Home » Getting Dr. Carson, and the gotcha-Republican quotes du jour


Getting Dr. Carson, and the gotcha-Republican quotes du jour — 14 Comments

  1. Charges of racism are the first refuge of a democrat. BTW. why does Mexico do so poorly in the Olympics? Because all the Mexicans that can run, jump and swim are in the US.

  2. I hope part of Carson’s message still gets through to black voters. Some of them don’t exactly support gay marriage, and they may not be impressed by the rantings of “elite” med students. It would be great to find a way to accuse them of racism.

    Carson is right; the PC has to be stopped. As to the gottcha quotes, we need a scorecard. The Dems would only need Joe Biden to balance out every Republican flub ever made.

  3. Neo said…
    We all know that when a bunch of things are listed as having a single trait in common, those things are all being equated, right?–at least if it suits the purposes of those who are out to discredit someone. So Dr. Carson is saying that gays, NAMBLA, and those who think it’s fine to have sex with animals are all the same.

    Of course he’s not. It’s as though a person were discussing (to take one example) the issue of black separatism, and said that black separatism was a bad idea no matter who advocated it–black people who are fed up with racism in white-dominated society, members of the KKK, or neo-Nazis.

    But the three things Dr. Carson listed — gays, NAMBLA, and bestiality — are to him, as an evangelical Christian, all examples of sexual perversion. So, in his mind, they are each part of a continuum. They are not disparate things, as are the three items in your example of black people fed up with racism in white-dominated society, the KKK, or neo-Nazis.

  4. Ann,
    Perhaps Carson is thinking of gay activists, who espouse all sorts of things I find very problematic, like open marriage.

  5. I don’t believe this flap over him expressing his opinion will deter Dr. Carson from continuing to speak out. This is not a man who cares what others think of him. He knows who he is and is very comfortable in his skin. He also believes in freedom of speech and dislikes the PC movement to shut people up.

    On being disinvited to speak at the Johns Hopkins commencement, he shrugged his shoulders and said something to the effect that it’s their graduation celebration, if they don’t want me, it’s okay with me. He is gracious and tolerant of others views, even when they are trying to put him down. I have watched him on Fox several times now. (I saw the Hannity show where he made the remark about not changing the definition of marriage.) He seems very much at peace and quite unflappable. He also has an incisive mind that cuts to the heart of a problem. I doubt that he has any political ambitions, but he does want to use his voice and his platform to speak out and, as he puts it, “try to educate people.” He’s an optimist who believes, as I do, that this country can come back, if we unleash the power of American businesses through less regulation, developing our natural resources, and lowering taxes.

    He has good ideas about how to reform our healthcare system. How about that? A doctor who doesn’t like Obamacare and has some positive alternatives. What’s not to like about this brilliant and Godly man? Oh yeah, he’s a black conservative. The progs can’t stomach that.

  6. Ann:

    I’m glad you are able to know what was in Carter’s mind. Personally, I’m not so sure you can speak for him.

    However, Christianity and most other mainstream religions do indeed have a general tradition of wanting to channel sexuality into procreative rather than non-procreative lines. I wrote about that already at some length here. But that is not what Carter’s critics are objecting to.

  7. From Breitbart:

    “Mr. Olson, the bottom line that you’re being asked and it is one that I’m interested in the answer: If you say that marriage is a fundamental right, what State restrictions could ever exist? Meaning, what State restrictions with respect to the number of people, with respect to — that could get married — the incest laws, the mother and the child, assuming they are of age — I can — I can accept that the State has probably an overbearing interest on — on protecting the a child until they’re of age to marry, but what’s left?” — Justice Sotomayor

    Where are the media watchdogs?

  8. Neo and all: If you haven’t seen them yet there are several excellent videos of Ginni Thomas interviewing former leftist Brandon Darby over at http://dailycaller.com/ (scroll down to Mrs. Thomas’s blog on the right hand margin).

