Thank you! Thank you!
…and thank you yet again.
To everyone who donated in my latest pledge drive (and in the past, and in the future), I deeply appreciate what you’ve done to help keep me blogging (and eating, and putting gas in my car…). You really can’t imagine how grateful and touched I am by your generosity.
As an ex-dancer, the following seems like a nice way to convey my gratitude. It called a reverence, a French word (as is most of the terminology of ballet) meaning:
The last exercises of a ballet class in which the ballet dancers pay respect to and acknowledge the teacher and pianist [is the reverence]. Reverence usually includes bows, curtsies, and ports de bras, and is a way of celebrating ballet’s traditions of elegance and respect.
“Traditions of elegance and respect.” Maybe that’s what I’ve always liked about ballet—learning it, in particular. That, and the challenge, and the music…
If I buy any books in the future, I’ll be sure to remember about the search page here.
Your regular readers/commenters have the sense to know you are a thoughtful, forthright, and modest person. It is allowed that you ask for $$ support as often as needed. This is a place of sanity and needs to be preserved and maintained.
you’re welcome. go cards!!!
you realize that technicaly its not a pledge drive
a pledge is when you promise now what you will give later