Home » Today, it’s the water


Today, it’s the water — 9 Comments

  1. I assumed he was still washing the vomit out of his mouth after listening to the supreme ruler for an hour. They’d would have had to put me in a straight jacket if I had to sit through it.

  2. Hmm…water. Water imbibed by a Cuban-American. Water is wet. Parents were immigrants. Wetbacks. Racism!

  3. “Ann Althouse”: a commenter on the real Althouse’s blog named “Baron Zemo” had this to say:

    Hey he should have poured it on his back. We want the Hispanic vote this time. Just sayn’

  4. When giving a real speech to a real audience, speakers can take a quick sip when the audience applauds, laughs or asks questions. Rubio did not have this luxury.
    When giving presentations for work, I take a quick drink while someone in the crowd is asking me a question. The focus is on the person asking the question and I am not expected to say anything while the question is being asked. Perfect time to get a drink of water! This is not possible when you are the only person in the room.
    There would have been no graceful way for Rubio to pause and take a drink. But I submit that a keeping small glass of water on a small table just under camera view would have been better than keeping a bottle off-camera. When he moved way left, bent low and basically disappeared off camera to grab the bottle, and then disappeared a second time to put it back, it was more ackward than the actual act of drinking.

  5. Sam L.: if you follow my link at the “NOTE” at the end of the post, it was to a YouTube video of an ad with that slogan—but it was for Olympia beer, not Rainier.

  6. OT, big time.

    “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant”, Part 726,453: Jackson [Michigan]-area woman gives birth to 10-pound baby same day she learns she is pregnant.

    The meat of the story: she was a survivor of a flesh-eating bacteria infection which took over her abdominal muscles (which were removed surgically) and a major diabetes downer, and then just last Friday walked into a clinic thinking she had an hernia. A CT scan revealed the baby, and an ultrasound revealed she was very due. Never conceived before, and was told she never would. From the pictures, I could see Mama and Daddy were still quite shocked – but very happy to have their baby girl.

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