Home » Obama’s second-term foreign policy: not really like Ike


Obama’s second-term foreign policy: not really like Ike — 9 Comments

  1. Once again the old adage: “A’s hire A’s and B’s hire C’s).

    And, also, as regards C in your list, the only thing Obama seems to have learned since his initial nomination is that the actual puerile gesture of the midldle finger along the hidden side of his face should give way to implied middle finger.

  2. Is my memory playing tricks? I thought that the medals Kerry threw away — or whatever gesture he made with them — belonged to somebody else. I don’t have the energy to track down the facts.

  3. David Guaspari: no, your memory isn’t playing tricks. It’s Kerry who’s playing tricks.

    He threw away his medals before he didn’t throw away his medals. I kid you not.


    Contradicting his statements as a candidate for president, Sen. John Kerry claimed in a 1971 television interview that he threw away as many as nine of his combat medals to protest the war in Vietnam.

    “I gave back, I can’t remember, six, seven, eight, nine medals,” Kerry said in an interview on a Washington, D.C., news program on WRC-TV called Viewpoints on Nov. 6, 1971, according to a tape obtained by ABCNEWS.

    Throughout his presidential campaign, Kerry has denied that he threw away any of his medals during an anti-war protest in April 1971.

    Read the whole thing, as they say. It’s really too convoluted to summarize.

  4. It really comes down to Let It Burn.

    This generation is in for an unpleasant learning experience.

  5. Bob VA says, “…. Let It Burn.”

    The odds are good it will. The bond market will light the match as the FED can not feed the beast indefinitely.

  6. The Islamists are cheering but probably wondering if it all might be a trap. After all, who is stupid enough to believe that the Islamists are not an existential threat and will actually be our friends if only we bring Israel to heel? Obama, Kerry, Hagel, and Brennan that’s who. Especially Brennan. Some of his public statements sound like they could have been written by an imam. Obama likes him because they both spent time in Indonesia as young men and love the sound of the Muslim call to prayer. But they all lean that way. Make friends with the Muzzies and don’t be so millitant. Then those billions of people will like us.

    We can expect things to get more chaotic in the ME as our military power and reach contract. And expect the rest of the world (Especially China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea) to take advantage wherever they can. Uncle Sam is becoming Uncle Sucker. It will not be taken notice of by the MSM. As a result, the low information citizens won’t be informed. It is to weep.

  7. ” ‘Eisenhower governed by indirection,’ explains Thomas. So, too, does Obama.” Thus endeth Ignatius.

    Ike singlehandedly enabled the present Middle East with his Suez decision in ’56. Why anyone thinks he was a good Prez is beyond me. He was the forerunner of the Colin Powell school of military command: dither, politic, schmooze, take few risks. His Normandy “Go” command was kinda like Obama’s Bin Laden kill order.

  8. J.J. – you’re right of course and I think they also believe they have some special insight into Muslim culture, because they spent time in living in Muslim countries.
    But I don’t buy it- not from either Brennan or Obama. Having travelled and spent time in the same places, Westerners, particularly well off ones as those two are, have insular accommodations and their interaction with the average person isn’t more than handing them the keys to park their car, or let them in to do the house cleaning. They stay in areas for expats, send their kids to schools with other western kids, etc.
    They’re no more in touch with the average Muslim than you or I, and couldn’t point to a single friend they made, in spite of their “deep cultural immersion”.

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