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Congress, immigration, Republicans — 20 Comments

  1. There is no Travis to draw a line in the sand.
    Rubio became a knave overnight, with lightning speed.

  2. Socialism Through Immigration: Leading Marxist Immigration Activist Admits it’s All About the Votes!

    “At the “progressive” America’s Future Now! conference in Washington, D.C. on June 2, 2009, SEIU International Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina addressed attendees on the necessity of comprehensive immigration reform.”

    “if we are to expand this electorate to win… and solidify the progressive coalition for the future…We reform the immigration laws, it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters”… We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle” Eliseo Medina, top “immigrant’s rights” activist, labor leader and Democratic Socialists of America Marxist and SEIU International Executive Vice President.

  3. worse than a knave IMO, Don Carlos: he drew a line in the primary sand that will absolutely influence my vote in the next general, should he be the ‘pub nominee.

    From my comment on DrewM’s post this morning at AOS on the same subject:

    “It’s time to stop buying into the scare tactics of… ‘The Democrats are worse’. It might be true but that doesn’t mean that the Republicans are the answer. Yes, it’s hard to kill a political party and build a new one but it’s happened before. That it’s so hard to do is an indication of how important it is that it be done.

    “It’s time to hold individual members responsible if they support garbage like this, either for reelection or if they attempt to run for higher office. If Amnesty should somehow get by the House, then it’s time to hold the whole damn party accountable.

    “…This is basically mutiny by the political class. It must be punished.”

    That’s all you needed to write [i.e. DrewM].

    I’ve said a few times, in a few places after the last election, that anyone at all who thinks they’re going to be able to convince me with the argument that “we should elect this guy simply because of his ‘electability'” is blowin’ smoke. Same for the general.

    That dog don’t hunt.

    Never again.

    It is to laugh, imbecile.

    Rubio and Ryan are both dead to me over amnesty. The ‘pubs nominate either of them, I’m gone. Third party, apathy, non-vote …whatever.

    I may be forced to watch this county sink into dystopian dust, but I don’t have to be a participant in its demise.

    …sorry for linking to, well, me lol, but my position has hardened to the point that it’s not going to be subject to argument.

    Barring the miraculous onset of political sanity and lucidity by the GOP, I’m done.

  4. Don Carlos,

    As the quotes below show, there was nothing ‘overnight’ about it. Rubio has long planned this and what leads me to that conclusion is Rubio’s own words, consider the following quotes;

    “In 1986, Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 3 million people. You know what happened… There were people trying to enter the country legally, who had done the paperwork, who were here legally, who were going through the process, who claimed, all of a sudden, ‘No, no, no, no. I’m illegal.’ Because it was easier to do the amnesty programme than it was to do the legal process.”
    – Candidate Marco Rubio, 29 November 2009

    “If you grant amnesty, the message that you’re sending is that if you come in this country and stay here long enough, we will let you stay. And no one will ever come through the legal process if you do that.” – Candidate Marco Rubio, 29 November 2009

    “if you grant amnesty, as the governor proposes that we do, in any form, whether it’s back of the line or so forth, you will destroy any chance we will ever have of having a legal immigration system that works here in America.” – Candidate Marco Rubio, 28 March 2010

    “Earned path to citizenship is basically code for amnesty.”- Candidate Marco Rubio, 24 Oct. 2010

    The above quotes indicate a man who thoroughly understands the arguments both against amnesty and the prior history of amnesties.

    Then he changes his tune to the exact opposite without explaining how his former views were erroneous;

    “We have to be the pro-legal immigration party. We have to be a party that advocates for a legal immigration system that’s good for Americans, good for America and honours our tradition both as a nation of immigrants and as a nation of law.”
    – Senator Marco Rubio, 5 October 2011

    “Figure out a way to accommodate them [the Latino community] in a way that does not encourage illegal immigration in the future.”- Senator Marco Rubio, 27 January 2012

    “We have to deal with the people that are here now in a way that’s responsible but humane, and this does that. This allows people the access to make their status at this moment legal.” – Senator Marco Rubio, 28 January 2013

    In response I would ask Sen. Rubio how we honor our tradition as a nation of law by rewarding law breaking with amnesty?

