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If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor… — 16 Comments

  1. Well, if you can believe “We’re going to add 47 million people to the health care system, and we’re going to bring costs down,” I guess you can swallow anything.

  2. The current state enrollment process is designed to get the majority of eligible people onto Medicaid as quickly as possible. Once this happens with the rest facing crippling health insurance costs between premiums, deductibles and co-pays the Democrats will press hard to get rid of the insurance companies because they are gouging the “folks”. At that point the only options are to go single payer or toss all those new Medicaid recipients out. Care to bet which will happen?

    Could Medicaid expansion also be a reason nobody was concerned about HeatlthCare.gov not working? I fully expect to see a new line item on my pay check stub for an ACA tax.

  3. Les…

    The ACA is more about tyranny than health care or health insurance.

    It should be obvious by now that the medical profession is rebelling.

    Few physicians can tolerate the intrusions of the Feds into their practices — coerced by financial sanctions — even loss of licenses.

    The tyrannical part turns on the reality of zero privacy — starting with ones financial life. While enrolling, one has to surrender all of the details such as ones bank account(s).

    When combined with NSA meta data, the ACA permits the maladministration to digitally target wrong thinking voters en masse with targeted IRS regulations.

    This digital assault on the neo-Kulacks is much more effective towards fulsome political control than the Holodomor. This time round the victims are suffocated by financial starvation.


    By the way, has anyone noted that 0bamacare is structured exactly like Medicaid in terms of intrusion?

    Barry’s putting the entire polity on ‘welfare’ structurally. That’s what the subsidies are all about. They can be, and will be, manipulated at the executive whim of the Feds/ IRS.

    Look at how politicized the exemptions are — as in totally.

  4. It’s the same news every day: Obama has lied.

    Everyone knows.

    The next step has not been taken and it is vital that it be taken: That the Law of What Eventually Happens to Liars happens to him – that is, no one believes a word they say.

    Let us pray this is reaching critical mass. Europe has caught on we hope. The Saudis. The Ruskies. The Israelis.

    The people who voted for him will be the very last. It is hardest for them. There calling the Liar a liar will be the same as calling themselves out for being the rotten people who believed him and made a man who hates America its President – twice.

    Odds are only the brave will take that step. We must encourage bravery. It’s the only chance we got.

  5. P.S. I am still asking: Who won the shutdown now? Is not Ted Cruz the most trusted and reliable public figure in America right now? Have not events shown the Terrorist tea Party to be correct?

    I think so. Once it sinks in, Cruz and the Tea Party will be seen as the heroes they are.

  6. neo writes, “The GOP should hang those words like millstones around the necks of Obama and the Democrats. I wonder if they will.”

    Tell ya what: I won’t hold my breath.

    Hate to say/write it, but the GOP is only marginally more competent at making its case — and (yes) I am taking into account the fact that the mainstream media are squarely in the Democrat corner and will do their utmost to distort and/or bury the GOP case — than are the architects of the ACA website.

  7. “… as calling themselves out for being the rotten people who believed him and made a man who hates America its President — twice.”

    Some of them, the hard core ultra statists, are indeed rotten to the core. IMO most who voted for the messiah are not rotten; they are ill-informed and wishful thinkers who trust that the democrats are benevolent and intelligent politicians that will make everything better for everyone. As opposed to the starve the children republicans who will wheel granny off the cliff.

    Its highly ironic that it is the democrats who want to see granny die as soon as possible… except their grannies of course.

    “Once it sinks in, Cruz and the Tea Party will be seen as the heroes they are.”

    I’m hoping this is true, especially when it comes to the under 30 crowd and my boomer generation.

  8. @Parker,

    I am afraid I must respectfully disagree, and here are my reasons:

    1. The most obvious is the definite 100% true fact of reality shown by history in its entirely and people at their broken cores: We are all rotten much oif the time, or at least some of the time. We can paraphrase Lincioln here: Some people are rotten all of the time; and all people are rotten some of the time; but not all people are rotten all of the time.

    If you deny that you are whacko crazy and rotten too. I trust you are not. Let’s call reality what it is, and to paraphrase the Gumpster – Rotten is as rotten does. In voting for Obama they were rotten rotten rotten and twice more than that. As long as they do not repent of that, right there and forever they stay rotten and that is just the way it is.

    2. We will Never progress; we will Never succeed, until we begin once again to call things what they are and let it be.

    They are rotten.

    They are now getting what they deserve. The problem is that the rest of us are getting what they deserve too and that ‘aint right (although as the nuns and my parents used to say when I plead innocence – “You probably did something else wrong so take your punishment and deal with it”. People were much smarter, far less rotten, and much more humane then than we are now. Why? They told the truth more often)

  9. “They are now getting what they deserve. The problem is that the rest of us are getting what they deserve too and that ‘aint right… ”


    When you believe in things you don’t understand you suffer and you make others suffer. Those who believe in things they don’t understand are not always ‘rotten’; they are just dupes to superstition/dogma/ignorance. It doesn’t make them evil, it makes them dangerous to everyone around them.

