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Bringing them to justice — 33 Comments

  1. I continue to wonder how it is that more than 15% of the population can still be planning to vote for Obama.

    thats easy, but who wants to slog through what i keep pointing at you to read… the history of the school system… even now they are dismantling the entrance to bronx science claiming the tests discriminate against blacks and women, and that 8 nobel prizes prove nothing.

    the whole point of what they do and have done since early last century is about masses.

    given that this has worked in about 12 or so countries, knowing HOW is not so hard.. believing and doing the leg work is as the volume of information you have to climb over and correct is quite large.

    Give me the child, I will give you the man. Ignatius Loyola

    Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
    Vladimir Lenin

    There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.
    Vladimir Lenin

    each facet i have revealed is a large puzzle piece answering what you keep asking.

    but its like being the lone male in a womens study course, you can raise your hand, you can have the right answers, you can work hard, but that wont matter if its not the answer and work that they want, it gets ignored.

    and the answer we dont want is that we have been under the major control of an outside force since before most ofus were born.

    we WANT to imagine that this is not this far, this hard, this complete, and that we wont go over a cliff.

    so we avoid anything that will not let an out exist. and to read the histories, will not let an out exist, because they make it clear that avoidance protects the whole, and so the end is a fixed conclusoin over time because we wont excise those normalized parts.

    its like a cambodian child who grew up in the killing fields wondering why the rest of the world thinks murder is bad…

    or a aztec wondering why ripping out a mans heart while alive for ritual is bad.

    its normal for them…
    so we don’t see how the different points put in over time, and describe SEPARATELY can, when put together, function towards a different end.

    “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” Hitler

    “Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.” Hitler

    i will bet $25 that you have yet to read School of Darkness written in 1963… she was telling everyone then what was going on, so did you read it?

    you want to know why so many priests have sex with children? she explains why, she put them there… to discredit the church.

    ever read the Cominterns and other orders? why not? they are whats happening IF you read them.

    go here..

    From the 18th century up to the present, women fighting against their oppression by patriarchal structures have developed political science, ethics and critical philosophy and contributed to the development of revolutionary theory. Many were Marxists.

    so the MARXISTS KNOW… they are the ones helping, celebrating, funding, organizsing, and so on.. they say so.

    its like someone is confessing to the crime, but you want someone else to be arrested so you keep ignoring the confessions
    [edited for length by n-n]

  2. Parents and the general public must be reached also. Otherwise, children and youth enrolled in globally oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home. And then the educational institution frequently comes under scrutiny and must pull back.

    – Dr. John I. Goodlad, Schooling for a Global Age-1979

    Enlightened social engineering is required to face situations that demand global action now… Parents and the general public must be reached also, otherwise, children and youth enrolled in globally oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home. And then the educational institution frequently comes under scrutiny and must pull back.

    – Dr. John I. Goodlad, “Guide to Getting Out Your Message,” National Education Goals Panel Community Action Toolkit: A Do-It-Yourself Kit for Education Renewal (September 1994);

    as i have said.. no one is hiding it.

    and even if pointed to look, no one wants to look at it.

    do you really think that things could get this far and no be INTENTIONAL on some level?

    John Taylor Gatto

    Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (1992).

    The Exhausted School (1993).

    A Different Kind of Teacher: Solving the Crisis of American Schooling (2000). ISBN 1-893163-21-0

    The Underground History of American Education (2001). (Complete Text online – link below)

    Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling (2008). ISBN 0-86571-631-5

    ‘Against School’ (2001) (Complete Text Online)

    don’t forget to buy from the link for neo!!!!

    the complete text for one is free

  3. re “still planning to vote for Obama”, and Artfldger’s comment above

    At Big Journalism, Paul Kengor, author of a book about Frank Marshall Davis, says:

    1) In “Dreams of My Father”, “Frank” was mentioned by name 22 time, and numerous times was referenced without using his name, and appears in every section of the book, yet
    2) in the audiobook, narrated by Obama in 2005, “Frank” was expurgated.