    Darby is a very recent changer and it sounds like he was a very radical leftist before he changed (more like Horowitz than Neo). The racial theme comes up several times.

    Ginni Thomas is quite courageous to be doing what she does; I have to remind myself each time I see her interviews that she’s the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas.

  9. carl in atlanta: thanks.

    By the way, I recall that the beginning of Andrew Breitbart’s change occurred because of the Clarence Thomas hearings.

  10. Neo: when referring to Ann’s comment you more than once referred to Carter. You’ve done this before.
    I think it’s funny is all.
    But I also agree with Ann, as an evangelical, that would be Carter’s perspective.
    It is mine, and other evangelicals.

  11. Political correctness will eventually kill America if it is not stopped. Political correctness is nice but I have yet to find out how it has been productive. Young’s comments were out of place still but no need to have a temper tantrum over the little things.

    Aside from that, in defense of marriage. We should go back to the fundamentals, marriage is an institution for child rearing. Many Americans are forgetting that. What is the point in getting married if one doesn’t have children or plan to have any?

    But also, I am not sure if many can relate to Dr. Carson’s position. From my own experience, very few groups other groups practice race McCarthyism. I assumed that when an Irishman or a Jew(or anyone else) votes, he could vote Republican or Democrat without being called a race traitor. Hopefully, Dr. Carson will keep it up but he should be cautious.

  12. I have been called a “mojado,” a.k.a. “wetback.” I doubt that the people who called me “mojado” would have been considered racists, as they were Spanish speaking Hispanics- one a TX native and the other born in Latin America.

    Years ago, in my time in Houston between assignments on drilling rigs in Latin America, I often stayed at a cheap rooming house in the East End [Hispanic- though some cousins used to live there back in the day], where I had stayed when I first came to Houston to seek my fortune.

    They called me “mojado” because of my proficiency in Spanish.

    I would feel more favorable towards illegal aliens if they paid their own way. At a local grocery store I see a lot of Spanish speaking people – a high proportion of whom are illegal aliens- pay for groceries with food stamps. Then they get free care at hospital emergency rooms. Y yo? Pago. [And I ? I pay.]

  13. Re- this talk about what Christians view marriage for-What I keep hearing bantered about, this implied idea that the Chrisitan view of marriage is only about procreation. I don’t know if some of these ideas are coming from Catholic doctrine or what? Biblically speaking, raising a family is one strong aspect of marriage- but not the only one. The apostle Paul warned husbands and wives to not withhold sex from each other for too long lest they be tempted to stray-see 1 Corinthians chapter 7! He doesn’t say this applies only to those in child bearing years! Early on in the Bible we see the phrase “it is not good for the man to be alone…” (Genesis 2: 18 NIV) We see that the Union of man and wife is partly about creating “one flesh”-two become one-Genesis 2:24 . See also what Jesus said about marriage in Matthew 19:4-6 This in turn is used as a metaphor of Christ and his Church -(similiar to the marriage metaphor of God and Israel at times in the Old Testament- see Isaiah 62:5 and Ephesians 5:23-33 and 2 Corinthians chapter 11. )

  14. Evil is not afraid of logic; it is afraid of obedience.

    G-d is the master of chaos, and no one else is a master, except those who obey. The power of love is released in obedience.

    G-d gave logic and reason to all man, to both good and evil. Evil is ruled by logic and the more evil one becomes, the more logical. The ultimate evil expects to supplant G-d through the strictest enforcement of logic, through both Order and Beauty, as was stated quite elegantly by a poster here.

    Evil will win when logic is the only tool applied against it. The prophecy of a subdued good against a transcendent evil ultimately delivered by Messiah, this is a statement of reality, a reality which G-d has so constructed to prevent that reality from alienating and forgetting Him.

    As obedience has waned, the “logic” of gay marriage presents itself as inescapable. That victory sets up more logic: that those who oppose are deserving of death. We’re back to eugenics, a favorite of the logically minded.

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