Even as a child (or maybe especially as a child) I felt that these two very famous guys looked alike.
And they had the same first name, too:

Walt’s hair was a bit thicker than Walter’s. And Walt was smilier, too.
Then again, he had more to smile about.
and ones industry was kind of taken over by the left, and so its quality of story has degraded as technology has upgraded the ability to make story!
the biggest problem was that it was ground zero for children inculcation into edenic movement, Rousseau nobel savage, and so on.
oh, and the frankfurt schools favorite RE-Imagineering
ie. how to turn classics everyone loves and that teach and are at a high reading level, to polymorphous perverted po mo things…
one only has to combine walt disney and edenic and out comes a lot of utopian stuff.
“After all,” she wrote, “Disney cartoons are a shared cultural heritage that predate Beaver Cleaver and Howdy Doody. They are the beginning of our global media village…. For better or worse, Uncle Walt pioneered the notion of a standard-issue childhood memory.” [pop psychologist]
and for neo:
“It is one of the paradoxes of movie business,” wrote film critic Pauline Kael, “that the movies designed expressly for children are generally the ones that frighten them the most. I have never heard children screaming in fear at any of those movies we’re always told they should be protected from as they screamed at Bambi and Dumbo. Bambi’s mother is murdered, Dumbo’s mother is goaded to madness and separated from Dumbo; those movies really hit children where it counts.” Another critic called the death “surely one of the most devastating moments in any movie.” Even horror novelist Stephen King wrote that it was the Disney cartoons, including Bambi, that frightened him most as a child.
you were not the only child frightens by cartoons nor did you realize that was a major purpose.
This death scene is central to the film’s antihunting message. (and anti gun message)
Raymond J. Brown, editor of Outdoor Life, sent Walt Disney a telegram pointing out that it was illegal to shoot deer in the spring.
ie. hunters and gun rights people wrote to disney prior to the release… in fact, most people dont see disney as ground one for socialist edenic propaganda..
“once Bambi is raised in status from mere deer to Jesus Whitetail Superstar, man’s hunting of deer becomes a crime comparable to the persecution of Christ.” Field & Stream columnist George Reiger
On a subliminal level, the Disney version of Bambi motivates opposition to hunting, in part, by representing deer visually as surrogate human children.
Bambi and the Problem of “Man”
Humans, although never seen in the film, are the sole source of evil in the Disney view of nature. “‘Bambi’ does have a more vivid sense of evil than any other Disney film,” wrote a movie reviewer, “perhaps because the evil isn’t personified…. The warning issued by Bambi’s mother–‘Man is in the forest’- has the compacting force of a phrase from Brecht.” Another reviewer called this line memorable and intimidating, and recalled that it “still creates shudders.” No wonder that People Weekly listed “Man” among the top movie “Hot Heavies” adding, “That’s the hunter who kills the hero’s mom–the ultimate in dastardly deeds.”
which is why this edenic view beame americans view. whale wars and now rhino wars are our desire to go save bambis mom… but this movement expanded, and with help from the club of rome and others, became our world view.
we got to get back to the garden… said CSN and Y
even the world he created has a tree in it for edenics.
and the whole of americans get back to blood and soil is a disney versio nof nazi…
Hunters not only kill Bambi’s mother, they also kill the woodland creatures indiscriminately, their dogs attack Faline, and their fire ravages the forest. The fierce, hungry flames that devour the forest and its creatures become a surrogate for Man that continues and subliminally magnifies the hunters’ destructive hunger for the lives of Bambi and his friends.(35) Hunters are represented virtually as a satanic force. Disney adds to this impression by using crows, circling and cawing ominously over the forest, as dark harbingers of Man.