    I would ask how does amnesty not encourage illegal immigration in the future?

    I would ask how allowing illegals to ‘make themselves legal’ does not excuse them from personal responsibility for their actions?

    Basically, he’s switched from a conservative Tea Party view to a Democrat Party view without attempting to offer a rationale for doing so. That is because he can’t, his purported former view is as logically valid today as it was when he disingenuously offered it to get elected.

    He’s a snake in the grass and is participating in the destruction of the country that rescued him from totalitarianism, all for personal gain. he knows exactly what he’s doing and I expect his switch to the Democrat party well before the 2016 election, most probably right before or after the 2014 election. His goal; the 2016 Democrat Vice Presidential nominee…

  5. Like davisbr, the Republican Party has reached the end of its rope with me. I can’t vote for them anymore. Yet I do not see where a third party will acquire the massive funds needed to win widespread nationwide victories. Small donations from conservatives won’t do it and Republican big donors don’t care about small government, constitutional principles or the societal values conservatives support.

    Nor do I believe that either a secession or rebellion by conservatives can be successful.

    Which means full speed ahead for the progressive agenda. As withdrawing support for republicans translates into a larger democrat majority. Yet the alternative is the death of America by a ‘thousand cuts’.

    The only silver lining that I see to withdrawing support from the Republican Party and transferring it to the Tea Party (when they have a candidate) is placing the entire responsibility for the coming disaster firmly upon the democrat’s shoulders. The fewer the republicans, the less that bipartisanship can be claimed as political cover.

    It’s a desperate, ‘hail mary pass’ but make the democrats entirely responsible and when disaster strikes, ALL the fingers will only have one place to point.

  6. Yes, I’m done voting for the lesser of evils, too.

    Someone else at Ace commented that the Republican Party treats conservatives exactly the same way the Democrat Party treats blacks: “Where else are you gonna go? You have to vote for us because the other guys are so much worse.”

    And nobody had better ever say “If you don’t vote for the R, you’re voting for the D” again in my presence.

  7. “The modern-day Republican Party is basically the Democrat Party under Tip O’Neill. The modern-day Democrat Party is the Democrat Party under Karl Marx”. AWD

    I can no longer make excuses and extend the benefit of the doubt, both trains take you to the same destination, one just takes a more direct route.

  8. The Republicans are going to lose the House in 2014, and they will have nobody to blame but themselves. They have no principles whatsoever, other than getting elected.

    They are purging conservatives from the party, and hope to replace them with Third World peasants who tend to be leftists. Good luck with that.

  9. The problem is the very idea that we need to pass laws.

    What we need to do is repeal laws. Lots of them. By the thousands in fact.

    It is not even a cruel joke – it is just cruel – to think that this Congress and this President, in fact this Federal Government in toto will do any good at all by passing any law at all.

    They will never do good. They can only do damage.

    That stands for any law which is not a repeal of a law or a regulatory agency.

    Period. None. Zero. Nada.

    America will never recover itself until it repeals laws and also gets rid of the people and the mentality that makes them.

    There are three decent people in Washington right now – and think they are the only three: Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Trey Gowdy.

    The rest are our oppressors posing as public servants.

  10. Agree pretty much with all of the above comments. Although, if I lived in a state where I could vote for Senators like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, or Mike Lee – I would vote. There are a few good conservatives from red states in the House, too.

  11. Ace/Drew M talk about “redlines.” This might be it for me. If the GOP caves on this nonsense, that is the end of things between us.

  12. Mike : (was writing my comment before yours got posted.) Don’t forget Mike Lee of Utah.
    Unfortunately, most people think Washington needs to do more to fix our problems and everything would be better if they could work together.