    Frank appears in every section of the memoir, all three parts, starting in Hawaii and then when Obama thinks of him later in Africa, Europe, Chicago. It’s not like Frank appears only on pages, say, 15-22. He appears throughout the text. It’s eerie to be reading the book in hard cover, and listening simultaneously to the audio, and see and hear everything the same, line to line, sentence to sentence, paragraph after paragraph, page upon page, and then suddenly, on a dime, out of the blue, come upon a printed sentence or paragraph that mentions “Frank” and–bam–the audio suddenly skips ahead. It’s chilling. It’s clearly deliberate. No question about it. It’s clear concealment.


    More from Kengor:

    In Chicago, he [Frank Marshall Davis] worked with the political ancestors of both Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s closest adviser, and David Axelrod, Obama’s chief strategist. As to Jarrett, Frank Marshall Davis worked with her grandfather, Robert Taylor, and her father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, in communist causes and campaigns. As to Axelrod, Davis worked with the Canter family, Harry and David Canter; before they relocated to Chicago, the Canters actually lived in Moscow and worked for Stalin’s government, with the senior Canter a translator of Lenin’s writings. The Canter family would later mentor David Axelrod in Chicago in the 1970s.
    So, in sum, Obama’s mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, worked in communist activities in Chicago with the political ancestors of Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod.

    BNN: You can’t make this up.

    Kengor: No, you can’t make it up. In the book, I document it meticulously, with sources primarily from official Congressional reports produced by Democrat-run committees.

  4. from my perspective, the way you went about trying to figure it out is akin to entering a play in the 3rd act, and going to the bathroom a few times, and leaving early..

    and then trying to understand the play without looking at the first 3 acts and filling in what you missed when you werent paying attention, and were dating, in school, in thrall, working, etc.

    when you miss the end of the play you might say something like “how was the play mrs lincoln”…

    you cant reconstruct missing data with no line to reconstruct it.. which is what you been trying to do going backwards..

  5. Artfldgr: again, you mistake my tone. I know the reasons, in the rational sense (and have discussed them myself many times, in particular about education and the left). The “wondering” is an emotional response to the fact that more people can’t nevertheless see things more clearly and use their own ability to critically think.

    I shouldn’t wonder, but I do.

  6. “I continue to wonder how it is that more than 15% of the population can still be planning to vote for Obama.”




  7. It won’t be long before Ahmed Abu Khattala does his own Youtube video, dancing around and blowing raspberries at Obama, Hillary, and the dreaded FBI task force.
    Perhaps Hillary and Barack are now crafting a stern letter, scolding Mr Khattala, and expressing their disappointment over his recent troubling outburst?
    He will quake with terror and rue the day when Eric “The Enforcer” Holder, hunts him down and ruthlessly reads him his rights.
    Move over Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama has replaced you as the biggest foreign policy ignoramous in US history. Long live the king.

  8. “Apparently the wheels of justice grind slow:”

    I am a very simple man, burn it all down to ashes and dust. IMO we have a big problem, we refuse to put down the rabid dogs that kill our people and who want to bring down Western Civilization. Until we do so they will continue to kill our people and will continue to attack our civilization. We need to make an example of what happens when you kill Americans: your hell hole, mired in the 7th century country burns down to ashes and dust. Collateral damage be damned.

  9. parker:

    Well said. I was just about to say that I’m sick and tired of hearing our leaders talk of “bringing terrorists to justice”. (And Bush was just as guilty of that kind of nonsense.)

    No, they need to be ruthlessly hunted down and executed, without mercy or remorse. In addition, imams who preach jihad should be targeted for assassination in every country in the world, including our own.

  10. Newt Gingrich on Hannity today passed along a joke he heard. He said there are four guys riding camels in the Libyan desert who are about to be identified as the master minds of the consulate attack. They will be seeing a cruise missile in the near future. Obama will tell us about it. He told it better than that, but it was very funny.

