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As the news dribbles out… — 7 Comments

  1. The problem is war if a declared state of hostilties between states, for exmple the United States and the Empire of Japan. Radical Islam is not a state, and as such can not declare war in the legal sense. Yet in the real sense radicai Islam has been at war with us since at least 1994, the first attack on the World Trade Center.

    I wish to extend no advantage to Tsarnaev for not being the uniformed combatant of recognized state. If he can be sbown to a member of some enemy belligerents, then have no problem deeming him an enemy combatant. I am not yet aware of such evidence.

  2. I firmly disagree that we are not in a hot war — for we are in a long war with AQ.

    And from what little the Russians are leaking, their FSB informed our FBI of Darth Tamerlan — and his sabbatical to the ‘Stans — and the campgrounds of AQ franchisees.

    He committed high treason in wartime.

    That was his intent — straight up.

  3. Too many people are unable to bring themselves to accept the nature of the hostilities (a stealth war). This is different. This is an army of religious zealots from many corners of the world who are united by their religious beliefs and is attacking all the developed nations of the West. To many it appears like a chihuahua nipping at the heels of a labrabdor retriever. They think, “Oh, it’s a nuisance, but nothing serious.” Unfortunately, we are spending a lot of blood and treasure and we aren’t really having that much impact on this religious army, which numbers as many as a 100 million members.

    There are three things fueling the jihadis. Money from the Muslim oil states, imams preaching death to the infidels, and dead end societies where the young men have little or no future.

    We thought we could transform Iraq into a society with opportunity to discourage young men from being radicalized. Somehow someone (does anyone remember when we decided we could transform Afghanistan?) decided we could also possibly do the same thing in Afghanistan. We now know that it was a fool’s mission because the radical Muslims are numerous enough and violent enough to prevent transforming their societies.

    We need to change our strategy. We need to start an all out effort to ramp up oil production everywhere in the West. Especially here in the U.S. By driving oil prices down, we could turn OPEC into a toothless relic. That would help shrink the money supply available to the jihadis.

    Secondly we need to openly acknowledge who the enemy is and identify the radical imams who are preaching death. We should constantly tell them we have no beef with Islam. That we want to live and let live, but we don’t intend to let them keep on attacking us without consequence. We can mock the the radical imams – openly showing what murderous bile they are preaching and showing how Godless they really are. And we can unleash some black ops on them. They are operating under a shelter of our tolerance for freedom of religion and laughing at us for being so naive. None of the imams families or associates are actually doing any of the dangerous killing that they urge the faithful to do. They are sitting there whipping the faithful into a frenzy while feeling safe and invulnerable. We know who most of them are. We even know where many of them live. Why should they be safe from the death and destruction they are urging others to commit?

    If we persist in the strategy of trying to deal with the foot soldiers one at a time, we will keep flailing away, wasting resources, and making no headway at all. Who wants to be dealing with jihadis like the Tsaraev brothers fifty years from now? If we don’t change course that is exactly what we’re looking at.

  4. blert: we are not in disagreement, except for the definition of “hot war.” I mean “hot war” in the conventional sense. Of course there are armed hostilities in this war. But it is undeclared, and not officially between states.

  5. To try him for treason, or as an unlawful enemy combatant, the U.S. government would have to declare that he was practicing Jihad- Islamic Holy War.

    That’s NOT going to happen. Even if he admits to Jihad in open court, our government as currectly exists will not officially recognize Jihad exists between Islam and the United States.

    His case will be handled by the criminal justice system.

  6. I’m not quite sure which one is the greater threat in the long run, the Leftist alliance for a better tomorrow or Islamic Shariah for a more Godly Allah obedient world. They are both, to certain degrees, much alike.

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