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And in no surprise at all, Obama… — 18 Comments

  1. on another note – its getting more and more like Germany every day…

    NY Gov. Talking Gun Control: ‘Confiscation Could Be an Option’

  2. John Kerry’s dishonesty is his most prominent attribute. He lied about American Soldiers in Vietnam. His military service, like his life, is more fiction than fact. He accused our military of terrorizing women and children in Iraq. He called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time – the same words he used to describe Vietnam. He wanted to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as he did to the Vietnamese. Iraq, like Vietnam, is another war that he was for, before he was against it.

    This is a man with no center, no common sense, and no understanding of why we have to defend freedom. And that, of course, is why he is Obama’s choice.

    Gag me with a spoon!!!

  3. John F Kerry is an example of a particularly loathsome type. He is a man who has betrayed his country and his honor and has used that betrayal to advance his personal fortunes. He uses to his personal benefit, the very area where he does his country the most harm.

    The man is a moral coward and a perfect example of whom John Stuart Mill spoke; “War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings, which thinks that nothing is worth war, is much worse. 

    A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing that is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

    To add the gravest of insults to injury, Kerry has betrayed the “better men than himself” whose exertions and sacrifices enabled him to remain free. He spit upon them and accused them of war crimes. He colluded with the enemy. If any man in this administration is a traitor, it is he.

    Then to complete his moral cowardice, he seeks to deny his prior actions that at the time he claimed were motivated by the highest of principles.

    Pond scum has greater integrity.

  4. His “initiatives” into foreign policy when he was a Senator were equally loathsome. He went down to Nicaragua, to sympathize with Daniel Ortega about that meanie Ronald Reagan. Daniel Ortega then showed his solidarity with Kerry by promptly flying off to Moscow.

    Like Nancy Pelosi and David Duke, Senator Kerry made the pilgrimage to Damascus to tell Assad Jr. what a jerk Dubya was.

    Kerry’s kowtowing to tyrants when a Senator shows how he will perform as Secretary of State. Maybe we should simply tell him that Ahmadinejad, Assad et al are secretly members of the Republican Party. Then Kerry might become more combative towards tyrants/

  5. Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barney Frank and Elizabeth Warren. MA voters sure know how to pick them. Liars and buggers all.

  6. Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Barney Frank and Elizabeth Warren.

    Add Gerry Studds and you’ve got a full house: three deuces and two queens.

  7. The generations that understand John Kerry’s treachery are fading from the electorate, The generations coming up are left in ignorance. He is going to be a perfect secretary of state – for our enemies.

  8. This is not difficult. Obama needs an confirmation, because someone needs to run State, and a confirmation fight-and-failure, as he would have gotten with Susan Rice, would be an international embarassment. Kerry will be confirmed, because Mitch McConnell gets a stiffy every time he thinks about Scott Brown winning his way back into the senate.

    It has nothing to do with offending vets, or Hamas, or whatever fever dreams one imagines.

  9. helenL: of course Kerry was chosen because he will be confirmed easily. But he was also chosen because he’s of the same mind as Obama on foreign policy, and because his appointment will stick it to conservatives and conservative vets.

    These attributes of Kerry’s are not mutually exclusive. His nomination was a no-brainer for Obama, it does so many things for him at once. In fact, before Rice’s problems left the Secretary of State position open, Kerry was going to be Secretary of Defense. Obama is probably sorry he can’t clone him and have him in both positions, and kill two birds with one Kerry.

    And I’ll defer to you as the authority on Mitch McConnell’s stiffy.

  10. As Pat says the generation that really knows and cares about Kerry’s abysmal actions in the Vietnam era were relatively few in number at best. He was always a poster boy for the Left.

    Still, it tells us a lot about Obama that he would nominate this dishonest hack to such a pivotal and prestigious position.

    It also tells us a lot about that bubbling cesspool, good old boy network, that passes as the United States Senate that he will undoubtedly be confirmed without serious dissent.

    We are governed by trolls and ethically challenged dwarfs.

  11. It is not for his past (Rogets” does not contain enough words for that) that I fear and despise, but the present and future in this creature. I cannot speak for all of us from that time, but for me this does not anger me so much as hardens and invigorates my opposition to these, well words are not sufficient.

  12. The entire Left in this country are traitors to the US Constitution they claim to honor and obey.

    This is nothing special, and has never been for those paying attention. What’s one more traitor at the top of American power. We’ve had them since decades past, whether for Iraq or Somalia.

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