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Ahmedinejad… — 25 Comments

  1. I have never in my lifetime seen an administration so deft at making incorrect choices so consistently.

    It seems that every decision this administration makes winds up on the wrong side of history from non-support of the Iranian Green Revolution to the Cairo apology tour to Obamacare (and the list goes on).

    He reminds me of Eddie Mush (A Bronx Tale) the fellow who jinxes every wager he participates in.

    With Obama in the oval office we’ve been “Mushed.”

  2. Perhaps I am just being a bit paranoid; but, I do wonder if Obama thinks all of the Mid-East’s problems would go away if Israel just “disappeared”!!?

    Afterall, Obama’s spiritual leader was/is “rev.” Wright who is known for his anti-Israel, anti-Jewish attitude.

  3. T said,
    “I have never in my lifetime seen an administration so deft at making incorrect choices so consistently.”

    If “Hanlon’s razor” is most often true that, “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

    Then at least occasionally, it’s opposite must be true, Sometimes, what might be explained as simple stupidity is in fact malicious intent.

    Obama and his ilk may not particularly skilled but most of this is entirely intentional. Mendacity can be hidden beneath the cloak of bumbling.

  4. T,

    When the consistency of ineptitude reaches such a level, it might be prudent to ask whether it is really ineptitude.


    If the online lairs of the former Sixties Radicals like CounterPunch are anything to go by, then it is reasonable to assume that Obama does indeed think Israel (itself, not its actions) is a mistake that needs to be corrected.

    So much has the red herring of “America’s First Black President” distracted people that they tend to overlook the real first that was achieved with his election: America’s first Sixties Radical, America-hating, West-hating, anti-Zionist president. This is your multicolored, graffiti’ed Peace Bus rider finally ascended to the Oval Office. And should the disaster of him being re-elected take place, this truth would be laid bare for all to see.

  5. Ahmadinejad has a big mouth and is prey to his cultures trait of boasting. The day Iran manages to effectively destroy Israel is the day Iran ceases to exist.

    The way to handle Ahmadinejad’s speech is with derisive laughter followed by the bums rush out the door.

    Then, with 24 hrs notice, drop bunker busters on every major Iranian nuclear facility. Follow that with the notice that Iran has 24 hrs to agree to allow immediate and permanent access to the UN’s IAEA inspectors. Anything less will result in immediate nuclear immolation of those facilities.

    That’s how you handle the “incredibly difficult Iran/Israel business”…

    Instead he’ll continue to be treated just as Chamberlain treated Hitler and with the same consequential results.

  6. Where to begin when it comes to BHO? There are some many things that are fundamentally flawed inside this one man. He is often the exact opposite of the glowing characteristics the MSM attribute to him. His ‘policies’ are sometimes pure Chicago machine graft and at other times pure utopian dreaming. Reality, except when it concerns cold hard cash coming his way, is not simply rejected but thrown down on the floor and stomped upon repeatedly.

    The damage he has done is going to hang around to haunt us all for many years. R&R have a difficult job ahead of them.

  7. Pray for Israel Ahmadinejad is another Obama when it comes to foreign policy. At least the part about saying one thing and doing another part. And making stupid speeches to rile up his base. It’s worth a shot.

  8. Obama is a Moral Midget. In 2009, when 1,000,000 Iranians hit the streets of Tehran AGAINST the mullahs, Barry did business with the latter, not the freedom demanders. This, after his loathsome Cairo Apology speech got through to the Muslim world loud and clear: WE WILL BE WEAK. WE WILL BE FLACID. B.Hussein Obama has NO BALLS, ONLY A VAST TESTICULAR CONCAVITY.

  9. “Iran will not be damaged with foreign bombs,”

    Pardon me while I smirk… Ahmadinejad, like many others that bow down to Allah the merciful, has the rags wrapped too tightly around the head. This creates a syndrome best described as wacko on steroids seeking obliteration.

  10. Ahmadinejad is coming to the end of his term. Whatever stupidity or hubris USA might contribute to the situation, I suggest the driving factor is Iranian internal politics. “Israel” is as necessary to their factionalism as “Soros” or “Koch” is to ours.

  11. Both Ahmadinejad and Obama have failed to take the true measure of Israel, to both their detriments.

    I only hope and pray it won’t be to the detriment of the United States as a whole.

  12. “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Monday disregarded a U.N. warning to avoid incendiary rhetoric and declared ahead of the annual General Assembly session that Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be “eliminated.”…”

    Kinda funny since dna test show that is not true.

  13. Internal politics are in the driver’s seat anywhere, any time. Same old same old. In Iran the ayatollahs will rule until the day they are lynched from the lampposts of Tehran and Qom. There is no other way. Soros or Koch Brothers ain’t got the same weight in the cojones as the likes of the ayatollahs. To compare the puppets of the ayatollahs to Soros or the Koch brothers is feeble.

    “Both Ahmadinejad and Obama have failed to take the true measure of Israel, to both their detriments.”

    Celine: “I piss on you all from a considerable height.”

    (Quoted from Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch by Henry Miller.)

  14. “he understands and agrees with Netanyahu’s insistence that Iran not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons as this would threaten both countries, the world in general, and kick off an arms race.”

    That statement may be consistent with Obama’s understanding of what is at skate. Someone should tell him that Netanyahu is not concerned about an “arms race”, nor does the world have anything to fear from Israel. If fact Obama deserves some sort of prize for compacting so much that is incorrect about the most important threat facing the world into a single sentence.

    I hope this does not indicate the onset of complete paranoia on my part but does anyone think Obama capable of using force to prevent an Israeli attack on Iran? We know he is stupid, petty, hateful and mean but to what extent?

  15. Some one who can draw should make a cartoon of Obama and Michelle in bed with an Iranian thermonuclear blast occurring somewhere and him saying to Michelle, “Did you hear a noise?”

  16. I guess it’s been five or six years, at least, since I watched Ahmadinejad be interviewed at length by some mainstream American journalist. What struck me most about it was how much he seemed to have learned from American politicians about how to handle interview questions, deflecting every question into an attack on your enemy, no matter how much of a non sequitur was required. It made me think particularly of Bill Clinton and other liberals at several points, because not only the technique but the actual content of what he said was often just the sort of thing they do. E.g.

    “What do you think of the charge that the Iranian government oppresses women?”

    “In America 30% of the people do not have health insurance.”

  17. JEEPERS…CREEPERS…The Anointed One told Iran & the world that it could be kind’a upsetting and economically unstable,’Yo, if the mullahs get The Bomb.

    That’s projecting strength, grit and follow-through, Your Eminence. I’ll just bet’cha that ol’Ahkmaspitooey was shakin’ in his General Assembly seat…Nope..Seems it was pocket change jiggling as he stiffled snickers of contempt. Who the ***k can blame him?!

  18. I have never in my lifetime seen an administration so deft at making incorrect choices so consistently.

    Indeed, and reminiscent of the Carter Administration.

    Still, Dems have their uses. I save time reading ballot initiatives here in California by looking at the Democrat Party’s recommendations. Whatever they’re for, I’m against, and vice versa. It’s as rock-solid as Planck’s constant.

  19. Bob from Virginia Says:
    September 24th, 2012 at 3:22 pm
    I hope the Israelis waste this guy on Purim.

    You beat me to it, though it has always bothered me that Bush didn’t wipe out their nuclear facilities in the aftermath of 9/11. Iraq was a side show. Despite Saddam Hussein’s past record, he was pretty well boxed in and could have been left for later.

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