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The White House announces… — 36 Comments

  1. Maybe, rickl; certainly her advice to switch to Hillary didn’t hurt. I think though it’s most likely a case of why dump the man who has proven to be such a marvelous distraction.

    God forbid Obama gets another four years, no matter what fresh crisis looms he can just shove Biden in front of the microphone and go play golf.

  2. Sarah is a king-maker, one way or another. Whatever Obama was thinking, she glued him to Biden.

  3. read the catechism… it explains it.

    and since we are talking Ryan, and Ryan is an anti-progressive… maybe this might open a few eyes…

    since most do not study history in super detail.. and usually less about countries they are not interested in or focused. they do not know G. M. Malenkov….

    however, there is an interesting article that, as i have said endlessly before, if you read this crap, things are not very confusing as to whats going on now… ie… knowing where the boat is leading is half the battle of understanding the choices made to move the boat one way or another.

    Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov was a Soviet politician, Communist Party leader and close collaborator of Joseph Stalin. After Stalin’s death, he became Premier of the Soviet Union (1953—1955) and was considered the most powerful Soviet politician before being overshadowed and ousted by Nikita Khrushchev.

    of course… we remember Nikita “we will bury you” Kruschev… but forget Malenkov

    in this case, each of these people, like obama, wrote a lot… and wrote stuff that most did not read… but the few who did, were either friends, or were opposition… everyone else is not of much consequence… a man who doesn’t know chess, cant “kibitz” chess…

    Comrade Stalin–Leader of Progressive Mankind by G. M. Malenkov

    Now.. how can a communist leader be the leader of progressives too? and feminists, who are progressives and socialists and self proclaimed communists? and liberals?

    all these terms you can read stalin, and lenin using… but we dont generally go back to the horses mouth.

    the left is friends to communists, claim to be progressives, and so on.

    so anti progressivism, is the same as anti communist, which is the same as anti Fabian, anti neo liberal, etc.

    the LABEL doesn’t matter…
    it only matters a little if correct, not at all otherwise…

    you can call yourself a fish and not be able to swim, so what good are labels when they are dishonest? well, they are good to the dishonest when others believe a lable is real and the actions are derived from a surface label

    anyway. i digress as usual..

    Source: “Pravda Articles”, On the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, December 21, 1949
    Publisher: Soviet News, London, 1950
    Marxists Internet Archive (2008)

    That is why the peoples of the Soviet Union and all progressive mankind see in the person of Comrade Stalin their recognised leader and teacher. That is why today they express with particular warmth their affection and devotion to Comrade Stalin, and put on record his great services in the struggle for a happy life for the people, for peace among the nations.

    The name of Comrade Stalin has long become the banner of peace in the mind of the peoples of all countries. All who want to struggle against the instigators of a new war know and are convinced that they will do the right thing by rallying around Comrade Stalin, the great defender of peace. Mankind, having lived through the horrors of the last world war, craves for peace and is resolutely opposed to a new slaughter. Precisely for this reason all nations greet with gratitude the resolute, unequivocal policy of peace which Comrade Stalin pursues and upholds.

    However the warmongers may try to slander our Socialist country, they will not succeed in eradicating from the minds of the common people the conviction that the Soviet Union is the true champion of peace, consistently defending peace all over the world, that our country, as Comrade Stalin says, is able to conduct and is, in fact, conducting a policy of peace, is conducting it not pharisaically, but honestly and openly, resolutely and consistently.

    the same type of myth building that the left is enamored by and follow is what they crave for their own

    Under the leadership of Comrade Stalin, our people marches confidently on the road to Communism. With a feeling of great gratitude, turning their eyes to Comrade Stalin, the peoples of the Soviet Union, hundreds of millions of people of all countries of the world, progressive mankind see in Comrade Stalin their beloved leader and teacher, believe and know that the cause of Lenin and Stalin is invincible.

    yes… like obama we will march confidently FORWARD…

    Wasserman Schultz: Obama move ‘a historic step forward in the decades-long march for civil rights’

    “Today, I want you to join me in looking forward. Forward beyond that next Recognition Day, beyond Ring Weekend to four years from today, October 7th, 2015.” Obama

    “We will find strength in each other, and answer our opponents with good will and honest words. And we will go forward — confident in our beliefs, and certain of victories to come.” Obama

    “If we in this room will simply march forward we can propel America’s growth and prosperity to lead to the world. If we in this room lift up our eyes, we will lift the spirit of the nation.” Obama

    “This is our time to march forward in unity as one people.” Obama

    The Revolutionary Catechism
    Sergey Nechayev 1869
    The Relations of the Revolutionary toward his Comrades

    8. The revolutionary can have no friendship or attachment, except for those who have proved by their actions that they, like him, are dedicated to revolution. The degree of friendship, devotion and obligation toward such a comrade is determined solely by the degree of his usefulness to the cause of total revolutionary destruction.

    so no.. obama will not change horses, as everyone around him is who he needs.

    larry and the other, were not part of this inner circle, they remained so long as they were useful… once not useful, they are tossed.

    this behavior is telling, but since no one knows how to identify species and genera by behavior through experience, they dont recognize what they see for what it is. any more than a dodo realized that the people were going to eat them and run away.

