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Breaking… — 34 Comments

  1. I wonder how many of the officers are Iraq and/or Afghanistan veterans and bringing that experience to bear?

  2. wow !!!! Scenario is incredible !
    Police chief says there may be explosive devices all over that area of boston, put there by these 2 that he called “Terrorists” & said “They have come here to kill people” His exact words.
    Welcome to the lame duck presidency of inept Barack O. With citizens of Watertown told to lock doors windows stay in homes, not answer doors, does anyone, anyone, even Chris matthews think the American public will put up with assaults on he 2nd amendment.????These 2 have been here a year !!!! (Great job Janet, too busy with those San Fran weekends ?) Does anyone think immigration will be the open door
    that O is demanding ???
    situation is being called GRAVE !

  3. My husband and I didn t think (after seeing pics ) that these guys are American. Americans would wear Red Sox or Yankee Caps, not a white POLO cap (lol) & the other guy was wearing a GOLF themed cap, (must have picked it to honor Obama)!
    Now TV says cops are going with drawn guns door to door into houses, lookin for the guy !

  4. Two questions Inquiring minds want to know
    to put this in the proper perspective
    1) Were the guns and grenades these perps used registered? And since this is in MA did they have a proper background check done before they bought the guns, grenades and pressure cookers?
    2) When will congress pass an “Aliens here on Student Visas Registration” Law? After all if we can just save one child it will be worth it!!!!
    Not that I need to add this for the smart readers, but for the Drones that stop by- /sarc
    Lets hope by the time this is posted the “white hat” perp will be in the same condition as the “black hat” perp.

  5. Bring back waterboarding! Maybe we could have prevented Boston bombings!

    obomba is a disgrace. Impeach this disaster!

  6. mike, you know you don t need background check for pressure cookers ? TV is offering no explanation for their guns or grenades. But realistically those on a crime & murder spree could care less about *registered guns*
    grenades might be home made stuff, I cannot imagine where somebody would get actual grenades ????

  7. TV reporting they are Russians or chehcnyans (sp) & may have come with family possibly in 1002, BTW they were bros.

  8. the news is not only reporting they are Chechnyans. but on top of it, people like MollyNH are also calling them Russians, which is probably quite insulting to most Chechnyans. (just as Latvians of Latvian descent do not like being referred to as Russian or ex soviet, given that history).

    so, now comes the other part.
    personal, or otherwise? or both?

    could it be as crazy as Microsoft spell checker not knowing how to correct Chechnyans? that the US helped so many countries (betrayed a few from Yalta onwards), and didn’t help them?


    is it the same old same old? ie. they press the term Chechnyans, because Americans don’t know the factions in Chechnya, and so don’t know what they fought for from a basis of.

    Remember Nord-Ost siege?

    Anyone remember who was sitting with the people preventing them from escaping or being rescued (we wont get into the fentanyl or other chemicals used from Kamera, and that most people died because the rescue personnel put them on their backs not on their sides)?

    maybe this image might help


    Special Purpose Islamic Regiment (SPIR)
    International Islamic Peacekeeping Brigade (IIPB)
    Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion of Chechen Martyrs
    Battalion of Shaheed Suicide Bombers
    Supreme Military Mejlis-ul-Shura-United Force of the Caucasian Mujahadeen
    Congress of the Peoples of Ichkeria and Dagestan
    Islamic International Brigade

    In 2003, the United States designated the three groups as terrorist organizations, describing them as violent, responsible for numerous acts of terrorism and with links to the al-Qaeda network.

    Given that the “story for public consumption” narrative from Pravda press is to not have us see who is bothering us, so that we just go about our lives as if nothing happens, and have no desire to direct the power we are absolving ourselves from having towards things inconvenient.

    by pressing the Chechen angle, they get to assert that these are the same old people who are responsible for evil all over the world, and get to forget that much of the Chechen battles were about autonomy (and sharia law too).

