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Amnesty? — 22 Comments

  1. I too have no clear idea as to whether it has the votes to pass. I imagine its chances are less in the House.

    It does seem certain that passage of Amnesty will result in ensuring that an actual conservative is never again elected to national office.

    I do know that I shall never vote for Rubio, for anything.

    And now that Obama has set precedent, Rubio switching parties and then being nominated for Vice President with Hillary appears possible.

    If so, this could be the 2016 Clinton/Rubio campaign slogan: “AT THIS POINT, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?”

  2. Oh no Don. You don’t get to look at it until after you’ve voted for it. You need to get with the program. If our masters are for it, it’s mandatory that we be for it.

  3. If you listen to talk radio, pro-immigration commercials play quite frequently. Almost always by Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan.
    So not only is talk radio failing to rally conservatives against this, they are complicit in propagandizing for its passage. They sold out. Willingly or not.
    From what I gather, there is no doubt it will pass the Senate. It had seemed it might die in the House; but my money is on Speaker John Boehner letting it pass with a majority of Democrat votes and the requisite number of Republican votes needed.

  4. We are following exactly in Europe’s footsteps. In fact it almost seems like we’re running to catch up.

    From socialism to national health care to two major parties that are increasingly clones of each other, the notion that the Republican Party stands for limited government and free markets is increasingly laughable. As I’ve pointed out before, for the Ruling Class it doesn’t matter who is in the majority or minority at a given moment. That’s just a show to make the rubes think they have a choice. All the politicians want is a seat at the table of power.

    And in both places, the White majority is deliberately being marginalized and dispossessed in our own countries. This is the greatest treason in the history of the world. It cannot possibly be a coincidence. It must be part of a plan which will eventually result in World Government.

    Anyone who still thinks this is tinfoil hat nonsense is in denial. It is happening right in front of our faces.

  5. It clearly has the votes to pass the Senate. The House will certainly amend the bill in numerous ways if anything passes the House at all (also likely, in my opinion). At that point, it will go to conference, and what comes out of there is really dependent on whether or not Boehner really is wanting anything to pass. This will take months, still, so it nothing becomes law just because it is passing under the radar right now.

  6. “White majority is deliberately being marginalized and dispossessed in our own countries. This is the greatest treason in the history of the world. It cannot possibly be a coincidence. It must be part of a plan which will eventually result in World Government. “ rickl

    The white majority is being “marginalized and dispossessed” because that’s where the locus of power resides. It’s a pragmatic strategy, devoid of racism but using charges of racism to destabilize the West. It is only treason if you support classical liberal values. Otherwise, it is liberation.

    I’ve been pointing out the circumstantial evidence leading to the conclusion that the West’s Far Left is working in collusion with Russia and China since 2004. All data since then has only further confirmed that hypothesis. The goal most certainly is world government. Once the Western Far Left has gained control of the US, successfully abrogated its constitution and fully consolidated its position it will then join with Russia and China to deal with the Islamist threat. And the “night of the long knives” will commence.

  7. I won’t go quite as far as rickl, but I’ll say this: Trust in the American process is gone. Separation of Powers has become a joke.
    We gave it all away.

  8. I predict Senators Cruz and Sessions will conduct a real talking filibuster on the floor.

    A star will be born. Ted is the man.

    I would love to see an Obama-Cruz debate.

    Knockout for Ted.

  9. It seems that there is a race for the Hispanic vote now that the race for the Black vote is no longer an issue—if it ever was. It looks as though the politicians, including the GOP, will sell their souls and sell the country in an effort to get a share of that vote. I see on Drudge that Boehner wants a bill through the house by August. Rubio says that amnesty takes precedence over border security.

    There was a lesson to be learned from Reagan’s 1986 debacle, but our political class does not learn lessons.

    I am sick of our government and all who have high jacked it.

  10. The Senate will pass with enough conservative votes so that those Senators can say that they support immigration reform. That helps them get re-elected in tough states.

    The House will vote it down, and they are in gerrymandered districts so they don’t have to worry about appearing moderate.

    Nothing will happen, so the Dems will continue to use this as a wedge issue and retain the latino vote during national elections.

    Something for everyone. What’s to complain about?

