Who was minding the DOJ store?
Nobody seems to have been at home at the Department of Justice when the AP subpoenas were issued.
Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.
Nobody seems to have been at home at the Department of Justice when the AP subpoenas were issued.
Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.
‘I don’t know and I don’t remember’ are sure signs that they haven’t a clue as to how to spin this, that there is no readily available scapegoat. Its also extremely dangerous to Obama because if no one below him is responsible, then all eyes turn to him.
How does talking to an FBI investigator create immunity from testimony? What kind of bullshit is that?
Let’s see. The FBI is a dept of the DOJ, a subordinate department. And when a member of a subordiante department questions a DOJ official, that grounds for that official to excuse himself from testimony to Congress?
The DOJ officials aren’t being asked to judge but to provide testimony. So what if they recused themselves as triers of fact or interpreters of law regarding the issue. They are still percipient witnesses and can’t use their recusal as an administrative judge as a shield.
There you go again, confusing the issue with facts…
I read the transcript of a Paul Ryan interview with Hugh Hewitt. Although he is not suggesting that we overlook these individual scandals; i.e., IRS, AP/DOJ, and Benghazi, his theme is that these are symptoms of overly large, overly intrusive, uncontrollable government.
Laura Ingraham reminded that this is why we need to starve the beast.
These are interesting points with which I agree. I hope that Conservatives and the GOP (are they the same?) will pound that theme in upcoming campaigns.
On the other hand, I would argue that these scandals are also symptomatic of the rotten culture that flows into the working levels of government from our Chicago indoctrinated, Alinsky Acolyte in the Oval Office; and should be treated accordingly. “They bring a knife, you bring the IRS and DOJ.”
If one connects all the dots one sees the method in the madness. Should the instance arise, just recuse yourself and have all inquiries submitted to the microencephalic in the basement office.
We talk about Obama as bringing Chicago politics to DC but remember William Daley (of the famous Chicago Daley’s) was basically run out of town as Obamas Chief of staff. He was one of the last adults in the group. As Neo has often pointed out Barry was not a real player in the main Chicago machine, but rather a vicious instrument of the Chicago left. Had Obama been a Daley man, he would have been open to at least some conciliation with the non-left factions in DC>
Obviously this feigned ignorance is meant to protect them from perjury AND from having to reveal the truth. It’s just maddening that they’re getting away with it.
IMO the buck will stop. The MSM can stall the pulling back of the curtain, but the curtain will be pulled back to reveal the wizard is just a second tier Chicago political hack with a teleprompter. Underlings, assistant secretaries and attorneys, Holder, HRC, and ultimately the messiah will go under the bus as long as the House insists on exercising its Constitutional responsibilities.