    Yes, i know that these guys are probably too young to have been in the conflicts themselves. but not necessarily, and also, this would ignore the Chechen custom of revenge for slights. the woman in the image above i link to, was there because her men were killed in the conflict. (this is similar to other such vendetta culture things. the Sicilians had this as well)

    if connected, they can be related to the attack on a school in Beslan in which most of the dead were children.

    so i guess NOW its important to know the details of the russian conflicts i brought up a while back, Georgia, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, and all that stuff there, with the hundreds of murdered journolists, and all kinds of stuff we would think was quite extreme and nasty if we paid attention.


    ok… so why would they do this? pure Islam? i don’t think so. i think its a case of a few reasons that add up to enough reasons.

    no reason to discuss the islamic jihadi angle, as they all got their start in the same place bin laden did. with the mujahedin. in fact, if one paid attention to the history, you will realize that so many of these beings were manufactured by the conflicts created by soviet russia, and other soviet states, or the attempt to have them. ie. Afghanistan, Georgia, Armenia, Chechnya and on and on…

    i think that ultimately beside the angle of the unity of islam fighting the same foes, i think there is a pay back here.

    back when Obama first took office, there was a conflict going on. i tried to drum up discussion as to the seriousness of it, and how the left AND right was ignoring the seizure of another countries land and the lack of response.

    from the jamestown foundation:
    Chechen Rebels Offer to Help Georgia in Its Standoff with Russia

    On April 29, Movladi Udugov, an envoy of the Chechen rebels outside the Caucasus, declared that the North Caucasian insurgency could help Georgia in its standoff with Russia. Relations between Georgia and Russia have significantly deteriorated since the Russian government decided to establish direct official relations with the secessionist authorities of Abkhazia, the region that is de-facto independent but officially is part of Georgia. At the end of April, additional Russian troops were deployed to Abkhazia under the pretext of increasing the number of peacekeeping troops in the breakaway republic in order to guarantee security.

    like Latvia and other countries, some people were betrayed and left to their own to Russian operations when they turned for help. which then allows factions to say, look, they are hypocrites, they only care when there is something of value they want… the morals are fake…

    This is not the first public proposal made by the Chechen rebels to Georgia to fight together against Russia. In August 2004, then Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov said in an interview with Georgia’s Mze TV channel: “I know what Russia is and how to resist it.”
    In that interview, Maskhadov expressed his full support for Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili in his struggle to defend Georgia’s interests and independence (Grani.ru, August 28, 2004). Three years before this statement by Makhadov, Chechen warlord Shamil Basaev, in an interview to Kavkaz-Center, called on Georgia to provide the rebels in Chechnya with antiaircraft missiles (Grani.ru, May 17, 2001).

    Such declarations by Chechen rebel commanders helped the Georgians blackmail Russia by threatening to help the Chechen separatists the same way the Russian authorities help separatists in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. At the peak of the crisis in South Ossetia in summer 2004

    Kind of complicates things, don’t it?

    was it an attack on the US as a peoples and their freedom as its going to be painted, or is it an attack on the leaders of the US who are in kahoots with Putin, Medvedev and happy to now have “flexibility”?

    EVERYBODY probably remembers the 2008 Georgia—Russia crisis, where Russia invaded Georgia…

    Georgia ‘overrun’ by Russian troops as full-scale ground invasion begins

    Georgia and Russia: The Occupation Too Many Have Forgotten

    Almost four years after the Russian invasion of Georgia in August 2008, approximately 10,000 Russian troops still occupy the Georgian provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. This occupation represents 20 percent of Georgia’s internationally recognized territory and is in direct violation of the Six Point Ceasefire Agreement brokered by then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Although many of Georgia’s friends have forgotten about the occupation, the Georgian people certainly have not. Polling shows the question of Georgia’s territorial integrity as the biggest concern after unemployment for the Georgian people.


    I see a Russian checkpoint flying a Russian flag in an area that is internationally recognized to be inside the Republic of Georgia. It’s the 21st century version of the 20th century Cold War front line. Beyond my line of sight, I am told, there are advanced S300 anti-aircraft systems, BM-30 Smerch rocket launchers, and SS-21 Scarab tactical ballistic missiles–all allegedly present in South Ossetia and within striking distance of Tbilisi. From the checkpoint, Russia’s newest military base can clearly be seen less than a mile away. Off in the distance, I see a new road is being constructed over the mountain linking Russia’s new military base with South Ossetia’s provincial capital of Tskhinvali. Sadly, none of this looks temporary–the Russians are there to stay.

    Take, for example, Russia’s invasion of Georgia in August 2008, as the Summer Olympics began in Beijing. Candidate Obama made a statement that appeared weak and wishy-washy, placing equal blame on both sides and calling for “direct talks” among “all sides,” as well as the involvement of the United Nations.

