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What do Steven Pagones, Kareem Brunner and George Zimmerman have in common? — 28 Comments

  1. The fact that Sharpton is treated as a reputable commenter on the news of the day should tell any thinking person all they need to know about the reputation of the MSM. This nasty worm has harmed many people with his race baiting schemes and audacious conspiracies.

  2. Sharpton’s supporters and those in the MSM and on the left who tolerate him — as well as the protestors in the streets this week, and the NAACP complaining about a “lynching,” and, I submit, our President and many of his supporters — are addicted to racism. The belief in white racism and black victimization feeds something in them so deeply that they need it in the same way that the addict needs heroin and the alcoholic needs gin. Whatever it takes to feed the delusion, whatever denial of inconvenient facts, whatever destruction of inconvenient people — whatever it takes, they’ll do, so long as they can go on believing that every encounter with a non-black person that ends badly for a black person is a morality play about the evil of being white.

  3. The good suffer and the wicked prosper.

    When we fail to loudly call evil people like Sharpton (Obama, Reid, Pelosi) what they are – evil; then evil is free to do what evil does: It always and invariably lies and destroys people, places and things.

    Then we are “shocked” that whenever the opportunity presents itself these same rotten to the core and diabolically motived people do their thing again – as predicatable as night following day.

    It’s like a reverse Charlie Brown. There is absolutely no doubt at all that Sharpton, Jackson and every race baiter there is is going to do what? Race bait.

    Every time he does it we say – “Oh my gosh. He did it again!”

    He should be in jail.

    When we put him there we will have regained both our courage and our senses.

  4. It occurs to me when I read things like this that I have never heard a black person express anything resembling approval approval for Al Sharpton. On the other hand I’ve heard several black men tell me something to the effect that he’s a dishonest self promoter (I recall one guy telling me he wouldn’t believe Al Sharpton if he said the sky was blue). He must have his supporters out there, but I don’t think they’re within the mainstream black community. Probably fitting then that he is now on a network by and for rich white people.

  5. Considering all the harm that Al Sharpton’s race-baiting has already done in his long life, it is incredible to me that anyone still listens to him. Another race-baiter is Benjamin Jealous, NAACP President.

    NAACP President Benjamin Jealous has spoken on the verdict.

    ABC News reports that the NAACP wants the Department of Justice to prosecute Zimmerman on civil rights charges.

    “We are outraged and heartbroken over today’s verdict,” NAACP President Benjamin Jealous said in a statement. “We will pursue civil rights charges with the Department of Justice, we will continue to fight for the removal of Stand Your Ground laws in every state, and we will not rest until racial profiling in all its forms is outlawed.”

    As others have pointed out, the Zimmerman defense did not cite Stand Your Ground as a defense. NAACP President Benjamin Jealous is not the first, not will he be the last, to mistakenly refer to Stand Your Ground in the context of the Zimmerman trial. Stand Your Ground does not apply to Ground and Pound, which is what Trayvon Martin was inflicting on George Zimmerman.

    What is also interesting is that Bejnamin Jealous is the President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons, yet he appears to be whiter than George Zimmerman, the alleged White Hispanic with an Afro-Peruvian grandmother or great grandmother. Both Benjamin Jealous and George Zimmerman had white fathers. It is amusing that Benjamin Jealous, who appears to be whiter than George Zimmerman, is claiming that George Zimmerman was somehow a racist who violated Trayvon Martin’s civil rights.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:BenJealous.jpg Benjamin Jealous picture

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Zimmerman,_George_-_Seminole_County_Mug.jpg George Zimmerman picture.

  6. Baltimoron
    It occurs to me when I read things like this that I have never heard a black person express anything resembling approval approval for Al Sharpton.

    Which proves that black people are not as stupid as Al Sharpton assumes they are. [OTOH, given what Al Sharpton has been able to get away with over the years with whites, whites must be as stupid as Al Sharpton assumes they are.]