  11. rickl says, “No, they need to be ruthlessly hunted down and executed, without mercy or remorse. In addition, imams who preach jihad should be targeted for assassination in every country in the world, including our own.”

    What I am saying is it is too late to hunt down individuals. We need to let Islamic societies know that we are no longer targeting individual jihadists; we are targeting your entire society. So those in Islamic countries will realize that every single man, woman, and child is a target. Why are you all targets? Because you refuse to rid yourselves of the rabid dogs that live amongst you. Do it and do it now or else we will wipe every single man, woman, and child off the face of the planet.

    I propose we start with Saudi Arabia.

  12. parker Says:
    October 19th, 2012 at 8:43 pm

    I propose we start with Saudi Arabia.

    The thing is, we need to achieve energy independence first. That certainly can be done, but it seems that our political class (both parties) loves that sweet sweet Arab oil money.

  13. “… our political class (both parties) loves that sweet sweet Arab oil money.”

    First we take Venezuela, then we take Mexico. Just kidding, but there is lots of oil off and on our shores and elsewhere outside of the world of Islam. The EU zone & Nippon are far more dependent on Islamic oil than we.


    “I’m guided by a signal in the heavens, I’m guided by the birthmark on my skin, I’m guided by the beauty of our weapons…. “

  14. The American public is far from ready to support the genocide you advocate parker. Nor will they be until nuclear terrorist attacks against American cities occur.

    Fortunately, that’s not needed. All that is needed is five things to occur;

    first, the recognition that Islam’s theological tenets make it irrevocably opposed to America’s constitutional freedoms.

    Second, recognition that Islam is theologically incapable of reform because sufficient reform would collapse Islam’s theological foundations.

    Third, end Muslim immigration into the US and expel any Muslim who is not a natural born American citizen.

    Fourth, declare a new US doctrine that henceforth Islam’s holy sites (of immense importance to Muslims) will be held hostage to Muslims’ good behavior, that our response to mass casualties will be the sequential destruction of Islam’s holy sites.

    Fifth, declare that any terrorist attack on US citizens or property or our allies, will result in the trial ‘in abstentia’ of Islam’s Mullah’s and Imam’s who will be the first to be retaliated against, (starting with the most senior) it being determined that it is Islam’s preachers that are acting in collusion with Islamic terrorism.

    “Those who oppose the mullahs oppose Islam itself; eliminate the mullahs and Islam shall disappear in fifty years. It is only the mullahs who can bring the people into the streets and make them die for Islam– begging to have their blood shed for Islam.” -Ayatollah Khomeini

    A society which supports terrorism, whether actively or even through condoning it, makes itself culpable in that terrorism.

  15. Geoffrey, idea 5 makes sense. Kissenger recommended something along those lines after 9/11. But you’re overlooking most Moslems are innocent bystanders. Indeed our most successful weapon against the Jihadis is their brutality drives other Moslems to turn against them. Of course any policy against terrorism depends upon a leader who recognizes that there is a problem and where it lies rather than the hallucinations of a delusional narcissist.

    BTW, here are some of my favorite books about the Middle East:
    The Haj by Leon Uris
    Now They Call Me Infidel
    Cruel and Usual Punishment
    The Devil You Don’t Know all by Nonie Darwish
    They Must Be Stopped by Bridgette Gabriel
    A God That Hates by Wafa Sultan
    The works of Faoud Ajami
    Preachers Of Hate by Kenneth Timmerman
    Kingdom of Hate by Dore Gold
    The Truth About Syria by Barry Rubin (anything by Barry Rubin is good).

    Interesting how many books about the Middle East have the word “hate” in the title.

  16. Neo wrote “I continue to wonder how it is that more than 15% of the population can still be planning to vote for Obama.”

    Me too, I can only assume that just as people have their areas of genius they also have areas of imbecility. I guess a lot of people just don’t pay attention to things until it gets up close and personal, and most are still too prosperous, secure, naive and ill-informed to recognize danger.

