Home » So, the Obama/Bloomberg ricin letter-sender…


So, the Obama/Bloomberg ricin letter-sender… — 17 Comments

  1. And how do profilers explain that its not a white male loner… who like the butler, usually does everything…

  2. Her party affiliation doesn’t seem to be mentioned anywhere in the linked article.

    Could it be be that she’s not a red state redneck?

    Time to play “Name that Party”?

    She is, after all, an actress (per the article, she had a minor role in The Walking Dead).

  3. Dodger:
    And how do profilers explain that its not a white male loner… who like the butler, usually does everything…

    Either she had a sex-change operation, or she wants one. 🙂

  4. It will be interesting to see the sentence she receives. Will her crimes be minimized because she is a mother of 5? My guess is probably so.

  5. I wonder if this is all some kind of smoke screen of disinformation and misinformation Obama regime cooked up for the entertainment of the stadium masses…

  6. What caught my attention was the revelation that all mail is photographed front and back. I’d like to hear why. It’s been quite a week.

  7. Mr. Frank: It is all metadata. That is the “why”:
    It works. It was used in identifying her.

    The key revelation of these events is that we now have a government ” for the people”, self-declared and self-imposed, that observes no bounds, and will not go away, ever.

  8. The Permanent Democrat Majority wasn’t about democracy.

    It was about Demoncracy. Rule by Demons, for Demons. Ahhh, that was the ticker.

  9. Folks posting all the blabber about meta data … she called the authorities and told them that her husband did it. The authorities took one look at the situation and nailed her.

    You don’t need meta data when a crazy, scorned woman implicates herself.

  10. If it’s all blabber, why is your tax money being spent to do it, Paul?

  11. who was trying to frame the husband who had initiated divorce proceedings </em?

    Ah, another victory for Feminism!!!!!



    What caught my attention was the revelation that all mail is photographed front and back. I’d like to hear why.

    That is how you’d have to do it (at least the front) for computer recognition of the address and automated sorting. Scanning the back probably helps get closer to 100% automated sorting (vs front-only scanning which would get yo in the 90%).

    Now, as to why you’d KEEP those images … not too much of a good reason. It would be incredibly easy to do however.

  12. Meh. As she and Lisa Nowak show, not only are men not the only nutjobs on the planet, in order to come up with a really really insane plot, it takes a female mind.

    It is often said that men are dogs, women are cats. But this is generally false. Men are dogs only in the pack behavior. Otherwise, we’re much more like bears. We eat, we sleep, we take a dump in the woods. We like things simple, and that’s why male plans for revenge are generally simple and straightforward. The kind of absurd complexity that involves wearing a diaper to avoid stopping to pee requires the kind of obsession that is far more common to the female mind. Ditto sending a biotoxin directly to the PotUS (as someone else noted, what kind of nitwit would think that the PotUS reads his own mail from strangers?) in order to frame an estranged spouse? “Wait, what?” LOLZ.

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