    Along that line, it seems to me that in the 4+ years that Obama has been President, it seems to me that white liberals have played the race card much more than blacks have. Odds are these days that if you hear someone accusing a wingnut of being a racist, the accusation comes from a white liberal, not from a black.

  7. The jury instructions:

    Based on them, it’s easy to understand the verdict.

    FYI, “stand your ground” is part of the instructions.

    If George Zimmerman was not engaged in an unlawful activity and was attacked in any place where he had a right to be, he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he reasonably believed that it was necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

  8. Baltimoron y gringo:
    Where I live it is 30% black, and I assure you that the 95% majority thereof are Dems, elect corrupt city district reps, claim racism at many opportunities, have organizations titled, in part, ‘Black….’

    They hold a disproportionate share of public jobs.

  9. Its time to break up the corporate mega farms an offer 40 acre parcels free and clear to those who per their feelings that they are victims of the injustice of finding GZ not guilty. Throw in a mule, a good well, and a outhouse that meets EPA standards. Give them farming equipments, seed sets, free canning jars complete with tops and rings. Plus no state or federal taxes for 5 years. The contract will require that they have to live on their homestead 24/7 for 5 years. No further assistance will be given. And there will be no cellphone, TVs, and no computers. Land lines are okay but you have to pay for that themselves.

    This would give them a sense that the words of MLK have finally found a home where they are going to be judged by their abilities and their successes without interference by the EVIL Crackers.

  10. It’s not just the MSM, it is a sickening disgrace that Sharpton is taken seriously by the NY Democrat party. This sc*mbag is not just a sleazy demagogue, he has blood on his hands, lots of it.

  11. I left a few things out on the 40 acres proposal…

    1) There will be a cabin provided with room for 3-5 adults and children. All essential furniture would be in place. Heating would be provided by a Ben Franklin stove and wooden cook stove. Timber would be provided for them to create wood for the stoves.

    2) All children would be home schooled to whatever standards parents feel is necessary.

    3) 3 months of dry and canned goods would be provided to fead the pioneers until their own resources can provide for their news.

    4) Evil whites and those murderous white hispanics would not be allowed to come within 5 miles of their homesteads.

  12. I think most of us know what the game is.

    Leftists use enraged mobs as their shock troops against the rest of us — anyone who still defends American and Judeo-Christian values.

    The easiest way to whip a mob into a frenzy is to make them think they’re victims of racism: ergo, the blacks are their favorite troops. (Not just inner-city types: look at Jamie Foxx.)

    I used to get riled up and outraged when they played the women’s rights card: I finally noticed, after 30 years (yeah, I was an idiot!) that the Evil Republicans somehow never got around to doing the stuff to women that the Leftists were always screaming that they were going to do.

    I hope that some black Americans wise up the same way. But too many get off on being victims and getting free stuff/passes/pats on the head, etc., etc. Besides which, as any Leftist can tell you, that feeling of self-righteousness is positively voluptuous.

  13. MEME ALERT: I’ve been editing marxist books for a major uni press (don’t ask), and I’ve spotted the next Pinko Meme.

    “Rampant Individualism.”


    “Unbridled Individualism.”

    This has been cropping up again and again in these professors’ bilge, so look for it to make it to the JournoList crowd in short order. They’re working overtime at discrediting:

    Adult decision-making

    Like the odious B.F. Skinner said, we have to get “BEYOND Freedom and Dignity.” Shoot, even as a college sophomore in 1975, I knew that book stunk.

  14. Beverly,

    I would add the concept of Free Will. A couple of years back, there was a rash of ‘scientific’ articles aimed at discrediting the idea that we have free will.

    They are preparing.

  15. Gringo,

    The subversive consequence of Jealous/NAACP’s stance on the Zimmerman case and other issues is to normalize, even elevate, dysfunction and to censure good citizenship.

