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Compare and contrast — 7 Comments

  1. No one is out “race baiting” for Chris Lane. That is why hardly anyone knows about it.

    It doesn’t server the political opportunist in office either.

    Dead Silence.

  2. It’s amazing that no one cares that the Lane murderers are also dead–soul dead. The race baiters don’t really care about what is happening to black kids. Don’t they realize that by the MLK content of their character measure, these kids would still be at the bottom of the pile.

    I hope these college kids are prompted by this video to start thinking about the “wisdom”they have received.

  3. Well, there it is in a nutshell. They haven’t a clue.

    Most people believe what they’re told is the right thing to believe and when they do encounter facts that contradict what they believe, well, “Most people, sometime in their lives, stumble across the truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on about their business as if nothing had happened.” Winston Churchill

  4. First, it wasn’t a “white” guy who shot a black guy. That was a tale told by a journalist. The “white” guy was either Hispanic-American or white-Hispanic American as classified in civil rights ledgers, or simply as American by those who do not stand to benefit from exploiting differentials and gradients.

    That said, those people demonstrated discernment which offers some hope for positive progress in developing the American tribe, white, black, brown, or whatever.

    As for Obama, in the words of Obama, he acted stupidly. He expressed selective indignation and shall forevermore be judged by the content of his character which has revealed itself to be either incompetent or corrupt.

  5. These college kids are all trapped in the Pinkos’ Matrix.

    The young man who interviewed them hit the perfect note of reasonable, non-aggressive inquiry. I also think it’s hopeful that the second black student, in particular, seemed to be well aware of the BS involved in selecting and playing up certain types of incidents (though his analysis was shallow): at least he knew there’s more in play than “finding the Truth” and reporting it in the “news” business.

  6. Always wondered why colleges didn’t have a psychological warfare, indoctrination, brainwashing, and Art of Propaganda curriculum.

    Perhaps the masses don’t need to know about such things.

    I had to use out of mainstream sources to obtain what I needed to study.

    Also the first guy has a habit of looking down with his eyes when he is thinking or accessing his memory. Might want to get that checked up on at the next interrogation resistance session.

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