    Of course if Obama is re-elected all that will change.

  17. Bob,

    Idea 5 is the one that I’m least comfortable with because how do you target the actual Mullah’s and Imam’s responsible?

    We can keep innocent civilian casualties to a minimum (late at night, few people at the site) when targeting Islam’s holy sites. I don’t want to kill innocent Muslims, I want to deter fanatical jihadists by holding hostage the one physical thing they value.

    Once jihadists were convinced that we were unapologetically serious, by say leveling the Dome of the Rock, holding Islam’s holy sites hostage would act as a powerful deterrent because the survival of Islam is the sole issue that supersedes their holy duty to wage jihad.

    Indeed, physical pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the five pillars of Islam and the duty, if at all possible, of every Muslim. Praying five times a day in the direction of a crater, where the Kabba used to be is just not going to be the same, don’t you think?

  18. “Interesting how many books about the Middle East have the word “hate” in the title.”

    Islam is a religion of hate. Its ‘God’ denies free will. It is the exact opposite of Jesus’ teachings. “Love thy neighbor”, “turn the other cheek”, “judge not, lest you be judged”, “the meek shall inherit the earth”, “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”… none of that is in the Qur’an. Mohammad believed in the ‘House of Islam’ and the ‘House of War.

    You’re either a Muslim or you must be forcibly converted, enslaved or killed.

    That’s a motto of hate for all that are not Muslim.

  19. That’s a fair summary, GB. Islam denies free will, but so did Martin Luther and John Calvin, the progenitors of American religion that shaped the
    Constitution. What makes the difference between that and Islam?

    Because some difference must exist. It is clear that the world view of the Protestants led to an ascendency while the Islam view was defeated. What was the difference because both Islam and Protestantism deny the freedom of will.

  20. GB, the Dome of the Rock is in Jerusalem, and provides an excellent postcard. Please no talk about leveling that.

  21. Yeah, watching rickl and parker cheer on genocide and killing innocents because they are scared crapless of a few men with towels on their heads is rather disgusting and they, (and their innocent children of course) would deserve the almost inevitable casualties they would take (heck, who knows, it’s a hellovalot easier to do bioterrorism than it used to be) in retaliation, even should they end up succeeding. In short, anyone who calls for extermination (as opposed to the inevitable accidents involved in defending ourselves) of innocents is no countryman of mine. A much more humane threat would simply be to threaten all their most sacred sites, but I digress.

    Regardless, here’s something else that can be used against Obama in this election:

  22. Brad:
    Islam and Western Civilization cannot coexist on the same planet. Either we live and they die, or they live and we die. Period.

    Islam delenda est.

    Now which side are you on? Because you will have to choose a side.

  23. There is some real humor in that article. The correction illustrates the excellent attention to detail that NYT reporters possess when it comes to the screamingly trivial stuff:

    Correction: October 19, 2012

    An earlier version of this article misidentified the beverage that Ahmed Abu Khattala was drinking at the hotel. It was a strawberry frappe, not mango juice, which is what he had ordered.

  24. Curtis,

    The proof that Martin Luther and Calvin were NOT the primary (or even secondary) influence upon the founding fathers, is the phrase; “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the [individuals] pursuit of happiness.” There is no liberty or pursuit of happiness without free will.


    Sorry, but for a host of reasons, the Dome of the Rock is uniquely qualified to be the first Islamic site whose destruction would undeniably convince both fanatical jihadists and the Imams and mullahs who drive jihad, that we were serious in our new doctrine.

    Convincing them that we are serious would be critical to the deterrence we sought. As the third holiest site in Islam, the psychological impact would be tremendous and the fear that just two more attacks would result in the disappearance of the Kaaba (Islams holiest shrine) in Mecca would be a powerful deterrent. There’s nothing like the certainty of feared consequence to change behavior.