At one point, when the deer have gathered together during the long winter, they discuss the nature of Man. The aging deer, Old Nettla, hates Man, saying “He is loathsome!” But young Marena offers, “They say that sometime He’ll come to live with us and be as gentle as we are. He’ll play with us then and the whole forest will be happy, and we’ll be friends with him.” Old Nettla heatedly scoffs at such youthful idealism. “Friends with Him! He’s murdered us ever since we can remember, every one of us, our sisters, our mothers, our brothers! Ever since we came into the world He’s given us no peace…. And now we’re going to be friends with Him. What nonsense!” Nevertheless Marena persists, “‘Love is no nonsense,’ she said. ‘It has to Come.'”
this was reflected in lots of stuff from the time, and you wont notice it unless you go bak and see.
in the incredible mr limpet, he turns into a fish, but the lady fish that he cheats on his wife with emotionally, says that it ok he isnt an evil human any more.
its culmination is the desire to self exterminate to save the world from the self
The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
“May we live long and die out”
Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth’s biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.
Besides, returning Earth to its natural splendor and ending needless suffering of humanity are happy thoughts–no sense moping around in gloom and doom.
Roots of VHEMT run as deep as human history. Potential for a voluntary human extinction movement has been around for as long as humans have.
When Ice Age humans hunted animals to extinction, at least one of the sapient neanderthals among them may have reasoned beyond bewilderment. As the Fertile Crescent became a barren desert, and the Cedars of Lebanon were sacrificed for temples, someone must have thought, “this bodes ill.” When Romans fueled their empire by extracting resources from near and far, surely someone remarked, “Humanus non gratis,” or words to that effect. Someone had to get the idea that the planet would be better off without this busy horde.
Someone, that is, besides the middle-eastern god, Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah. Tradition tells how, in prehistoric times, this creator-god realized his mistake in making humans and was going to flush us from the system, but in a weak moment he spared one breeding family. Oops! (Genesis 6: 1-22).
The Story of Atrahasis, an earlier Sumerian myth recorded in Babylonian text, tells of multiple gods conspiring to rid Earth of the bothersome creatures they had molded out of clay. One sneaky god warns a human to build a boat before the flood, and the rest is our history.
We call The Movement VHEMT, but it’s undoubtedly been given other names throughout history. None have been recorded, as far as we know.
shakers? no…
but this is where disney, sanger, marcuse, adorno, freidan, boas, kinsey, chase, and many many more…
has taken us..
the world would be better with no humans
a return to eden…
from mega.NU… a interesting monograph, that stands on its own… and i cant comment on the rest of all that is there. its one mans (i think) huge musings
Each branch of the Edenic movement has its own characteristic deontological degeneration:
libertarians believe that anything must be permitted that does not directly (without delay or intermediary) injure another person, and that avoidance of direct harm is the only behavior required;
anarchists that everything is permitted (other than constraint by rules) and nothing is or can be required;
fascists that that which is permitted must fulfill the will of the state and therefore is required, and that which is not required is forbidden;
and socialists that the able must take responsibility for the welfare of all, and the unable must have no responsibility for anything, not least for their own welfare and behavior.
Correspondingly, all Edenists are hostile to money systems, each in a characteristic pattern, because money is the mechanism whereby an economy keeps score, holding individuals responsible individually for their respective contributions to aggregate, mutual, voluntary prosperity and fulfillment.
Libertarians are the least pathological of the Edenists in their attitude toward money, but many of them seek to establish a “gold standard” – not the convertibility standard of the Bretton Woods and predecessor regimes, but actual denomination of prices in physical gold units. This leads to a deflationary spiral (economic catastrophe).
Anarchists promote abolition of money, implicitly envisioning return to barter-based trade, which precludes complex economic arrangements (without which, there is economic catastrophe).
Fascists and socialists both envision preponderance of the state in determining the allocation of money, with onerous constraints on how money can be saved and spent by private parties, so that money becomes a mechanism for imposing conformity with the will of the establishment (the state, the political class, their corporatist fellow travelers).
This can be seen in the provision for “Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly” in the Communist Manifesto.
In both systems, complex economic activity (banking, manufacturing, transportation, communication, etc.) is subordinated formally and comprehensively to state control.
this is the last post.
as the rest is pages and reams of interesting ideas, and even on the fringe stuff as well… its not neat and all sane… but it is a most interesting read.
Thanks artfldgr for all the info on Walt and Walter.
Walt Disney had real talent!
I had not noticed, but you are correct!, They could be twins!
Maybe it’s their Missouri roots. I think they both grew up there for at least part of their childhoods.