Home » It’s not Lerner’s first rodeo—or Obama’s


It’s not Lerner’s first rodeo—or Obama’s — 17 Comments

  1. “The left, of course, applauds them . . . also thinks that these tactics, if they use them effectively enough, will help them achieve the permanent hegemony in politics they so desire.”

    Which applause brings Lerner and her ilk (Sandra Hall Ingram) and health care together to deny conservatives access to medical services.

    You might say eugenics has advanced from prevention (hey let’s kill those black babies) to elimination (hey let’s kill Bush and then everybody cause we like to kill because we’re in the business of killing, oh the mike is on, oh, when I said kill, I really meant love.)

  2. Sometimes I just marvel at the psychology of the leftists. I know several, of course, being in academia, and I’ve seen no sign that they really don’t believe all of the rank nonsense they spout about the right.

    At the same time, as neo astutely notes, many of their more ruthless tactics don’t make much sense unless they know, deep down, that the right is “far more politically naive, less ruthless, and more concerned with means than they are.”

    But then, if that’s the case, how could the right be so unholy in its vileness and villainy that such tactics are justified?

    The more I consider it, the more it seems to me that the leftist simply does not live in a world with Others. He is a solipsist, the purest expression of the psychosis that extreme individualism can lead to (as Tocqueville saw so perspicaciously). And of course there’s a further irony there, in that the leftist is but a festering symptom of what he claims to despise with every twisted coil of his heart.

    The collapse of the time-honored concepts of traditional ontology and metaphysics – God, teleology, form, nature – has ineluctable consequences for those who truly take the ruins as their faith. Nothing aims at anything intrinsically, there is no telos, no end, no nature, no independent order of things. Thought floats free and – innuendo intended – plays with itself. Emotions peel out of the guts like random lightning bolts from a dark cloud. This is considered a value: self-expression, autonomy, what Justice Kennedy described with consummate bathos in his “sweet mystery of life” opinion.

    So, naturally, it makes no sense. They hate – period. They ruminate – period. They expect their unfocused, untethered derangements of the moment to automatically equate with solid reality. They believe that their passing fancies should move mountains and re-create a world destroyed by their own nihilistic beliefs – a better world this time.

    They want to be god – to be a necessary, self-causing, self-explanatory being, pure actuality. To think is to create, to feel is to carve stone.

    In sum, they do hate us, but that is transient. Once we are subdued or wiped out, they will seek for others to subdue or wipe out, and when there is no one left they will subdue and wipe out each other. Hatred and self-idolization is their secret.

    P.S. – there is a shorter way to this conclusion. Assume (what is true) that the leftist’s bad faith leads him to project his primary qualities onto those he seeks to eliminate. For now, the targets are those on the right, for the most part. And the qualities projected onto the conservative are: pure hatred and absolute authoritarianism (self-idolization). Conclusion: The leftist’s primary qualities are pure hatred and self-idolization.

    Quod erat demonstrandum.

  3. Well done, Neo. This stuff is scary. My goodness. I guess it won’t matter to these people until they are up for the hip replacement surgery and all the other people who are better connected get the operation before they do.

    Really, one has to fear speaking out on anything for what it could portend in the future. If the everyday man in the street doesn’t care about this soft tyranny at the IRS and all the rest, we really are in deep trouble. I was pretty bummed after the last election day. If the Left gets out of these scandals unscathed, the writing is on the wall.

  4. “. . . to feel is to carve stone.” That, that is good poetry. That right there stands with the great ones. I love it.

    But “they ruminate?”


    1.Think deeply about something: “we sat ruminating on the nature of existence”.
    2.(of a ruminant) Chew the cud.

    I don’t think so. These unthinking animals have to be programmed to reach their hate. Nature and rumination do not produce animal; they produce human. Only evilly dominated humans produce animal.

    Worse. Animals kill and eat for food and territory; they don’t subject their future generations to slavery.