  13. Some libertarians may think the “neo cons” here and else where are finally “seeing the light” about Bush, Republicans = Obama, Democrats.

    I would describe events a bit differently.

    So long as Bush and other Republicans had a shot at reforming things, people gave them their support, for naturally Civil War was the natural result of any other alternative. And most people didn’t want to fight over scraps when they could dine at restaurants to pay tips to waiters. Libertarians weren’t any different. Their mistake was thinking that they had an “alternative” that didn’t lead to either Civil War or the absolute destruction of the Left.

    Those of us who thought slightly differently, who believed the Left was an absolute enemy of the United States citizenry, still at times back then thought there was hope. In the Republican party for reform, peaceful reform. The Tea Party, if not the GOP. Because the alternative was only the full cleansing through Fire and the Purge. That is what people who said a “curse on both their houses” never wanted to accept. If both Republicans and Democrats failed to reform the nation, there will not be another chance. Civil war will become inevitable. There is no point blaming Republicans or Democrats, when the individual in question refuses to accept the ultimate consequence and fate of their nation. Getting that wrong, renders all their other judgments null and void as well.

    But now that we are here and people are actively thinking, and perhaps even planning, what was unthinkable just a few decades ago for the common man and woman, it should put into perspective just how important it was to purge the Republican party. Just how important it was to eliminate the Left’s power.

    Because if you didn’t want to exert the effort on a national scale to do that… the national fate was inevitably sealed to the alternative. For what people cannot get at the negotiation table, they will get with the knife, sword, and fire.

    In a modern sense, the blackmail material worked quite well on Republicans. Even if appealing to their patriotism and better nature did not. The Left was able to use the weaknesses of humans to destroy humans. Yet Americans weren’t willing to destroy Leftists or RINOs because… I suppose it was inconvenient.

    I suppose nobody at the time believed that a civil war would even be realistic, and that it would ultimately be a lot more “inconvenient”.

  14. “Unfortunately, most people think Washington needs to do more to fix our problems and everything would be better if they could work together.”

    As we all know, DC is the real problem.

    “Yet Americans weren’t willing to destroy Leftists or RINOs because… I suppose it was inconvenient.”

    It is more than inconvenient. It is blood and brains splattered on your face. To forestall that I am willing to take the slow, bumpy,path. Soap box, ballot box, and cartridge box is proper order.

    “I suppose nobody at the time believed that a civil war would even be realistic, and that it would ultimately be a lot more “inconvenient”.”

    Until all other options are exhausted, I will refrain from slitting the throat of my neighbors who may disagree with me.

    “When it all comes down to dust I will help you if I must, I will kill you if I can. And mercy on our uniform, man of peace or man of war, the peacock spreads his fan.”

    Engaging in the shedding of blood is not to be undertaken lightly. It may well be that day approaches, but until that day (per my reckoning) I will not shed blood. Instead I will vote.

  15. The idea that Democrats actually count American votes is another one of those illusions.

  16. if you go back as far as the redeemers, you may understand what is going on now, in a whole other light

    it was hayes tilden that the dems got their education in race politics and how to win by any means…


    In the 1870s, the Southern Democrats exercised power through paramilitary organizations such as the White League and Red Shirts, especially in Louisiana and Mississippi, respectively. The Red Shirts were also active in North Carolina. These paramilitary groups turned out Republican officeholders and terrorized and assassinated other freedmen and their allies to suppress voting. By the presidential election of 1876, only three Southern states — Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida — were “unredeemed”, or not yet taken over by white Democrats. The disputed Presidential election between Rutherford B. Hayes (the Republican governor of Ohio) and Samuel J. Tilden (the Democratic governor of New York) was allegedly resolved by the Compromise of 1877, also known as the Corrupt Bargain.[1] In this compromise, it was claimed, Hayes became President in exchange for numerous favors to the South, one of which was the removal of Federal troops from the remaining “unredeemed” Southern states; this was however a policy Hayes had endorsed during his campaign. With the removal of these forces, Reconstruction came to an end.