  11. I suggested that long ago, that much of the “scandal wagon” was cover for passing the “amnesty” bill covertly was the deal. Ignore Doom at your peril. Me and mine will fix this wagon, but it won’t be to the disco of you pseudo-conservatives. You’ll learn, when we tell you, or lose. Women! But does anyone listen to the breath of hell come to light? Then again, as soon as you said “the whistleblower”, as a wasn’t, I knew that you still haven’t turned the corner. No problem. When you can’t shit wihout asking permission, perhaps you will hit the mark. No telling though, you are a trained psychologist… pseudo-faux-science as that is… Leftist “science” as that is. When you burn you will learn.

    *smooch* At least you are hot… in your own way.

  12. Daniel – we can only hope it is a purely political gambit.

    I read an article in which Lindsey Graham was supportive of the wiretap/restricting the 1st A if it helped keep us safe. I wonder if they would support enforcing the borders if it would help, or putting a stop to importing Muslims if it would help.

    Purely rhetorical questions, I bet.

  13. From a Senate Conservatives Fund email, for convenience:
    “Here’s the current list of “Amnesty Republicans” who need to hear from us. If this bill passes, they will be largely responsible because of their votes yesterday. They had a chance to stop it when 60 votes were required, but they chose not to. (The six highlighted senators are up for re-election in 2014.)

    Alexander (R-TN), Ayotte (R-NH), Blunt (R-MO), Burr (R-NC), Chambliss (R-GA), Chiesa (R-NJ), Coats (R-IN), Cochran (R-MS), Collins (R-ME), Corker (R-TN), Cornyn (R-TX), Fischer (R-NE), Flake (R-AZ), Graham (R-SC), Hatch (R-UT), Heller (R-NV), Hoeven (R-ND), Isakson (R-GA), Johanns (R-NE), Johnson (R-WI), McConnell (R-KY), Moran (R-KS), Paul (R-KY), Portman (R-OH), Rubio (R-FL), Thune (R-SD), Toomey (R-PA), Wicker (R-MS)”.

    I can’t figure it out.

  14. Sorry- the highlight did not come through. 3 of the 6 are Alexander, Cornyn, and McConnell.

  15. Sneak it under. But there’s no reason to suspect arrangement of national and domestic strategies. People have done so with anti US strategies in the past (aka the Leftist alliance), but they don’t need to do it as much these days. It’s not necessary as often.

  16. There was a lesson to be learned from Reagan’s 1986 debacle, but our political class does not learn lessons.

    Actually, I think the Democrats have. That is why the unions have lined up behind this. Handing political power to the Democrats is the goal here.

    On the other hand, the GOP is clueless.

  17. Daniel: only 218 votes are needed for legislation to pass out of the House. Democrats have 200 votes so very few Republican votes are needed. And, Boehner doesn’t believe in the Hastert rule.
    It is officially panic time and time to call the Senators on Don Carlos’ list.
    I officially wish I’d taken Spanish instead of French in school.

  18. Don Carlos: What can’t you figure out? Hard to believe that the Republican Party is that stupid? That they must have a death wish?
    There are plenty of big government Republicans. This legislation will put the future of big gov in cement. No more pesky conservatives and Tea Party types will be able to upend the trough they feed at.
    It’s not that Republicans will never be elected again. People will get fed up with the other party and let the Republicans have a turn again. It’s that it won’t matter anymore. Not when you have so many dependent on Uncle Sam. There will be no going back.

  19. Don:
    Newsflash: The GOP is not clueless. Take your pick: Boehner, McConnell, Ryan, McCain, Cantor, the two Senators from MS, etc……They are as unprincipled in adhering to their promises, their spoken words, as is Obama. They are wusses for a reason.

    We are in a box. A 3rd party, like Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressives? But that threw the election to Woodrow Wilson.
    Reform the GOP from inside? How many decades we got for that? There will not be anything left worth saving even if the effort succeeds.

  20. I wonder how attitudes would change if there was a movement by Hispanics to stop the condescending press one for English, press two for Spanish? It seems that native English speakers are constantly reminded that Hispanics don’t want to be part of the country.

    Did I mention before that Germany is getting rid of ballots in other languages because people must speak German to become citizens? We definitely need some way to indicate that when you move to another country, you must make a choice: Integrate and allow your kids to become part of the main culture, or stay in your enclave and relinquish any voice in how the country is run.

  21. expat: “… to stop the condescending press one for English, press two for Spanish?”

    Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. You’ll see press one for Spanish, press two for English.

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