Home » Cutting off your toes to spike your feet


Cutting off your toes to spike your feet — 14 Comments

  1. Ha! I’m so seeing an anti-Obama message in that original Cinderella story.

    American voters, cut off your toes to fit into Obama’s New American Order – one size fits all. It not, we’ll make it fit, you might have to bleed, but what’s a little pain for all that Obama promises us.

  2. Well, if we’re talking about baseball here, someone should mention the winners of two of the last three World Series: my San Francisco Giants.

  3. I thought this post would be about the Republican party drawing their platform closer to the Dems on every issue so as to become “more electable.”

  4. This takes being a slave to fashion to a whole new level. But as the Grimm story shows, it’s nothing new. Go to the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, or any other museum that displays clothing from several hundred years ago, and you’ll see shoes that bear no resemblance to the contours of the human foot. And these are mostly, but not entirely, women’s shoes, worn exclusively by people from the higher socioeconomic groups.

  5. Art, that’s not “feminism.” Remember that “feminists” advocated menswear, throwing out razors, etc. Rather, these appear to be that weird group of women who think that they must do whatever it takes to intrigue (or keep) their man. (I use the quotes because to me the real feminists were the suffragists and the ones who fought for equality of property rights and pay, not the ones who defined marriage as concentration camp or men as bicycles for fish.)

    Neo, did you ever hear about the great opera singer Maria Callas swallowing a tapeworm to lose weight to please her lover? I never knew if that story was true, but I heard it as a little girl, used as a cautionary tale against altering oneself to please a fickle man (the resultant ill effects included damage to her voice).

  6. MissJean: yes, I did hear that about Callas. No idea whether it was true. But she did become basically anorexic in order to get glamorous.

    As for whether this toe-cutting thing is feminism, you are certainly correct that the feminist line (especially back in the 60s and 70s) was naturalism and doing away with artifice. However, many feminists ultimately ended up defending stuff like prostitution and stripping (“sex workers”) and isn’t it strange that today’s women, who pretty much think of themselves as “liberated,” are so keen on wearing these stiletto heels, whether they cut off their toes or not? Artifice and the felt need for more and more perfection in looks (weight, makeup, big breast, etc.) have only increased, not decreased.

  7. Neo, I think that “sexually liberated” translates as reducing women to free-range chickens. Many don’t know the difference between a farmer and a fox, as long as he’s male!

    I’ll say right off the bat that I don’t cotton to co-habitation before marriage, let alone shacking up for a decade and then getting married (and don’t get me started on those who have detailed gift registries for the event). So I find it hard to pity men who invite gold-diggers into their homes and get burned, and I’m amazed at how many women now are letting a shiftless man (usually younger than they) move into their home. At least a worker can help pay the bills or, if he’s lost his job, he’s not adverse to keeping busy around the place until he finds one. Same goes for a woman who will work.

    I have an acquaintance who was talking about how she nearly had to have her ex-lover served with eviction notices to get him out of her house; my cousin remarked that he had a girlfriend like that, too – but he did that when he was young and stupid (and girlfriend was the same age and equally stupid.

    Sorry, I’m ranting. Sometimes I feel like that old MadTV skit with the therapist whose only advice to the woman choosing bad men was “Stop that!”

  8. As an aside: It seems to me that young men are often sucked into the perfection trap more than they used to be, as well. I have met weight-lifters who have great definition in their arms and legs, but they’re obsessed about stretch marks (not even bad ones). Good Lord! They’re gorgeous!

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