    its then they learned to murder, kill, destroy reputations of their victims to avoid prosecution, and so on

    just see the congressional testimony…

    been trying to clue you all in on this now for over a half decade… if the public knew them and that they were this way for this long… what then?

    do note, that prior to becoming this nasty, the dems could not get votes…

    you can now download the articles of this, and compare that to the odd history of the hayes tilden on wiki…

    you can download the book,
    a political crime a history of the great fraud
    by am gibson

    it will BLOW your minds.

    it would lead you to chandler, and you can then start the thread of the progressives, the racialists, and on it goes to today

    in FACT… you can actually read academics discussion the george bush chits in florida with the redeemers actions of William E. Chandler…

    wiki has sanatized him
    but as i said. if you know where to look, you know what to read, you can find it from the same source!

    read eliza pinkstons testimony
    Congressional edition – Volume 1735 – Page lxvii –

    or the ny times coverage of the massacres and murders… from eliza, to one massacre of blacks during repuglican convention, the memphis massacres, and so on…



    get it before they scrub them!!!!!!!!


    she and others are mentioned in
    State Power, Hegemony, and Memory:

    page 92

    People of African descent in Louisiana had their own “semiotic practices” to subvert those of the white supremacists. The testimony of a former slave, Eliza Pinkston, illustrates this. She was attacked in her home in north Louisiana in November of 1876,
    when Democrats waged a campaign of terror against black and white Republicans. Her husband and child were killed in the attack; Pinkston was raped and left for dead. Escaping in late November to the relative safety of New Orleans, she brought a criminal case against two of her attackers. It was heard in a New Orleans municipal police court.

    Remarkably Pinkston found herself cross-examined in the case by John McEnery, the man named Governor by the Democrats during their brief coup of September 14, 1874. One of the men she accused was Tom Lyons, a “colored Democrat,” whom she located at the murder of her husband. McEnery asked her whether she knew where Lyons lived. Henry Pinkston, Eliza’s husband, had apparently been to Lyons’ house in the past, when Lyons had tried to persuade him to join the Democrats. McEnery asked sarcastically, “When colored people visit each other, do they not know where each other live, generally?”

    at that time the political theory people brought this hsitory up, which is why i wanted or tried and tried to get you all to read it…

    its what informed the dems as to how to take the elections and so on. they borrow from all over, and those that dont know what happens where, dont know where they are borrowing from.

    but you can read about eliza in these articles for the 2004, and for 2007 pre election of OBama…

    so my linking the 1850s of marx and the race dems and eugenics… with today, and the marx and race dems and eugencis… which has never stopped…

    is not so silly

    its only silly to those that dont know this deep history that is not taught, and hard to find..

    Sadly, the author does not actually cover what they did to her. he did not even take the time to read her testimony, as she never was raped…

    ie. why would a perosn who hates blacks have sex with one? why would people who wanted micagination laws rape a woman who they hated?

    no… they cut her breasts off…

    so even academics cant tell the truth about the party the majority of them sides with… (And as people who want to help blacks? and others?)

    if you search its my comments that are the only ones that are on the net linking things as to that…

    once you start on that road, you get hundreds of side bars and history you never knew… it blows the mind that it exists right next to the other history, but the other history has all the turn offs neatly tied off, so you dont follow them to the side road and this stuff!!!!!!

    you can even find people today trying to turn eliza into a liar still!!!!!!!!!!! (what did she do? cut her own breasts off, murder her baby and slashed the throat and shot her husband so she can give testimoney in court and have southern bull dozers bull doze her?)


