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Those missing McCain votes are shrinking — 11 Comments

  1. Neo, this was once with GW Bush, those millions votes also “the gap ultimately shrinks down to zero, but the meme of the missing two million died?
    Btw, while millions in NY in most in need for help to get them back to ordinary life, Obama administration wasting tax payer money on nation building in ME!

    Let read:
    America Begins Nation-Building at Home
    (Provided Your Home is the Middle East)

  2. Doing as well as McCain, given the economy and track record of the administration, isn’t that great an achievement. I don’t know that any of the other candidates would have done better, I expect they would have done worse, but I don’t think Romney did the best he could have done. That, of course, is hindsight, but I have the impression that his campaign was insular and regionally isolated. And he did a better job attacking Perry, dishonestly in my opinion, than Obama. If a candidate is going to take the low road I rather they do it against the other party’s candidate, not their own guys.

  3. The Wiki source cited for Neo’s post that Romney ‘actually’ got 59.6 million votes is NBC News.

  4. chuck: I certainly agree that it wasn’t a great showing to have merely done as well as McCain. But still, it’s better than doing 2 million worse than McCain, which was the original report.

    I think a lot of people are in the “a plague on both your houses,” “all politicians suck equally” state of mind, and quite a few of them stay home on Election Day.

  5. What’s of more interest to me is that after 4 years of Obama, Romney only matched McCain’s total?

    What happened to the 22 point lead Romney supposedly had among independents?

    It seems to me that either the voter fraud was massive and/or the leftward drift of the nation is much more substantial than it previously appeared to be.

    Then there’s this: “A new poll by Hart Research’s Geoff Garin, conducted for Americans for Tax Fairness – a group that wants the Bush-era tax cuts to end for those who earn more than $250,000 – found that a majority of voters cited changing the tax system as a key factor in their votes, and that the majority broke for President Barack Obama.

    The survey also found that Democrats have changed the landscape on an issue that has eluded them for years – taxes. The survey found that most want the Bush-era cuts on top earners to expire, but that Republicans will shoulder blame if all of the Bush cuts, including those on the middle class, expire because a deal can’t be reached.

    From the memo, 67 percent of voters said “the goal of tax fairness” was a consideration in their vote, and 58 percent of them backed Obama, while 40 percent backed Romney. Also per the memo, 61 percent say they agree with Obama’s position on extending the tax cuts for all but the top two percent of earners, and by a 15-point margin they will blame Republicans if a deal can’t be reached.”

    And this; ” A new Washington Post-Pew Research poll has 53 percent of Americans ready to blame Republicans if America actually goes over the [fiscal cliff’s] edge and only 29 percent planning to point fingers at President Barack Obama.”

    IMO, it’s irrelevant that taxing ‘the rich’ is pathetically inadequate to address the fiscal cliff we face. It doesn’t matter that Obama’s desire to tax the rich is just a fiscal dodge to give him longer to kick the fiscal can down the road.

    It seems to me that what matters is that the MSM and Obama’s lies and distortions in support of their memes are much more effective at keeping the con going with the public than many of us had supposed.

    The other important factor of course is that no one can be ‘sold’ something they’re not ready to buy. So perhaps the greatest factor in the success of the left’s deceptions is the willingness of a slim majority of the public to drink the kool-aid.

    I also think unlikely that when reality finally does come calling, that people will finally face the truth. Denial, human nature and history make much more likely that the mob will look for a scapegoat and republicans, conservatives and the rich have already assumed that position in 47-51% of the public’s mind.

    The fact of the matter is that people who embrace dependency by definition reject personal responsibility and will always blame the ‘other guy’ for any problems.

    Sadly, Romney was right, 47% are going to vote for slavery rather than face reality honestly.

  6. Some people work for a living while others vote for a living. The latter do not sit home on election day.

  7. Mr. Frank: people who work for a living can get to the polls, obviously. They can do it before or after work. Just as obviously, when I said “sit home,” I didn’t mean all day. I meant during the time they could/should have been voting.

    And yes, of course, some of them were not sitting either. They might have been standing at the sink doing the dishes, or jogging, or whatever else they did instead of voting.

    Work is no excuse for not voting, and I think you know that. And if a person knows they will be at work so many hours that they can’t get to the polls, it’s incumbent on them to vote absentee.

    By the way, as long as a person is in line when the polls close, the polls must remain open long enough to allow everyone in line to vote.

  8. The voting population changed so the correct metric is what percentage each candidate got. On that basis, I suspect McCain/Palin beats Romney/Ryan.

    Palin’s selection gave McCain a fighting chance. He blew it when his campaign muzzled her and he suspended his campaign to go join the panic-fest in Washington.

    Ryan’s selection boosted Romney with some of the tea party crowd. But his budget plan to balance the budget in 300 years or 2030 or whichever comes first, did not impress.

    McCain and Romney missed the vote they really needed: the Reagan vote. Until the GOP realizes that running Democrat-Lite against Democrat does not work, it will continue to lose.

  9. Neo,

    I did not make myself clear. My intent was to say that people who are dependent upon the government make a point of voting for continued support (voting for a living). They aren’t too concerned if their candidate is perfect. People who are not dependent can decide if they wish to vote or not.

  10. Does this make Romney’s performance look better or worse? In my mind worse because he blew the get out the vote effort. Twit.

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