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Nice little business you got there — 19 Comments

  1. Are there others here besides me who would very much like to attend one of tomorrow’s tee par-tay protests at the local eye are ess, but are now just too intimidated. Cameras and crowd-roving ringers anyone?

    Excuse the funky phonetics, but I’ve just come down with a bad case of veraciphobia (the converse of paranoia, and yes, that’s a made-up word, but you get the point, no?)

    Jeepers. Creepers.

  2. What scares me the most is how blatant they were about it. They knew there would never be any ramifications.

  3. Good point, LisaM, and it shows the essential lawlessness of these people. When they obtain a threshold percentage, watch out. Same thing with the Muslims except their threshold percentage where they wreck the host society is much smaller.

    Here’s a lady who adds to Neo’s post on PJ by reviewing Obama’s early early roots.


  4. Everybody on that side, be it the media or government employee, drank the kool-aid and were absolutely convinced tea partiers were racist gun-toting domestic terrorists. Or did they get it from a talking point?

  5. Can it be doubted that this same corruption has found its way into local election offices at various places throughout the country, and into many states secretary of states offices? The left has taken election theft to an art form, and those of us who point it out are shushed as conspiracy nuts, and included amongst the shushers are many supposedly on our side.

  6. Why did the IRS expose itself?

    This is the ugliest question.

    Obama is making his play. His administration is admitting its purpose and method, and the ugly grimaces and arrogance of Miller before Congress is a statement of war.

  7. sharpie: I agree that they feel invulnerable.

    That was one of the reasons I was always afraid of an Obama second term. Nothing would hold him and his associates in check. The fact that he won despite his abysmal record has empowered them even more, if such a thing be possible, because they know that, to their supporters, it’s all good, and that their supporters are now a majority.

    Thus, the feeling of invulnerability.

  8. A caller to Rush Limbaugh advanced the following theory . . .

    The IRS planted the question (the answer to which reveals publicly for the first time the IRS’s shenanigans),

    as a means of warning those who might contribute to certain candidates in the 2014 elections,

    that “it would be a shame if anything were to happen to” you.

  9. I think Lerner planted the question because the IG report was about to come out. Maybe as a way to claim they’d already mentioned this “mistake” and it’s old news; get the word out with a friendly audience.

    Re: Obama’s lawlessness in the 2nd term – this intimidation was done in service to getting Obama re-elected,, with a lot of it happening after the Republican & Tea Party gains in 2010. You can’t talk about the IRS delaying & harassing groups without noting that they were targeted because they intended to raise money to take action against Obama’s re-election. Pair that with the aggressive audits – IRS and other federal agencies – that were initiated on Romney’s big donors, such as Frank VanerSloot, and Catherine Englebrecht’s True the Vote anti-voter fraud group, and it’s clear that his re-election was possibly attained because of this.

    And then there’s the impact of the Benghazi cover-up on his re-election….

  10. Yep, there is absolutely no reason to try to work with the dems. Their party is rotten to the core. It must come as a rude surprise even to some dems how corrupt their party is. To hell with dems. To hell with Republican ‘moderates’ who want to work with dems. The future belongs to the tea party and libertarian types like Palin, Cruz and Paul.

  11. On the IRS scandal, I expect that the left will push back hard, pointing out that tea party groups are organized precisely to engage in political activity, which is not allowed for tax-exempt organizations, and so they deserved extra scrutiny from the .IRS. The MSM will pick up the meme, and that’s all that’ll be heard.

  12. The concerted and widespread attack by numerous federal agencies upon ‘True the Vote’ points conclusively to two profoundly serious conclusions; the ideological and criminal rot has now been revealed to extend into and across the government throughout every major governmental agency and, voter fraud is far more prevalent than previously imagined.

    That voter fraud is now much more widespread than previously credited is revealed by the Obama administration mounting such a comprehensive attack upon an organization devoted to voter verification.

    “Working as an alternate judge at the polls in 2009 in Fort Bend County, Texas, Catherine says, she was appalled and dismayed to witness everything from administrative snafus to outright voter fraud.”

    If voter fraud is happening in the Republican stronghold of Texas, it’s happening everywhere.

    It’s also very likely that it’s increasing.

    The 99% democrat vote in a Philadelphia precinct is simply the most egregious example.

    Ideologues, by their very nature do not self-limit.
    This is merely the beginning of the next phase in ‘fundamentally transforming’ America into Amerika.

    The committed left, those determined to ‘fundamentally transform’ America by any means necessary… will not stop short of total victory or civil war.

    What the ‘True the Vote’ demonstrates is that the left has extended it’s war with the right beyond the cultural and political fronts. The left is now engaged in widespread criminal activity, using governmental power to intimidate, attack and prosecute its political opposition.

    We on the right had best awaken to the reality of the fight we face before the war, we don’t even recognize we are in is lost.

    It’s a fight to the death because the committed left will not settle for anything less.

  13. Geoffrey Britain, I think you have it exactly right. Between aggressively fighting voter ID laws, bringing the census in-house, and dedicated Obama-supporting organizations like ACORN & SEIU, our election system are probably a lot more corrupt that we can imagine.

  14. Geoffrey, Voter fraud is happening ESPECIALLY in Texas because Texas is the big prize. If the Lone Star State goes blue, then Dems will win every presidential election. Just imagine starting every election evening with NY, CA, IL, TX, New England states, Great Lakes States and, lately, CO and NM already in the Dem bag.

  15. Sangiovese,

    Excellent point. Texas’ electoral college votes permanently and safely in the democrat camp would permanently exclude Republicans and conservatives from meaningful political participation.

    One party ruling the nation guarantees civil war. The committed left has to realize this and is preparing on two fronts; Federal agencies such as the DHS procuring more than a billion rounds of hollow point ammunition (not cost-effective for practice), assault vehicles only useful during civil disorder and political efforts to achieve gun control.

    All of these efforts can have but one explanation; preparation for massive civil disorder.

    In any civil war, the military ultimately determines the outcome and the transformation of the make-up of our military is the second front. Consider the following;

    Veterans are receiving letters from the VA prohibiting the purchase, possession, receipt, or transport of a firearm/ammunition…

    A West Point think tank responsible for training future U.S. Army officers has released an extensive report warning of a growing domestic threat from “far right” conservative groups.

    Army Reserve training materials that categorize Evangelicals, and Catholics as extremist groups.

    Obama administration Pentagon appointees meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to develop court-martial procedures to punish Christians in the military who express or share their faith.

    Weinstein is the head of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and says Christians–including chaplains–sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the military are guilty of “treason,” and of committing an act of “spiritual rape” as serious a crime as “sexual assault.” He also asserted that Christians sharing their faith in the military are “enemies of the Constitution.”

    The Army’s Re-Education Camp Manual (yes, it really exists) includes rules on isolating Political Prisoners…

  16. This country is in deep, deep trouble. But of course, you already know that.

    I didn’t know it was this bad. I’ll have to reassess how long before the fecal matter hits the fan.

    I’m thinking months, not years.

  17. I knew it in Oct. 2008 when it was clear Obama was going to win. I fell into a great depression fearing what was go come. Everything I feared has come to pass. And I believe it will get much worse, before, or even if it gets better

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