    The NAACP’s most beneficial lesson for our nation’s youth from the episode, most of all but certainly not limited to our black youth, is Trayvon Martin is a cautionary tale.

    Not that he deserved to die, but the lesson should be that Trayvon did it wrong on the day he died and the lifestyle that led him to his fatal mistakes is wrong.

    At the same time, while mourning Martin’s death, the NAACP should be upholding the essential civic values underlying Zimmerman’s decisions.

    Martin’s death is a teachable moment, but the NAACP is teaching a harmful lesson that takes us backwards, rather than the constructive lesson that can advance us.

  16. Beverly, I’ve noticed for years that the regular people have been drifting to that way of thinking for a while. It’s sickening coming from people who think that traditional rules for life are stifling. (I could write pages on how personal achievement or someone else’s career change ca make people uncomfortable or hostile when it reflects on their own lack of initiative!)

    People talk a lot about individual choice and personal freedom (especially sexual freedom). They really believe that people should feel free “to be different just like everyone else,” as one of my baby brother’s dorm-mates put it in an unguarded moment.

    One of the conservative pundits used the example of a lobster climbing out of the cooking pot, only to have the other lobsters latch on and pull it back in.

  17. I hope he sues the crap out of these people. However, the money wouldn’t be enough for me.

    I’d demand that Sharpton go on TV, and tell the world that he’s sorry for what he did, and that he’d have to pay for the commercial out of his own pocket.

    I would demand that all the way to the Supreme Court, and if I bankrupted Sharpton before it got there, so be it.

  18. What do Steven Pagones, Kareem Brunner and George Zimmerman have in common?

    they are all part of the disposable sex

  19. Come the Revolution, there will be a list of names.

    Those at the top of the list will be given priority.

    It will be interesting to see who rises to the top there.

  20. Those who can’t free blacks in inner cities from Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, whose overseer jobs given to them by white slave plantation masters in the Leftist alliance… somehow think they can free their own children, their own compatriots, in this nation?

    Something of a chicken before the egg problem.

    American slavery cannot be ended so easily, when people can’t even free a population shackled in the inner cities. One person at a time, one town a time, one city-state at a time. Jumping to the nation at large and thinking about freeing it, won’t work.

  21. Don Carlos,

    To start off, I’d say that if blacks make up 30% of the population where you live, it is unlikely that the problems with your local government are entirely their fault.
    More importantly, what I’ve noticed in black majority areas is that the local politicians don’t have their support so much as their acquiescence.
    For example in the last mayoral election in Baltimore a black female Democrat (who doesn’t seem to be very good at her job) won nearly 90% of the vote with 13% turnout. A clear win, but not a very strong endorsement.
    So the real problem is that no one is making a serious effort to attract black voters who aren’t strong supporters of the machine politicians.

  22. Gringo,

    [OTOH, given what Al Sharpton has been able to get away with over the years with whites, whites must be as stupid as Al Sharpton assumes they are.]

    Funniest post I’ve read in a while. Thanks.

  23. So the real problem is that no one is making a serious effort to attract black voters who aren’t strong supporters of the machine politicians.

    That’s not how they work at that issue. The reason why the others don’t vote is because they tried voting Republican and the unions told them “stop doing that, or else”.

    So they stopped. They went on bended knee to plead to their lords and masters, the overseers of the Left. Republicans have ignored their plight for decades, so they now a days just think they are on their own. Every man and woman for themselves.

  24. With respect to Sharpton, until people begin to hate the Left’s agents at least half the way they hate you, people will avoid war at all costs.

    Yet they are powerless to do anything against the Left’s agents. Is war so fearsome and spine shaking that people would prefer to sit on their hands doing nothing and enjoy watching the work of evil play out?

    People will not fight until they have learned to hate. Until then, they can enjoy watching their family, friends, and children be the Left’s slaves and toys.

    War is the answer. Because nobody was competent enough to do anything useful about the situation before the fires of hell came to Earth.

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