    The red hot feeling now kindled against us is entirely unwarranted. I speak from the record, having been identified with the “Mormons” since 1846. I know that the excitement and consequent prejudice periodically fanned to blood-heat against our citizens is made to promote the personal interests of very bad men. We have had, and now have in Utah, such frauds as Eliza Pinkston, J. Madison Wells, and Returning Boards by the score.

    remember the carpet baggers were the radical republicans who were also the scalawags..

    What this unenviable picture illustrates your readers need not be told, and time will demonstrate that the mouthy mob-exciters, now in that territory, and elsewhere, are of the same ilk. It has always been so. Many of the past U. S. carpet-baggers in Utah, who have been the most blatant opposers of our bible marriages, were leprous men. One of them left his wife and children in the east and took a courtesan with him west; she sat by his side on the judicial bench, and he introduced her as his wife. It was he who incited President Buchanan to send an army against us;

    here is example of past democratic name calling:
    Many of our past officials have in every possible manner, by their judicial, official, and other acts, encouraged and screened prostitution and drunkenness. The pimp, harlot and rumseller would draw on them at sight, and they were ever ready to honor their drafts and aid in crippling the law officers of Salt Lake City, and other places, with writs, injunctions, etc.

    the tirade is about the fact that they made laws against marrying many people… (see those old fights are still alive today)

    Among the most ardent, but pitiable, would-be regenerators was a man whose ambition centered in subjugating the “Mormons,” freeing Ireland from British rule, drinking whisky, and making love to a subaltern’s wife; while his own wife and children were off on furlough, he took as kindly to the proxy, as it is said, measles take to children. Like the web-foot ex Governor, the sleeping-cars were favorite haunts wherein to gratify his amours.

    The god-fathers of the anti-polygamy bill, and a once highly respected government official; now an humbled citizen of Indiana; and a man of New York city, who free-loved a neighbor’s wife and was shot by the outraged husband; and a would-be popular actress, all bitter enemies to our daylight, healthy, and beautiful children-increasing marriages, have gone and are going into ineffable disgrace.

    fun people.
    anyone care to ADD to this?

  17. holy crapola!!!


    Reports of Committees: 30th Congress, 1st Session – 48th Congress, 2nd Session

    you think that people in congress, know the history of congress and their own families?

    Black History Speech, 2012, Corinth Baptist Church, Mansfield, La. To the…”

    In a statement given by a Frank Johnson, he was at a meeting where Frank Barrington and others spoke. According to Johnson, they were all republicans and spoke “Republican.” The Congressional record speaks of KKK killing blacks throughout the entire state of Louisiana.
    In regards to the same elections in Ouachita Parish, an account of the killing of Henry Pinkston, a black Republican, was given by his widow, Eliza Pinkston. In order to intimidate the other blacks into not voting Republican, Pinkson was killed in front of his wife. His privates were cut off in front of his wife; he was gagged, dragged outside, his drawers taken off, his legs tied and then shot until he died. The killers then slit the throat of her 11 month old child and later threw the body of the child in the lake. She was shot twice, once in the breast and once in the leg. She was then struck in the head with an axe that broke and was left for dead. A Primus Johnson was also killed. The Congressional record is replete with people telling of how armed men roamed the streets of Monroe shooting, beating and even hanging blacks who would not vote as they were told. One man testified that he voted democratic in order to keep him and his wife from being beaten by democrats.

    Richard Zemry Johnson, Jr

  18. It’ll take more than reading about tactics to learn how to counter them.

    Time is also running out. People won’t be given an opportunity to make war their last resort. The time they spent waiting until their last resort, trying out every other ineffective method, was time they could have used to make the final option succeed at less cost in blood.

  19. parker: “Soap box, ballot box, and cartridge box is proper order.”

    That’s my problem with the Tea Party. They only perfunctorily did the soap box (proselytizing populist movement), hardly reaching beyond their natural in-groups, then skipped ahead to the ballot box and thereby undermined their movement.

    The proper place for the Tea Party to make a difference is the soap box and from there, shaping the ballot box.

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