like your take on it better! He does see himself as riding in on that white horse to save us all. (and yes, that royal “we” is annoying)

  3. “I don’t write code” is the only truthful statement BHO has spoken for at least several decades. I love a good debacle hovering around the messiah’s head like a malignant halo.

  4. Of course, writing code relegates the website problem to the lowest level, technically.

    Not that writing code is “low level” in terms of intelligence or technical ability — I know *my* hat’s off to coders — but “low level” in the sense that there are higher levels of planning and oversight in a massive software project. Code writing is the lowest level in a software project, in terms of planning and management and coordination and interfacing and architecture and design and . . .

    But The One knows nothing — not little, but *nothing* — of management, coordination, design, planning, etc. In his solipsistic mind, he knows more than anyone else about virtually everything, but with respect to the world surrounding us mortals, he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.

    Three and a sixth more years . . . three and a sixth more years . . . if we can survive it we’ll get . . . “Hillary!”??

  5. Beyond the narcissistic foolishness, this is just more blaming. The problem is not his own failure to keep track of his signature accomplishment, his administration’s failure to oversee the project competently, their last-minute changes in the specs, or the impossibly byzantine structure of the thing in the first place — it’s those doggoned code writers. If only Obama knew how to write code! He’d show them!

  6. Has there ever been such a combination of arrogance and incompetence wrapped in a single offensive package?

    As per the Kelly file tonight 4.3 million families have lost their insurance coverage thus far.

  7. The [Rush] Limbaugh Theorem: Obama doesn’t govern because that would require results by which he could be judged.
    But Obamacare requires results. Without real-world consequences, it’s just another academic exercise. So by seeking to affect change, he’s forced to engage with the real world and all its messy complexity. He’s now being “hoist on his own petard,” as it were.
    Clint Eastwood could never have predicted how wildly accurate his “empty chair” routine would be.

  8. We’ve speculated before about what libs and Obama supporters would do or think or say when they run into reality.
    It never occurred to me that the reality would include two items: A shattering impact and absolutely no way to blame anybody–like Bush–or anything else.
    This is a blind canyon with a granite roof.
    Not saying libs and Obama supporters will see the light, although some may. What will those who do say, considering what they’ve said so far, including such nasty and vile stuff about conservatives?
    Gloating and schadenfreude are not gracious and only cold pleasures. Will imposing them on libs and Obama supporters be in some way constructive, or only fun?

  9. “…I wanted to go fix it myself, but I don’t write code.”

    The problem isn’t the code it’s what he and HHS wanted the code to do; it’s their requirements that are causing the problems.

    They designed Healthcare (dot)gov with politics in mid, not the end user. Users have to register and enter personal info before getting the price quotes. This is so that the site can apply whatever Obamacare discounts the user is qualified to receive, thus reducing the possibility of “sticker shock” – users truly seeing how much more expensive healthcare is thanks to Obamacare. Database design & coding aside, any random software user could have seen how awful the site would be based on those requirements.
    I suspect their site is also a mess because it was designed to a lot of things not explicitly required, such as voter registration.

  10. Cute, Mister O’Bam-Bam. Next day(Friday)he was in N’Orleans dizzing Bobby Jindal and touting his Infantile Self. Note to Bammy: That s**t you’ve perfected of flying off somewhere, summoning some local droolers and blathering from TOTUS with,”Watch my hands so you won’t see what I’m doing, saying, meaning, conning, etc..” ain’t selling no’mo, Yer Majesty.

    The Boy King is in FULL Catastrophe Mode. Goebbels, Stalin, Saul Alinsky & Billy & Hilly Clinton are proud of’ya Kiddo!!

    Are we Americans not Blessed?

  11. @Neo

    Do you take requests for topics? If so, how and where would you like that addressed?
    (I would like to see De Blasio/NYC addressed)

  12. Obama doesn’t need to use the website. His family is exempt from ObamaCare.

    Now the Left is telling us Obama was burned out on the website, huh?

  13. Ymarsakar:

    No, it was Obama who said that.

    And he was not implying it was because he personally tried to get insurance there. He was implying that his reputation was damaged by the bad rollout, as though he had nothing to do with it and knew nothing about it prior to its opening, and had no responsibility for anything related to it.

    Ridiculous. And yet some people buy that.

  14. Hey did you hear that funny one where it turns out I’m not so great? Yeah, but I humbly accept that so it turns out my humility and honesty make me even greater. And it turns out I could really have perfected the situation but was let down by less perfect people than myself. But I graciously accepted the slight upon my greatness. Ha ha ha, isn’t that great.

    That’s just natural now, folks. Aren’t I something like an avatar, no wait, a god, a god among men. Ha ha ha. Just joking. Although I can do everything better than everybody including writing code, which I can’t do, but I could do better if I just had the time for it. Ha ha ha. That’s a real knee slapper, folks. We’re all laughing, all of us White House/media folk.

  15. Matt_SE:

    You can write it just like you did here, in the comments section, or by email.

    I probably won’t be writing about that election, though, since I haven’t followed it in depth and other issues interest me more at the moment. However (see this), I think De Blasio won because: (1) most New Yorkers no longer remember the bad old days under previous Democrats, so their inner Democrat came out; (2) De Blasio benefited greatly from Weiner’s implosion; (3) De Blasio ran a class warfare campaign, which seems to be all the rage now; and (4) turnout was very low, probably because it was a foregone conclusion that he would win. It’s also possible that De Blasio’s black wife and mixed-race kids helped him to appeal greatly to New York’s minorities, although I think his politics were already geared to appeal to them.

  16. waitforit:

    Funny thing was that, in the video, you can see him pausing for a laugh that never comes.

  17. “Although I can do everything better than everybody including writing code, which I can’t do, but I could do better if I just had the time for it. ”

    That’s exactly the way it sounds, and as someone who’s been writing code since the late ’70s, it *really* irritates me. I don’t care how smart you are, learning to program at a level high enough to hold a job doing it requires at least some lengthy training and a fairly in-depth knowledge of a few among hundreds of tools which differ from each other in a way similar to natural languages (not that they are that complicated, but that’s a reasonable analogy).

    And as someone else pointed out, the real problems are at the more abstract and conceptual level. Even to think he could fix it as a coder is like thinking he could pick up a few tools and fix an airplane so badly designed that its wings could never provide enough lift to get it off the ground.

    He really does have delusions of grandeur.

  18. Neo: “Funny thing was that, in the video, you can see him pausing for a laugh that never comes.”

    OMG! I never noticed that before – now the joke is funny!

    No, really, Mr President, we are not laughing at you, we are laughing with you (see anyone of us can tell a lie)

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