    Obama On Russian Invasion Of Georgia: “No Possible Justification”

    the point was that nothing was done other than blaming both sides for an invasion of one, and ignoring the asymetry, and ignoring other things as well as religion there too…

    right now, Obama has sent troops to Jordan, Syria, and all over that area… but all he did was say words and then ignore or look the other way to what was going on in Georgia. Advanced weapons and other things are being transferred and what did the people in Chechnya and Georgia, and all that get?

    that would be enough for them to accept a project from another organization, and “kill two birds with one stone”…

    i am not agreeing with this line of reasoning, i am just searching for something that makes sense as these people are not hobby players and are from that region. they probably have family members murdered by Russians and they, like others in Europe have a deep dislike for being betrayed (as they see it). they have long cultural memories…

    After Russia’s invasion of Georgia, what now for the West?
    At least for now, the smoke seems to be clearing from the Georgian battlefield. But the extent of the wreckage reaches far beyond that small country.

    As bad as the bloodying of Georgia is, the broader consequences are worse. The United States fiddled while Georgia burned, not even reaching the right rhetorical level in its public statements until three days after the Russian invasion began, and not, at least to date, matching its rhetoric with anything even approximating decisive action. This pattern is the very definition of a paper tiger. Sending Secretary of State Condeleezza Rice to Tbilisi is touching, but hardly reassuring; dispatching humanitarian assistance is nothing more than we would have done if Georgia had been hit by a natural rather than a man-made disaster.

    The European Union took the lead in diplomacy, with results approaching Neville Chamberlain’s moment in the spotlight at Munich: a ceasefire that failed to mention Georgia’s territorial integrity, and that all but gave Russia permission to continue its military operations as a “peacekeeping” force anywhere in Georgia. More troubling, over the long term, was that the EU saw its task as being mediator — its favourite role in the world — between Georgia and Russia, rather than an advocate for the victim of aggression.

    hopefully, neo wont delete this for being too long…

  9. By the way, forgetting the invasion of Georgia, might be why people are not truly understanding why China is trying to grab senkaku… ie. you let them have a country, why wont you let us have one?

    if you carve up the world fast, they go after you
    if you carve it up slow, nothing happens…

    slow, hides things as people are too short term, don’t think as to what happens next, and so on…

    but note
    once you live under it, you and your children will know and that wont happen as the culture that supports it and validates it and creates hostility if you mention it, wont be there.

  10. The Bombers facebook page

    Djohar Tsarnaev

    World view: Islam
    Personal priority: Career and money

    so, now its easy to see why the news is pressing location over thoughts…

  11. Won scholarship from City of Cambridge…

    How nice… my son just quit College as graduating with honors in stem is not enough to over come the social justice of it… if it was not for wealthy paying themselves, and foreign exchange, there would be even fewer than 44% men in academic education

    we have all kinds coming here to learn and go back home, but also to spy and bring it back home as a matter of being allowed to come here…

  12. hey, i didnt determine them russians, just repeating wants being said
    I am sorry, but you deserve both barrels for that, and maybe, it might get a few others to wake up as to what they do, or don’t do actually matters.

    So, you have so aptly illustrated why we are going to end up like Germany 1940s (And most of the way there). People ask, why didn’t the german people do something? They found it easier to just parrot things and not question them.

    [Long text that explained history to a parrot]

    Psittacism is speech or writing that appears mechanical or repetitive in the manner of a parrot. More generally it is a pejorative description of the use of words which appear to have been used without regard to their meaning. The word is derived from the Latin term for parrots psittaci

    in an analogy with the ability of some parrots to speak human words but without any knowledge of their meaning. Parrots, in turn, may be used as symbols of psittacism. In Flaubert’s story Un cÅ“ur simple the parrot may have been used in this manner. Ben Stoltzfus wrote in The French Review:

    Thus, Loulou is a parrot, and at the same time a symbol of psittacism, that malady of so many of Flaubert’s characters who either parrot banalities without thought or meaning, or are the victims of this psittacism

    perhaps there was a bit of truth in men referring to women as birds. making it bad to say so in pc feminist terms don’t change a thing, does it?

