Home » The new immigrants: come for the liberty, stay for the welfare


The new immigrants: come for the liberty, stay for the welfare — 21 Comments

  1. All of which puts the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act and Marco Rubio center stage… spotlight.

    Neil Munro (Daily Caller)
    “The Senate’s pending immigration bill includes roughly 400 exemptions, exceptions, waivers, determinations and grants of discretion”.

    How does one read the bold as being other than flim-flam and in essence the very abrogation of the purported intent of the bill? How does a bill that mentions “judge(s)’ some seventy times instill any confidence in it being other than a law that would sanction a process of dynamically legislating immigration matters by bureaucracy, or worse, by the courts.

    Demography is Politics
    If we get immigration ‘reform’, in less than a generation Dems will reap a political bonanza — millions of new voters – including the large rump of the GOP, reconciled to the winds of change to which they’d contributed much hot air. And lets not forget thousands of new political panderers.

    Marco Rubio
    The current immigration system is broken, Rubio contends, and the nation’s laws are not enforced. “So, for those two reasons alone, we have to do something,” — Marco Rubio
    Mr. Rubio would assure us that 400 exemptions, exceptions… will fix what is broken and what…? He personally will guarantee the immigration reform laws are enforced, as he understands them, when he is el presidente y comandante en jefe?
    Immigration is not broken, the law and execution of the law is broken

    According to the Washington Post, a spokesman for President Obama said:
    “proposals from Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) “bode well for a productive, bipartisan debate.”

    Barry thinks you’re one of the cool kids — kiss of death.

    TIME magazine’s Michael Grunwald re Marco:
    The Republican Savior: How Marco Rubio Became The New Voice of the GOP

    Savior and Voice? Beso de la muerte dos… …and I’ve just experienced a significant reflux incident.

    Even Karl Rove, the former political adviser to President George W. Bush who is known as a hard-nosed partisan strategist, welcomed the cooperation [Rubio’s] on immigration. – New York Times
    Yes, THAT, Karl Rove — rock hard and principled conservative — not the one who would sell his soul for a warm GOP seat.

    Is it not yet evident Rubio is a blowhard fraud and a candy-assed ‘conservative’ who has been beguiled by public ass kissing, and the stupid Party promoting him as the great brown hope and Latin throb? His only true value is as sample, taste, and specimen of all that is wrong with CONservative Inc.

    Of all that is wrong with Republicans couching approval and support for this bill, this is the worst: not one of them, to my knowledge, has thought to bring up the matter of birthright citizenship/anchor babies. The GOP/NRC/CON Inc. ought to be fast tracked to political hell — they are, collectively, every bit as fraudulent as the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act.

  2. Not too surprised. A couple of days ago I wondered if they were on some public assitance to account for their means of support. I wrongly predicted it wouldn’t be widely reported. But Taxpayer funded terrorism is certainly one thing the Obama administration can point where our economy getting more bang for the buck.

  3. From the Jillian Kay Melchior link:

    “The Congressional Research Service found that between 2008 and 2011, federal spending on welfare programs increased by 32 percent.”

    Unbelievable! Increased welfare spending by 32% while millions leave the workforce never to return and national defense is jeopardized.

    Doesn’t the House control spending? And aren’t Republicans in control of the house?

    There seems to be a lot of Republicans helping to make that 47% a permanent majority.

    Another good source on immigration reform is Heather MacDonald’s book “The Immigration Solution.”


  4. Ralph Peters is absolutely right: there are no good guys in Chechnya, and this is a positive insanity to accept as immigrants anybody from this region. The same is true about other North Caucasian Muslim regions of Russia, and Muslims from Middle East. These territories produce nothing except human scum incapable to live in free society. They can be ruled only by brutal dictatorships, under any other regime they are extremely dangerous.

  5. I work for a social service entity. Our staff are prohibited from inquiring about the immigration status of applicants. We even keep interpreters available for those who aren’t proficient in saying, “Give me the goodies.” in English.

  6. kaba1776 – I understand that there is a program in the works to give free broadband internet to the “poor”. It’s an expansion of the Obama-phone program. I know, Obama phones started before Obama, but he’s expanded it into $2.2 billion program from a much more modest program to get people land lines – so they could answer the phone for a job. And now it will be expanded further.
    After you set them up with broadband, you can give them the link to Google Translate, or even some good jiidhad sites to make them feel at home. And don’t forget to help them register to vote!