    Tests before being allowed to vote is the way. I’m nearly 66 (still not signed up for DC care) and tired of ignorant/stupid people deciding the laws I am expected to live under. Long ago I declared to myself I will refuse to obey laws imposed by mob rule. *^&# ’em. I am a free born American. All they can do is kill you and when you accept that all born die it is liberating.

  10. Mike,

    Pain is a good thing. Pain tells a person that something is wrong…. while I don’t appreciate sharing pain I did not cause, it is just the way things are… life is not fair.

  11. Mike: To them, Obama has not lied. To lefties, the words “lie” and “truth” have different meanings than they do to us. “Truth” is anything which advances the cause; a “lie” is anything which hinders it. Therefore, whatever Barry and his henchmen (and henchwomen!) says to get people to sign up for Obamacare is the “Truth.” Whatever Republicans say that shows what’s wrong with O-care is a “Lie.”

    Just remember the motto of the Ministry of Truth and it all becomes clear.

  12. People keep saying that the private plans have been discontinued because they don’t “meet the Obamacare standards/demands,” etc.

    Well, that is NOT true in New York State, at least as far as I know: my premium was DOUBLED over the last five years, from $375 to $688, all to meet these damn govt. demands (a.k.a. rent-seeking from various lobbies looking to swill at the trough).

    The new “requirements?” Nobody has clarified what they are “requiring” that is “new,” and no one, of course, is asking! that would take Reporters or something. Journalists. From what I’ve seen, my current plan already covers everything. People seem to have this idea that they’re only jettisoning “catastrophic” plans. Not so! we in my professional association all have comprehensive full-coverage HMOs. (HMOs that, by the way, haven’t paid out the 100% they used to for in-network service for the past 2 years: now it’s down to 80%).

    There aren’t that many “catastrophic plan” customers in the insurance pool, I don’t think. Most indies I know are doing something like I am, and paying full freight and then some.

    But wait! There’s more! The letter my company sent says about the percentages of costs covered (e.g., they pay 60%, you pay 40%, which is terrible): “Please note: this does not mean that your insurance company will pay that specific percentage of every bill. It simply means that the insurance company will pay that average percentage for all policyholders over the course of a year.” [italics theirs]

    Er, WHAT?

    Furthermore: the letter from EmblemHealth notes that “your current policy may already include some OR ALL of the Essential Health Benefits,” i.e., the diktats from our rulers concerning what we are ordered to purchase. IOW, they are admitting that the claim that the policies are being ashcanned as sub-par is not necessarily the case. It sure isn’t in mine or my colleagues’.

    Curious? This is the URL EmblemHealth gave us: https://myportal.dfs.ny.gov/web/prior-approval/welcome

  13. When this bilge hits the employer market and all of you who are currently protected by employer plans are affected, it will be interesting to see what happens. If your employer dumps you onto the Exchanges, brace yourself for Medicaid-type hell at higher-than-retail prices.

    I saw this [below] linked from another blog. Here’s one of the horror stories, and at the link following is a slew of other people’s sticker-shock stories about Obamacare.

    Note that Lindsay found out the same type of bad news that I did, and she’s in Texas.

    Lindsay, Texas:

    Our government and their ridiculous views have screwed me. I was laid off this past April from the mortgage company I worked for. I filed for unemployment and then became sick with serious heart and intestinal issues and am currently in need of an arterial bypass on my Superior Mesenteric Artery and an intestinal reroute and bypass to avoid any further issues. Unfortunately, until I’m right on “Death’s Door”, I can’t have it done because as a single mom, I can’t afford what will be probably a $250k surgery.

    See, in Texas, you don’t qualify for Medicaid if you make more than $251/mo for a family of 3. That said, I had to apply for Obamacare. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that I don’t make enough to qualify for Obamacare and they referred me to apply for Medicaid.

    So now, I’m here. Waiting for what will eventually kill me because I fall in between and don’t qualify for either option. I’m the poster child for who Obama said he was helping. The single mom who is struggling to get by.

    I continue to make my mortgage, buy groceries and pay utilities. My father helps me with my prescriptions for now but he’s on disability and can’t help much. I’ve called the Governor’s office to speak with an Aide or Chief of Staff, yet funny how nobody can return a phone call. Ever.<<

    Much more anecdotal info here from a host of other people across the nation:


  14. When all the doctors quit, you can still keep your doctor? No wonder they liked the pro slavery talk of the Left.

  15. Richard,

    I don’t doubt it. I agree. All I am adding is that those people are rotten. Every single one of them.

  16. }}} How could such a promise have ever been made–and, more importantly, believed?

    The really, really amazing part is that, having failed, there are any number of people who say it has not.

    It seems clear — you really CAN fool some of the people **ALL** of the time.

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