    “Psittacism, we recall, is the name for the habit of using words without thought. Often a single symbol is enough to start the words flowing, even as prompting a parrot will cause him to run through his piece. The man of the left hears the word ‘profit,’ and proceeds to intone: ‘You can’t get anywhere until you destroy the profit system.’ The man on the right hears the word ‘socialism,’ and throwing back his head and shutting his eyes, he roars: ‘You can’t change human nature!'”
    (Stuart Chase, The Tyranny of Words. Methuen, 1938)

    Chase was among the dozen or more prominent members of the temporary committee which conducted the affairs of the Technical Alliance which later formed into Technocracy Incorporated, (Technocracy movement).[4][5]

    Although not a Marxist, Chase admired the planned economy of the Soviet Union, being impressed with it after a 1927 visit. Chase stated that “The Russians, in a time of peace, have answered the question of what an economic system is for”

    AND also from DEfinitions dot come examples:

    “He began to write down the thoughts that came into his head. He wrote first in large clumsy capitals:


    Then almost without a pause he wrote beneath it:


    . . . He accepted everything. The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia. . . . How easy it all was! Only surrender, and everything else followed.”
    (George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four)

    the left is a bunch of parrots that formulaic respond with what i call “Banary Phrases” which are Confucian ritual answers to each “problem” a Marxists put it. in this way, you get people scapegoating white males and jews as they parrot the stuff they are told to say under which condition.

    arent you glad you figured out which side your on in action, while what side your on in mind? the mind does not have to match action, and even better if they are in opposition. as the more evil your actions do, the more good you think your doing, and the more your zealousness and endeavors go.

    just reverse he exit signs, start a fire in the basement, and yell fire fire fire… the rest takes care of itself, dont it? with everyone parroting the first person who gets the sign wrong.

    then where does the crowd of lemmings end up?

    i recommend:
    National Lampoon Lemmings
    National Lampoon’s Lemmings, a spinoff of the humor magazine National Lampoon, was a 1973 stage show which helped launch the performing careers of John Belushi, Christopher Guest, and Chevy Chase

    The first half of the show was sketch comedy; the second half was a mock rock festival, “Woodshuck: Three Days of Peace, Love and Death”, a parody of “Woodstock: Three Days of Peace and Music”. “Woodshuck” featured spoofs of Woodstock performers, including Joe Cocker and Joan Baez, as well as a parodies of Bob Dylan and James Taylor, plus songs performed by fictional groups (e.g. the “Motown Manifestoes” singing Papa was a Running Dog Lackey of the Bourgeoisie).

    even then, the smarties knew what they were doing, or else the play would not have resonated… but also, looking back, the play was amazingly abstractly prescient…


    they recognized the death movement pretending to be a utopian life movement. they saw the German rune for life, inverted, meaning death, being carried by hippies as a symbol. how the peace loving life lovers fought to murder their children

    and now want after birth abortions, which we used to call infanticide… (which is why they are ignoring Gosnell, he was doing what they wanted for 150 plus years. exterminating those they dont like, without repercussions and with social celebration. hey, if your going to murder someone, better to be rewarded for it than pilloried, eh?)

    how did infanticide become after birth abortions?
    people parroting the latter and not realizing it means the former

    I always thought neo with her love for theater and arts, would have delved into the play that created a cultural movement that helped define an era. or did she forget how we felt when Johns girlfriend helped him shoot up some more heroin when he was too incapacitated… such a helpful woman, eh?

    one can call it the national lampoon play/movie that started it all. it was americas monty python… and it made much of the same social commentaries to the brains that read the academia stuff, but like childrens shows, were also fun for the ignorant who didnt get it!!!!!!!!!! (of course to try to show someone, one has to show they were ignorant, so they wont look)

    1973, 5 years after the summer of love, and they already knew where it would end up… one only had to think of what was being said, and say something else.

    Dont believe me?
    then read this and think of obama

    You say the world’s in trouble
    You say you don’t feel free
    You don’t know where you’re goin’
    Well, brother, don’t ask me
    Oh, I don’t give a darn, no
    Out behind the barn, oh
    You say I was your leader
    You say I turned you on
    You’re startin’ to suspect now, it was all a con
    Oh, I don’t give a darn, no
    Out behind the barn, oh

    You say I owe you somethin’
    You ask me for my plan
    Just who were you expectin’? Jesus Zimmerman?
    Oh, I don’t give a darn, no
    Out behind the barn, oh

    what plan? did you really think he was the messiah?

    Megadeth is an American heavy metal band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 1983 – guess where they got their name?