  7. There are four aspects to this; RINO’s on the republican side who support the business interests who are quite happy with illegal immigration.

    Hard core leftists who welcome increased federal spending, of which welfare programs for illegals are just one more part of a strategy to create an economic crisis that they can use to accelerate the fundamental transformation of America.

    Thirdly, low information, ‘useful idiot’ liberals who have been sold the meme that the richest nation on earth can afford ANY and every entitlement program and that only the inequities of capitalism leveraged by greedy capitalists prevent an unending gravy train.

    And finally, the traitorous MSM, the propaganda arm of the left who prevent widespread exposure of the entire mess to that slim majority that reelected Obama.

  8. Mexican immigrants trend much younger than the American average, and they are quite fruitful in their multiplying. Some believe it’s illegal aliens and their offspring who will save social security. Which assumes they’ll sooner or later work.

  9. “There are four aspects to this; RINO’s on the republican side who support the business interests who are quite happy with illegal immigration”
    This point isn’t spoken about nearly enough. In the south and southwest, the restaurants, hotels, housing trades, tourist businesses, and a lot of others lobby the republicans and contribute big money to their campaigns – they’re allowed to give lip service opposing illegal immigration, but have no intention of ending it because they’d soon be without half their campaign funds. When these idiots vote in “immigration reform”, their protection racket won’t be necessary any more, and they will have outlived their usefullness to the lobbies.
    Not surprisingly, Boner is said to be in favor of the senate bill, and wants to accelerate it through the house so he can avoid attracting attention to himself and upsetting his chances of being speaker in 2014. I am praying the rest of the house votes to get rid of that buffoon before it’s too late.

  10. southpaw, you are closer to the truth than intended. I was recently tasked with installing the hardware and software to facilitate the application process for those who are hearing impaired.

    And yes, we do keep voter registration forms in the lobby prior to elections.

    We are so doomed!

  11. kaba1776 — great! The new Ellis Island Greeting:
    “Give us your deaf, your illiterate, you unskilled, and your destitute. We’ve got plenty of stuff”.

  12. I can tell you that in Texas, your tax dollars are paying for speech therapy for “hispanics” in spanish…you even pay for an interpreter to GO TO THE HOUSE of the “hispanic” with the therapist to pay for said therapy….and one very frustrated administrator of a foster home told me a couple of years ago it was easier to get federal aid for the children of illegals than for the children of US citizens!!!

  13. “When these idiots vote in “immigration reform”, their protection racket won’t be necessary any more, and they will have outlived their usefulness to the lobbies.” southpaw

    Perhaps not. That didn’t happen after Reagan agreed to amnesty, why should it happen now? If illegal immigrants are given “a path to citizenship” it will simply encourage more illegal immigration. We will be rewarding law breaking. Why would not millions more respond to the incentive?

  14. The GOP is slowly committing seppuku, and I for one welcome that and just wish they would hurry their entrail-slashing.

    I think now that the posters in 2012 here who indicated a refusal to vote for Mitt on the grounds that the GOP should die, let the Dems have it and own it, were correct–though I did not then at all agree.

    With Rubio, McCain, the Gang of Eight, and, oh well, Obamacare is the law of the land Boner, the GOP has left me. It is past time for a new Party.

  15. People will eventually realize that the hellish riots in Britain and France were not coincidences. That in fact, they have voted in their own civil war, their own zombie apocalypse, whether they like it or not.

    The Left is the epitome of human evil. Those that deny that statement, will be destroyed by the Left in due time. Not by us. Even the rich fat cats won’t get off that easy, though most will probably escape to Europe, Canada, and Australia.

  16. “The GOP is slowly committing seppuku, and I for one welcome that and just wish they would hurry their entrail-slashing.”

    Hara kiri is ritually done with two people. The loyal attendant stands behind the person that cuts into their gut, in order to mercifully decapitate the person when the pain is too great to hold in their tongue.

    A gut wound takes a long time to die from. Decapitation, not so much.

    Nobody, however, has the spine or the will to do any such thing. For if they did, they would be killing Leftists first.

    Well the point in the end was always that the Left had enough hate and will to fight this war and their enemies didn’t. The outcome, victory, was perhaps inevitable. The only issue was who was actually going to win. The Left or their Islamic/Mexican enemies they imported to use as shock troops?

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