    The current chaos is proof of evil that is transcendent beyond man’s neurotransmitters.

    I hunt, therefore I am.

  5. I know. Quite depressing. Man, I used to be a huge lefty myself. Wore my anti Reagan buttons proudly. I keep hoping more and more people will have their “change” moments or events but I’m losing faith. I guess the indoctrination on me wasn’t so deep that it had convinced me that people on the right were actually evil.

    Now, one is a “hater” or a “denier” if one thinks differently. Man, the brainwashing is so deep in so many I don’t know what could ever break it up. But, we knew this all along. If a relationship with Bill Ayers doesn’t move the needle on the radar nothing will. And that guy is in charge of helping to educate our kids nationally. Orwell!!

  6. Actually, I should say,

    I kill, therefore I am.

    Don’t won’t to alienate the excellent hunters among us.

  7. “He has not only been a beneficiary of the ‘if only Stalin knew’ excuse while his underlings practice the Chicago way . . . .”

    and here I thought there was a law against the use of performance enhancing thugs,

  8. “If a relationship with Bill Ayers doesn’t move the needle on the radar nothing will.”

    Barry for the win. Precisely. That is why I never, never thought we were anything but underdogs in 2012. My guiding maxim was simple:

    Any nation that is stupid enough to elect Obama once is stupid enough to elect him twice.

    The unstated correlate (a kind of political Murphy’s Law):

    Any nation that is stupid enough to elect Obama twice, will elect him twice.

  9. You know, that piece of shit Obama must have looked at American politics like it was virgin territory. Cut down them huge trees, spoil those rivers, fill the air with clouds of smoke, and get the goods to the people.

    All under protection of the fifth column otherwise known as your neighbor who voted for him. Well, get in their face, bring a gun to the next knife fight, and above all find a dead guy to vote.

  10. Genuine liberals need to wake up and fight back against the Marxist parasites who have hijacked the liberal brand in America. They’re like the parasites that release chemicals that control the behavior of their hosts.

    Too many liberals today only see through the tribal prism, Us versus Them. Left versus Right. Democrats versus Republicans. They don’t see merits or principles or ethics except first through the Us versus Them prism.

    It’s scary and destructive.

  11. kolnai,

    Regarding the New Yorker piece, that points to why I strongly recommend the GOP and the right use a Bush v Obama frame that rehabilitates Bush’s legacy with a deliberate contrast to Obama’s shortcomings, failures, and trangressions in direct contrast.

    The New Yorker’s reflexive anti-Bush fallback position highlights that the Democrats political advantage is not based on merit. Rather, it is based on their misinformation, propaganda, and false narrative that smeared the Bush administration and, at the same time, undermining our nation’s affairs as leader of the free world. And it worked for them two-fold. They’ve convinced people to fear, revile, and choose against the strawmanned GOP while diverting accountability from their own failings and trangressions.

    If the GOP can directly counter the New Yorker pro-Dems frame by advancing the Obama v Bush frame, rehabilitate Bush’s legacy, and establish the simple theme that Bush was right and the Dems are wrong, they will pull the lynchpin of the Dems foundation, take the political high ground from the Dems, cast the Dems on the low ground, and go a long way to detoxifying and rebooting our political environment, and setting our nation’s affairs back on track.

  12. Kolnai,

    Until the 2008 election it wouldn’t have occurred to me that projection could exist on the national level, but everything the left ever accused President Bush of being and doing, the President they elected is and does. (Begin with empty suit, puppet, etc, etc.)

  13. Michelle Malkin wrote a book about the Obama administration called, “CULTURE OF CORRUPTION.” She talked about the Chicago way and crony capitalism, but barely touched on this electioneering thuggery. The progs keep claiming about voter suppression from the Voter ID program. Hah, they really know how to suppress the vote.

    Sending this one around. If only I had Instapundit’s reach.

  14. “It’s not Lerner’s first rodeo….”

    I am guessing you have been watching Kellie Pickler in Dancing with the Stars.

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