    Though Megadeth is the first band to use this name, Pink Floyd in their early years used the name with a variation in the spelling (“The Meggadeaths”).[9] Also, the 1973 off-Broadway play “National Lampoon’s Lemmings: Dead in Concert” contained a skit involving a band called “Megadeath”. The skit involved a heavy metal band playing a music festival called “Woodchuck” in which their amplifiers are so loud, they kill the entire audience.

    so from parrots to iconic culture hidden (a recurring theme in art)… i always hoped that neo would dig into that. it spans skulls hidden in paintings as well as symbolism (see grecco), to codes in dance, to the beatles slipping weirdness into their work, to modern bands using steganography to put images into the music if you have the tools to extract them… and of course, the constant tiny homages which the public is sometimes ignorant of. like the story for rap not cluing them in on h rap brown. or in this case, forgetting something that helped define a culture, and so not knowing its thread of influence through our lives and experiences…

  13. OK, the news has settled into airtime filler mode since there’s a break in the action. Interesting to compare the coverage amongst news channels. They’re really dancing around the obvious: radicalized Muslims who may have been waiting or plotting for years while blending in. They keep asking “How and when did this happen?” as if we haven’t witnessed so many radicalized boys & men from all walks of life become terrorists.

    One satisfying story I’ve seen: the man whose legs were blown off (the one in the really gory photo) provided the FBI with a detailed description of the younger bomber. Apparently he saw him place the bomb and even made eye contact. God bless him!

  14. It appears that I was right about them being jihadis. I was wrong to think they were well-trained terrorists with an escape plan. Batting 50% so far. I hope they bring the other bro to ground alive. We need to plumb the thinking of these two. My guess is that they will turn out to be independent operators with the typical Muslim grievances toward the West.

  15. We got a robo call at 6:50 am from the Newton Police to lock the doors and stay inside. We’ve spent the rest of the morning glued to the tv and radio. Some things that I’ve heard. They are naturalized citizens originally from Chechnya and came to the US about 2001 – 2003. Brothers ages 26, dead, and 19 alive after a 1 am shootout that included grenades being thrown from the hijacked car. They both graduated from Cambridge-Rindge & Latin high school. I heard an interview with a classmate who recognized the younger on the FBI video immediately, but didn’t report him because of disbelief. The wrestling coach said the younger was a good athelete. Their uncle in Maryland confirmed that they are Muslims but hadn’t seen them since 2009.

  16. Art:

    Psittacism indeed.

    As my momma used to say:

    “Whenever you point your finger at someone else just remember that you’re pointing three fingers back at yourself”.

    Make allowances.

  17. Beslan Comes to America

    [not really in my opinion, i don’t think it has anything to do with beslan. it has to do with separation for Chechnya and for Georgia, with personal reasons thrown in and mixed with a religious world view]

    Warsaw marks 70 years since uprising in ghetto
    [notice how they MARK a date, while us idiots celebrate or commemorate a horror?]

    Sirens wailed and church bells tolled in Warsaw as largely Roman Catholic Poland paid homage Friday to the Jewish fighters who rose up 70 years ago against German Nazi forces in the Warsaw ghetto uprising.

    The mournful sounds marked the start of state ceremonies that were led by Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski at the iconic Monument to the Ghetto Heroes. The president was joined by officials from Poland, Israel and beyond as well as a survivor of the fighting, Simha Rotem, to honor the first large-scale rebellion against the Germans during World War II.

    About 750 Jews with few arms and no military training attacked a much larger and well-equipped German force that was about to send the remaining residents of the ghetto to death camps. The revolt was crushed the following month, and the ghetto was razed to the ground, most of its residents killed.

    “We knew that the end would be the same for everyone. The thought of waging an uprising was dictated by our determination. We wanted to choose the kind of death we would die,”said Rotem, an 88-year-old who is among a tiny number of surviving fighters and was the key figure at the ceremony. “But to this day I have doubts as to whether we had the right to carry out the uprising and shorten the lives of people by a day, a week, or two weeks. No one gave us that right and I have to live with my doubts.”

    Rotem’s uncertainty is in stark contrast to how the world remembers the revolt. Though a clear military defeat, it is hailed as a moral victory for the Jewish fighters, who refused to go without a fight to the gas chambers. It is widely viewed as a model of resistance against the odds and is often celebrated in Israel, part of a never-again ethos that stresses the importance of self-defense.

    we let them down
    we didnt remember…

  18. I am impressed by the police work here. I am NOT impressed by the media bloviating on the issue. Do you hear me, Chrissie and Slate?