    Its far more than “a few men with towels on their heads”. 84% of Egyptians agree with the death penalty for apostasy. And now, there’s this;
    New poll: Egyptians turning toward Iran, want nuclear weapons

    Islam and Western Civilization cannot coexist on the same planet.”
    Either we live and they die, or they live and we die. Period.”
    That is the jihadists’ position. And, if we fail to respond appropriately, that will be the eventual condition reality imposes upon us. See the Three Conjectures for the inexorable logic that leads to that horrific outcome.

    Yet “what good does it do a man if he gains the world but loses his soul”? If survival and freedom require the cost of genocidal conflict, so be it but that horrific circumstance is always to be avoided if possible, yes?

    Islam’s 7th century ideology is in conflict today with Western Civilization because in our modern world exposure to western freedoms is unavoidable and a mortal threat to Islam’s survival. It is a fight to the death, for them.

    But it doesn’t have to be, for us.

    The way to avoid it being a fight to the death is to ‘quarantine’ Islam. Time is not on Islam’s side. If Islam cannot conquer the west, if Islam cannot expand, it will die. Modern culture is a fatal virus for Islam, which has no natural resistance to the truth, since it is a ‘philosophy’ opposed to the truth.

  25. Is the Dome of the Rock where Mohammed returns?
    Drone it. Israel will understand.
    That’s where the next temple goes anyhow.

  26. Ed,

    That’s a tertiary reason for targeting the Dome.

    The reaction from the Muslim world would be outrage and rioting of course. Yes, no doubt people would die but it would be far, far less than if terrorism is allowed to continue.

    An unapologetic response to the outrage might be, “OK, now you know we’re serious. Would you like to go for Medina next… or do you want to throw Mecca into the ‘pot’ too, and go ‘all in’?…

  27. Loks like I was wrong (gasp), that’s supposedly where he “ascended”. He doesn’t come back.

  28. The Myth: Muhammad Traveled to Jerusalem

    “The Muslim connection to Jerusalem is extremely tenuous compared to Judaism and Christianity. In fact, the claim to the city seems to exist largely because it is held sacred by Western religion. From the time of Muhammad to the present day, Islam has always been a “me too” faith, attempting to ride the coattails of other faiths to which it hopes to aspire.

    The official reason that Muslims claim Jerusalem for themselves – after marching an army into the city only two years after Muhammad’s death – is that their prophet once visited there…

    Unfortunately this would have been in a dream – not in real life. As much as those who demand full control of Jerusalem today would prefer, there is simply no evidence that Muhammad’s physical body ever made the trip.

    There is certainly ample evidence that Muhammad did claim to have had a dream. At the time, he was trying to convince the doubters around him that he belonged to the line of Jewish prophets. What better way than to tell them that he led the other prophets (Abraham, Moses and Jesus) in prayer at the mosque in Jerusalem (even if no mosque had ever existed there)?

    Aisha, Muhammad’s favorite wife, later insisted that it was not a physical journey (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 265) and there has always been controversy within Islam about whether it was supposed to have been a physical or “spiritual” visit.

    At the time, the Meccans mocked Muhammad for claiming to have visited Jerusalem in one night, since it was a one month journey to get there and back. In fact, “many Muslims gave up their faith” when they heard this, according to his biographer (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 265).”

    Of course, we know what the penalty is for apostasy in Islam…

  29. What I meant by my comments last night is to change the rules of engagement. I’m not advocating the targeting of non-combatants. Conversely, do not allow jihadists to hide behind non-combatants. Non-combatants in a target area do present a regrettable situation but so be it.

    I do not know what percentage of moslems support the jihadists and/or are willing to murder in the name of the prophet. But I suspect it is probably far less than 50%. These moslems need to shun, banish, or kill the jihadists. The rules of engagement should change so that our young men and women are not subjected to more danger than is absolutely necessary.

  30. @parker: A compromise. We tell them to give up the jihadists from their midst or we pave.
    I really don’t advocate that, but I like the sound of it.

    @geof: So he didn’t ever go there, either (I never imagined he was actually assumed into heaven).
    Some people…

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