Meanwhile, on the Obamacare front
Remember Obamacare? President Obama and Congress do:
It is not often that a president announces his decision not to enforce a law as written, the House of Representatives responds by offering to restore the rule of law by amending that law to permit the delay the president wishes .”‰”‰.”‰”‰. and then the president threatens to veto that legislation if it gets to his desk. But such is the pathbreaking and jaw-dropping spectacle of Obamacare.
The author of the piece, Jeffrey H. Anderson, reminds us also that Obama’s actions on this should act as a goad to the GOP to realize that they can’t trust him not to do the same on any immigration law they might pass, especially on enforcement of border control.
So, what are the House and Senate planning to do about Obamacare at this point? It’s hard to say (and of course only the House has a Republican majority, and not a huge one at that), although that doesn’t stop a lot of people from opining, and pundits from guessing. There’s this, for example (and it might even be true):
U.S. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) told TheBlaze Monday he has recruited more than a dozen Senate Republicans to help him defund President Barack Obama’s landmark health care law.
Fifteen Republican senators, including Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.), Ted Cruz (Texas), John Cornyn (Texas), Rand Paul (Ky.), James Inhofe (Okla.), David Vitter (La.), James Risch (Idaho), Roger Wicker (Miss.), Jeff Chiesa (N.J.), John Thune (S.D.), Mike Enzi (Wyo.), Deb Fischer (Neb.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), and Chuck Grassley (Iowa), will block a continuing resolution to keep the government funded beyond Sept. 30 if it includes funding for Obamacare, Lee said.
Of course, it will take a lot more than fifteen Republican senators to do this. A lot.
[NOTE: Four ways to defunding, from the Heritage Foundation.]
“especially on enforcement of border control”
Yes, because 1.6 million deported immigrants, 20,000+ border patrol agents and $18 billion for border security isn’t enough.
Defunding is what needs to happen. There should be a clear statement, like the Heritage Foundation is laying it out, as to why it needs to be defunded – only shorter, pithier.
The ACA promised you could keep your insurance, and doctor if you liked them. You can’t.
The ACA does not make health care or health insurance more affordable.
The ACA is responsible for slowing the hiring of full time workers.
The ACA is causing doctors to retire early, creating a doctor shortage.
The ACA is hurting union health insurance plans.
The ACA cannot be tweaked, it is a Frankenstein Monster that threatens the well-being of too many Americans.
Deb Fischer is tough!
It isn’t enough if it doesn’t do the job, Andrew.
Just for grins, I would like to see your source for the figure of 1.6 million illegals deported. It is generally a nice thing to include when you quote statistics.
Someone once said we shouldn’t waste a perfectly good ‘crisis’ or in this case a political debacle.
This -Obamacare – can’t be totally removed before Feb of 2017 by a Republican president, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be useful between now and then.
Various Republican sources should offer – unofficially – market based solutions in order to give the voters occupying the middle ground a concrete alternative to the unfolding disaster that is Obamacare.
And then as Obamacare disaster grows – every messy detail needs to be tied in the public’s collective mind tightly to Obama and any Democrat who wants to stand with him – just in time for the elections (both 2014 and 2016).
And the Republicans should be aggressive about making sure that every Democrat up for election – even for dog catcher – is forced either to publicly support it or publicly repudiate it.
This should be done in parallel with more potential laden of the Obama scandals now incubating e.g. IRS, and the process can be accelerated.
For example, in the case of the IRS, in so many words, it can be made clear to the many career minions at the IRS what the words – pogrom and retribution – come to mind – really mean. If the political winds continue to shift against the Democrats probably a number of them will begin to see the advantages of coming forward early. The IRS will not be able to proactively pursue conservative groups this go around. After a Republican president takes office Jan 2017 ‘reforms’ and investigations will need to be undertaken to uncover everyone who participated in the criminal activities prior to the 2012 elections and they will need to be prosecuted aggressively by the reformed civil justice branch of the Dept of Justice.
I know this sounds hopelessly naive, but then, I was born in 1946. When the President says that he will not enforce a law, regardless of whose behest got it passed, is that not a violation of his oath, and thus an impeachable offense? Of course it is. The Constitution was written for the people, and it is up to us to find a way to take back our sovereign power.
It’ll take awhile, 100 more WACOs, before people stop believing in these “political solutions” they speak of.
As things get worst, people will welcome solutions they deemed crazy and extreme just a few years ago. They will welcome them as being cheap solutions, panacea cures to cancer even.
Such is the difference of view hate and love gives to human things.
Without love, it cannot be seen.
Without hate, evil can neither be seen nor fought.