Proof positive…
…that Obama’s election has improved our standing around the world.
And I would submit that, although I agree with the headline that this is an endorsement Obama “doesn’t want,” I’d amend it to say that what he actually doesn’t want is for this particular type of support to be made public. He certainly has courted the support otherwise (see this, for example).
[NOTE: For a more in-depth analysis of the Obama/Chavez link, see this.
Also, recall that one of the earliest presidential actions of Obama in foreign policy—and one that unfortunately has gone largely down the memory hole—are his actions vis a vis Honduras. See this and this for a small refresher course.]
A LOVE Fest, N-Neocon!!
The Anointed One is sending half-a-billion$$ to the Muslim Brotherhood Regime in Cairo while they busy themselves butchering Coptic Christians. SOP, SOP, SOP..!
Is it possible that people believe that reports on the drawbacks of left-wing regimes throughout the world and history were merely propaganda? It is certainly possible that people, mostly opportunists and vulnerable, will exchange their liberty for submission with benefits. The latter represents a lower energy state and would naturally — without conscious intervention — be the preferred state.
I’m not sure Obama would mind having the endorsement made public. With every passing day I find it more plausible that the insouciance of the narcissist does not much care if he loses. He certainly exhibits no fire in the loins or heart. The only fire seems to be in his narcissism — wherever that may be.
A pure narcissist, a natural introvert, and practiced extrovert such as Obama knows he cannot lose by losing. I’m not even sure Obama would refrain from subverting his own re-election. We have as evidence his endorsement of same-sex marriage, sending a half-billion to the MB as mentioned above by NeoConScum, showing himself importuned by daily intelligence briefings, and deferring many other duties as inexpedient. If he wins he wins. If he loses, his self-idolatry, and the idolatry of many others, will succor him with the sure knowledge that ‘it was not him — it was the racists’. A single term will have served him as portfolio to the greater stage and the warmer limelight — Secretary General of the United Nations. Imagine the candidate, a self-contained multi-culturally and vibrantly diverse fey/fay/black/Leftist/victim/dog eater — the world would go mad with delirium — the Laurel wreath would make a comeback. Don’t think Obama hasn’t entertained numerous such fantasies.
George Pal: I both agree and disagree with you.
I agree that if Obama lost he would manage to keep his narcissism intact and try to go on to a wider stage, the darling of the Western world. But I disagree about his desire to win this election: I think he is extremely keen on it, both for his own ego and for his agenda.
I’m not so sure he would remain darling of the Western world. As soon as he is removed from power, I bet Western leaders will start leaking their honest feelings about him.
I’m with Expat. There is another factor should Obama win, as indeed it seems he will. We’ve been lucky that things aren’t worse than they are. I submit this is partially due to the prospect that Obama will be out in 2013. With his re-election, his proven incompetence and nefarious conduct in every area of government what can we expect? How bad can it get and how?
Just a question, which is the true American electorate, 2010 or 2008? The polls seem senseless.
Bob from Virginia: How bad can it get if Obama is re-elected? Very bad, as I wrote two years ago:
NeoNeocon: I both agree and disagree with you.
He is, as always, keen on his ego. His agenda, I think he thinks, would be, in the short run, thwarted by a Republican House and in the long run inevitable, believing the right side of history and progress (not up, but to the Left) will prevail. He has done his part in his first term, bringing together the factions and facilitating the transformation of the illegal into the entitled and thereby guaranteeing a permanent entitled voter constituency for the ‘caring’ Party. Also if he has half the intelligence that’s been attributed to him he might not want to be around when the ship of state runs aground. He, his cohorts, and minions, could of course blame Bush but everything but everything has a ‘do not use beyond ?’ shelf life.
George Pal: sorry, but I don’t think a Republican Congress will thwart him much. First of all, the Senate may not even go Republican, and it would have to go strongly Republican to overcome the filibuster (which Democrats spent the last 2 years railing against, but which they will embrace if it is to their benefit). Secondly, Obama will be going around Congress and doing things by executive fiat. He’s been learning how easy that is, and who’s to stop him? There would not be enough votes to impeach him, either.
I have no confidence in Republican opposition to Obama but the Republican House would be enough had they the courage of their convictions on par with Obama’s in his. Obama could fiat, diktat, and executively order to his heart’s malcontent; all the House would have to do is reply “Fair enough, but pay for it yourself Mr. President”.
Oh how I should love to see the day that fight began.
BHO unleashed from the need to reelected, aided and abetted by the MSM, will know no bounds. Instead of czars we will see grand inquisitors. Neo is correct, without a republican majority in the house and a filibuster proof majority in the senate, BHO will be the emperor via executive orders.
SCOTUS has shown it will not stop BHO’s over reach. That leaves the military, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff are largely political animals and not to be relied upon. The worst case scenario is that it will come down to us, the residents of Main Street USA.
parker: I think Republicans will retain the House, and the Senate will be close.
neo: I too think the republicans will hold the house and perhaps increase their majority. Gaining a majority in the senate right now looks like a horse race. I think a filibuster proof republican majority is unlikely. Yet, I remain confident that R&R will win by a nose.
However, I have steeled my spirit for a BHO win. Should that come to pass I will enter a zero tolerance zone for any fascism, mild or otherwise, that shows up in my town. Although my town will be far down the list of towns needing internment and reeducation. If BHO wins those of you in the east coast, west coast, and large metro areas will be the first to feel this:
Shades of Woodrow Wilson on steroids.
For you enjoyment:
If only FDR had had Obama’s winning ways.