Home » “Told ya so!” “Did not!”


“Told ya so!” “Did not!” — 9 Comments

  1. Certified mail requires the signature of the recipient. You can look it up. Sig ought to be on file, this being so important and all.

  2. “But certified mail, fax, and email? Shouldn’t that be easy enough to verify? ”

    One would think. I do note that in the quotes attributed to this unnamed source there is no mention of exactly to whom (or what entity) the supposed notice was given:

    [‘This person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, added, “Consistent with Department of Justice policies and procedures, the government provided notification of those subpoenas nearly three years ago by certified mail, facsimile and e-mail.” ‘]

    Why weren’t any copies provided to (or obtained by) NYT reporter Amy Chozick? Did she ask for copies and was refused? If this source could be that specific, surely he/she could also produce the copies.

    Remember, this is a NYT story. Looks to me like the intended effect might be to put Fox/ News Corporation/ Mr. Jacobs in the position of having to try to prove a negative (i.e., that they didn’t receive these “notifications”).

  3. Oh, yeah. This ought to be interesting:
    Gateway Pundit has a piece from New Yorker that DoJ went judge shopping, and on the third try got Royce Lamberth to agree they need not tell Rosen.
    This needs the coordinating skills of Jay Carney.

  4. The NYT (Pravda) is COMPLETELY trustworthy! To carry water for Benghazi Barry.

  5. Doesn’t matter what’s true, or what can be proven or disproven. The endless loop you refer to is just more chaff to further neuter the already dumbed-down on the subject.

  6. I wonder who the Obama admin think they are kidding? They can usually count on the press to advance their lies but when the lies are about attacking the press?

  7. Lie with a stern demeanor, the bigger the lie the better, and keep repeating the lie and abracadabra its the truth. The messiah remains pure and some ditzy lawyer in pink stilettos is left twisting in the wind.

    “I wonder who the Obama admin think they are kidding?”

    The true believers lining up for the poison kool-aid.

  8. What I find amazing in all of these scandles is how the Left side of the aisle fail to see how serious this is. When it is a real non-story like water boarding to get information (vs current policy No information needed. Kill them all and let God/ excuse me Allah sort it out) or the fake Valerie Plame investigation the Left literally comes unglued. But when it undermines the basic freedoms and limits on Government, all you hear is Crickets chirping.

  9. Mike: the left sees very well how serious they are—potentially. The left’s efforts are geared towards pretending they are not, and thereby convincing the public that they are not.

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