Home » Nanny Bloomberg is in error


Nanny Bloomberg is in error — 14 Comments

  1. Those at the upper echelons of power, are of course allocated more calories per day. All others will break sumptuary laws if they seek to emulate those of a better class.

  2. Bloomberg and leftists in general do not realize the bell curve applies to everything under the sun. This is why they are always in error. Meanwhile, the sun is shining and its in the upper 30s. The thick snow cover is shrinking and I’m 1,000 miles from NYC and 250 miles from the dead fish. And, the armageddon of sequestration is a little puddle of melted Iowa snow on my brick street. Life is good in flyover country.

  3. Please do not attempt to change the narrative with facts. If facts do not fit, they are not spoken, the dinosaur press will just not call out the errors. Its all about control, the Leftists KNOW they can live your life better than you.

  4. Not all calories are created equal. Bloomberg, and others who have corrupted the education system, should consider dispensing with specialty topics such as health education (and sex education) and focus on teaching principal knowledge and skills, which in this context includes biology and chemistry.

  5. Is there anything that Nanny Bloomberg isn’t an “expert” on? Jeez, what an arrogant jackass. Not to mention, he’s flat wrong. I’ve known (a few) people with hummingbird-like metabolisms who had to eat 4000+ calories a day just to maintain weight, and others who ate 1,500 calories or less and never seemed to drop an ounce. While guidelines are useful, everyone is different.

  6. From the startling number of stupidities pronounced by the good mayor, I’d suggest he get a thorough medical exam.

    He sounds like a person who’s had multiple mini-strokes and is unaware that he’s lost some cognitive function… he’s starting to beclown himself, rather like Joe Biden does.

    Really, Mr. Mayor. It’s “for your own good”, you know.

  7. Just to make you happy.
    My wife, a nurse, used to help her roommate, another nurse, lose weight. Seems both kept an eye out on the calories. She, the roommate didn’t lose any weight unless she was under 900 calories.

    Just to make you want to tear my eyes out.
    I’m called anorexic by my wife, but she also says I eat too much. 😀

  8. Parker sez:
    “Bloomberg and leftists in general do not realize the bell curve applies to everything under the sun.”

    A great truth that most of us also ignore.

  9. parker:

    It’s actually more complicated than even that. There is no normal for even an individual. It varies by activity, age, season, sleep patterns, water consumption, etc. It also varies by the nutrients consumed. This is a chemical system, where individual chemicals are rarely expressed on their own. An individual can be malnourished as a result of missing nutrients, but also when consuming the wrong proportions. This can lead to, among other things, weight misalignment.

    The bottom-line is that our bodies are adaptive systems. It is the responsibility of each individual to be a “scientist” and monitor their own state and make adjustments as necessary.

    It’s helpful to offer guidelines, but the old set already provided a perfectly good reference. There was no need for change. They need to teach people to think for themselves. This begins with dispensing with specialty education and focusing on teaching principal knowledge and skills.

    This is utterly ridiculous! For some reason, people don’t know how to feed themselves. They don’t know the consequences of sex. They seem quite incapable of comprehending, or providing for, their most basic needs.

  10. “This is utterly ridiculous! For some reason, people don’t know how to feed themselves. They don’t know the consequences of sex. They seem quite incapable of comprehending, or providing for, their most basic needs.”

    Ah, then the consequence is they shall starve when it all comes down to dust. That day is coming sooner than you may wish. Beware of darkness: http://tinyurl.com/az6v2z6

  11. }}} However, for me and for many others, around 1600 or 1700 calories a day is the break-even point.

    Actually the number he cited is typical of males in our current social mileau who don’t have high metabolisms from working out regularly. Your number is more accurate for females under much the same circumstances. But let’s face it, it’s not like Bumburger knew that… He was just bloviating.

    How did this guy become a captain of industry? He’s far too freaking stupid to have done it himself.

  12. IGotBupkis: Actually, I do work out regularly.

    But I’m not young, and metabolism slows down—even if you work out regularly—as you age.

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