    Hollyweird has dispatched teams of writers and lawyers to secure as many stories as possible for future movie ideas given our educational systems inability to create original thinkers… not ot mention the opportunity to use such pseudo histories to correct real histories mistakes (histories mistakes are when history doesn’t follow Marxism)

    word has it that they are trying to make a newtown boston ballet for off broadway… a cultural mash up they are trying to cast ray liota as the young chechen freedom fighter who remembers the beslan newtown massacre and decides to take revenge on the running dog lacky of a society he found after struggling to survive and reach amerika…

    video games, t-shirt consessions, along with other marketing moves, are right now being worked out…

  20. Art:

    Beslan was my FIRST thought post-Lanza massacre when “gun-control” was pursued as the “go-to” solution. I pray the “useful idiots” among us, don’t unwittingly bring this about.

  21. Gringo,
    you left out Mr S at Salon who pontificated how it should be white guys… and so on…. so its easy to see what they are trying to hide.. i bet sirota is happy

    however, i guess only half happy…
    i wonder what mr tingles has to say

  22. U.S. security officials are investigating a recent intelligence report that a group of 25 Chechen terrorists illegally entered the United States from Mexico in July. The Chechen group is suspected of having links to Islamist terrorists seeking to separate the southern enclave of Chechnya from Russia, according to officials familiar with intelligence reports. Members of the group, said to be wearing backpacks, secretly traveled to northern Mexico and crossed into a mountainous part of Arizona that is difficult for U.S. border security agents to monitor, said officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.


  23. artfldgr, I was thinking of the “should be white guys” screed when I wrote down Slate. I didn’t bother to check. Thanks for pointing out that it was at Salon, not at Slate.

  24. Boston Bombing Suspect Posted Video on Al Qaeda Prophecy on YouTube

    Mother Jones ^
    The deceased suspect in the bombing of the Boston marathon, which killed three and injured more than 170, appears to have posted a video extolling an extremist religious prophecy associated with Al Qaeda to his YouTube page. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26 year-old brother of the second Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, had a YouTube page where he posted religious videos, including a video of Feiz Mohammad, a fundamentalist Australian Muslim preacher who rails against the evils of Harry Potter. Among those videos is one dedicated to the prophecy of the Black Banners of Khurasan which is embraced by Islamic extremists–particularly Al Qaeda….

  25. On MSNBC they’re already lecturing viewers not to generalize based on the terrorists culture, nation of origin (unsaid: or religion – they’re at pains not to even mention it). So predictable. Kid gloves with foreign terrorists when they often gleefully depict all gun owners and Tea Party members as crazies.


    if your going to stick your head in the sand, don’t be surprised when something screws you up the ass because that’s what sticking up!!!!!!!!

  27. I’m developing a general impression that our Obama and Holder led DOJ and FBI are incompetent because of who they believe the enemies are. Watching a single man shut down all of Boston is disgusting, especially since it appears that he should have been caught long before he was outed by an internet-led photo investigation.

    Fast and furious, Benghazi, gun-control, the Bostom Marathon bombing: These events appear connected when one assumes a rather awful supposition that our President has a mind set exactly like William Ayres. It almost appears as if there is a mole in our gov’t giving aid and help to our enemies.

  28. Sharpie consider this,
    Now the terrorists have a template, for how you can shut down a major American City. And take a few American lives that precious little 8 yr old boy, growing into his too big teeth holding that sign “Stop hurting people” & the 2 lovely women, gone.
    The life time of misery to those maimed & psychological trauma
    of the all of them.
    There is a segment of people who do believe Obama has a deliberate goal to diminish America from within. I guess he would consider it a “redistribution” of national esteem.
    The Left they are so, so into redistribution!

  29. If one does not wage war overseas, then the Left will bring the war home.

    Then again, the LEft has been waging war on America for a century by now, nothing has changed much there.

  30. Comment on “a ton of firepower”.

    I don’t think that you can establish that based upon the number of shots fired. Many police ==> much shooting. Only a few by the jihadists would be needed to bring a large number of rounds fired back at them — or, more precisely, in their general direction.

    I’m very supportive of U.S. law enforcement officers overall: I also know that their marksmanship training is usually “not that good”. I don’t mean this as criticism: almost all police work does *not* involve the use of firearms, so most police officers don’t rank that high on their list of things to devote extra practice to. Most training and skills are reasonable for their job: what is *not* reasonable is the almost-perfect awe that many citizens hold for police officer weapons use.

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