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Moving right along… — 17 Comments

  1. I guess the jig is up. John Boner is going to crucify me.

  2. The Reds know they have no effective opposition to worry about from the (mostly) Vichy Republicans. I bet they’re not the least bit concerned that this is now public knowledge, in conservative quarters.

    I sent a lefty friend (NYC Dem) a great essay by Daniel Greenfield on the Middle Eastern situation, and she immediately scurried to see if the writer was under the Interdict: she shot back this reply.

    “I went to his blog and he proudly says that his writing has been cited by Rush Limbaugh, why would he be proud of that? Limbaugh is a kook, and that’s being nice. Also Glenn Beck? Ugh.”

    She thinks she’s an out of the box thinker because she voted for Mikey “Beantown Liberal” Bloomberg.

  3. Even if they get a video of Obama giving instructions to Mr. Wilkins, it will not lead to anything happening to Obama. At least that’s my opinion.

    What needs to be done is to show, as clearly as possible, that the democrat administration is using the power of the IRS to target their political enemies. Conservative candidates can then run on a platform of reforming the IRS. Attacking Obama specifically gets no traction. He is too charming – somewhat like Dzokhar Tsarnaev. Attack the intentions and corruption in the administration, not Obama personally. At least that’s the way I see it.

  4. I had wondered what happened to the Tea Party after the initial elections victories they had achieved.

    I had come to the conclusion that they lacked the war funding to compete against the Left’s war machine.

    In truth, it seems their funding itself was shriveled up and destroyed, not by the Tea Party’s own actions or activities, but by the government’s.

    Way to conduct counter insurgency there. If only we had such Leftist skills in Iraq when we needed it…

  5. No matter who Americans elect, the Leftists will turn that person’s campaign against the IRS into a campaign to empower the IRS. They do this partially because they control Republican primaries and partially because they have a good blackmail system going on.

  6. If you do not believe in such things, just look at many Republicans ran on immigration and border security… then see how they actually apply their rhetoric to reality.

    The Leftist alliance has created many war machines to deal with resistance.

  7. And neither this transgression nor Benghazi, nor the NSA scandals are in the news much anymore, because nobody can stop talking about Zimmerman.
    Fox News has been almost completely distracted by it, with the broken record Hannity and Greta Van Crookedgrin devoting almost every minute to endless forums going over the same things ad nauseum.
    Obama and Holder orchestrated the continuing distractions from their own real problems perfectly. And the usual suspects in the conservative media jumped on it
    They’re like puppies who can easily be distracted from whatever they’re doing by waving a new toy or a bone and getting it’s attention. The conservative media keeps chasing the new toy, and Obama and company always have a new toy ready for the eager pups to run after. It’s sad and funny at the same time how easily they’re played.

  8. Thank-you, southpaw. I am so, so, so, so sick of that damn trial I refuse to talk about it.

    And how convenient for the MSM to swamp us with round-the-clock Zimmerman coverage just when King Barack started to get splattered with muck from the fan because of his scandal-a-day administration. When a skunk like Sharpton spews forth, everyone must stop and attend to his demands!??

    How about we get back to something that actually matters, like the use of IRS intimidation to possibly alter elections by quashing a huge surge of momentum by Tea-Party groups. Is it just a coincidence that the powerful groundswell that swept the 2010 elections basically disappeared in 2012?

  9. Neo:

    Please don’t think my writing “How about we get back to something that actually matters…” was directed at you. It was a howl of exasperation hurled at the entire world (as if it cares). Maybe it’s just me, but this whole mess made me heartsick and angry and disgusted to such an extreme I surprised myself.

    As far as I’m concerned, that trial should have remained on the third page of the Sandford Bugle. But once it exploded, it was inevitable that you and others would discuss it. Your entries on the subject were among the most sane commentary and included more facts than a dozen days of TV news. Also, you did not neglect the IRS and other stories while all this was going on.

  10. Gary,

    It would even have been okay had it been directed at me.

    But I appreciate what you added here. This trial has also made me heartsick and angry, to see the brazen distortions perpetrated, and then swallowed whole and spread. I think if a poll was conducted, probably something like 75% of the population would believe the lies and distortions rather than the truth.

  11. Neo:

    I’m not so naive as to think the truth will always win out. But you’d think it might count for something. During this episode I sometimes felt like I’d been locked in a loony bin. The inability of the general public to a) focus on the specifics of evidence and the law, b) distinguish between facts, emotions, speculation and irrelevancies, and c) critically examine the rubbish coughed up by the MSM–all this leaves me depressed and dumbfounded.

    If the MSM frequently reported that the sun rises in the west, at this point I would not be too surprised if a majority believed it.

  12. Left out the worst deficiency of all: the inability of the general public to ignore (or even ostracize) the hateful race-baiters like Sharpton, et al.

  13. I do think that trial is important, because the very concept of self-defense itself is under attack.

    Self-defense has already been effectively outlawed in England, so don’t think it can’t happen here.

  14. Self Defense was already effectively outlawed in New Orleans. Foreigners in England don’t even need to become our examples.

    Gun Free zones might as well be labeled self defense free zones.

  15. The way to handle Leftist propaganda is not to ignore some things vs other things. It is to tie together a narrative, no matter what the subject is.

    My narrative is that the Left is evil and needs to be destroyed, before elections can change, reform, or improve anything. Thus the scandals can be worked in that narrative. Zimmerman’s problems can be worked in. Anything can be worked in.

    The idea that one has to “control” the media propaganda by “ignoring stories that the Left wants to talk about” is a very bad strategy. It’s basically posting a huge billboard for everyone to see, which reads “this topic is something I have no answers about and can’t contest”.

    Ignoring the Left is like ignoring the Left’s propaganda. Which is ultimately like ignoring criminals and terrorists. Not going to work.

    Propaganda is flexible and useful precisely because it doesn’t matter what the topic is, it can always be utilized to attack an enemy with. No matter what it is.

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