    All revolutionaries should have under them second- or third-degree revolutionaries — i.e., comrades who are not completely initiated. these should be regarded as part of the common revolutionary capital placed at his disposal. This capital should, of course, be spent as economically as possible in order to derive from it the greatest possible profit. The real revolutionary should regard himself as capital consecrated to the triumph of the revolution; however, he may not personally and alone dispose of that capital without the unanimous consent of the fully initiated comrades.

    11. When a comrade is in danger and the question arises whether he should be saved or not saved, the decision must not be arrived at on the basis of sentiment, but solely in the interests of the revolutionary cause. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh carefully the usefulness of the comrade against the expenditure of revolutionary forces necessary to save him, and the decision must be made accordingly.

    they are following an old rule book
    just read it and you have no more fun making up stuff trying to explain things from some other source of information!!!!!!!!! guesses are not the same as knowing, even if they are right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i that last statement is an identifier… normal people have sentiment, sociopaths don’t, so the system favors a sociopath who will choose based on end with no guilt as to who is now under the bus!!!!!!!

  4. A BHO-Hillary ticket was a non-starter as I’m sure Palin knew and her call for BHO to abandon was a great move on her part. She threw a monkey wrench into the works and for several news cycles has created a conundrum for the MSM & the DNC: how to defend Biden without sounding a stupid as Biden. RR should feel beholden to her.

    Hillary has no interest in being VP. She accepted the Secretary of State position because she could have a highly visible fiefdom. She’s the one who has been calling the shots on foreign policy, not BHO. BHO has to treat her with kid gloves.

  5. and ONE last clue…

    WHO is this?

    Jenny von Westphalen was born in Salzwedel to a prominent family of the Prussian aristocracy. Her father, Baron Ludwig von Westphalen (1770—1842), was a former widower with four previous children, who served as “Regierungsrat” in Salzwedel and in Trier. Her paternal grandfather Baron Christian Philip Heinrich von Westphalen (1723—1792) had been de facto “chief of staff” to Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick during the Seven Years’ War. Her paternal grandmother, Jeanie Wishart (1742—1811), was a Scottish noble: her father George Wishart (1703—1785) was a direct descendent of the 9th Earl of Angus and Lady Agnes Keith, the latter in turn a direct descendant of King James I, and the royal House of Stuart, while her mother’s family were the Dukes of Argyll, for centuries Scotland’s most powerful aristocratic family. Her mother, Baroness Amalia Julia Carolina von Westphalen (née Heubel), lived from 1780 to 1856.

    and what pattern does she follow with many many others of the same cloth?

  6. Doesn’t mean a thing.

    First, Palin’s probable goal was achieved merely by suggesting that Obama drop Biden, because that suggestion presupposed that Biden was a liability, and now Biden’s competence or otherwise is on the table.

    Second, Obama could still drop Biden easily. All it would take is a health excuse, and then Obama wins points for loyalty (for having said he’d keep Biden), and extracts a little empathy from the electorate (when Obama sadly announces that Joe is facing a life-threatening ailment, and has reluctantly decided to stand down).

  7. Occam’s Beard: regarding the possibility of a health excuse, though, this is what I wrote about it in the comments at Althouse: The trouble with that scheme, though, is that if they gave the matter ANY thought, they’d quickly realize it would never work because Crazy Joe wouldn’t be able to keep his story straight. Plus you know he’d want to keep giving interviews to the press, and in the process, he’d not only mix up his stories about why he left, he’d accidentally reveal all kinds of details about this White House, and so he’d only dig an even deeper hole for the Obama team.

  8. A loose cannon on deck presents the possibility of disaster at any moment. I suspect that the only explanation that accounts for Obama’s ‘loyalty’ to Biden is the one advanced by neo-neocon; Obama’s narcissism and the underlying insecurity that always forms the basis for narcissism allows for no competitor… or even heir.

  9. they’d quickly realize it would never work because Crazy Joe wouldn’t be able to keep his story straight

    Easy – just keep him under wraps. Given the complicity of the media, and a minder, Biden will be as far out of the public mind as Judge Crater.

  10. Of course Obama values loyalty. He values the Johnsonian kind as expressed by Lyndon Johnson with “I don’t want loyalty. I want loyalty. I want him to kiss my ass in Macy’s window at high noon and tell me it smells likes roses. I want his pecker in my pocket.”

    Biden gives that kind of loyalty over and over again.

  11. Occam’s Beard and Kurt: but the biggest problem with a health excuse is that Obama has no interest in getting rid of Biden.

    Why would he? Biden does his bidding and doesn’t threaten him in any way, and can be counted on to do that. I’m not sure what part of that is hard to understand, or why so many people think Obama would be motivated to replace him. Very few people who would like to vote for Obama would be dissuaded from doing so by the presence of Biden, and persuaded by the presence of Hillary (if, that is, Obama even decided to offer it to her, and she decided to accept).

    Biden is a mediocrity, a nonentity at this point without Obama. He is very grateful to act as his lackey and whatever else is necessary, and Obama is pleased to have him. That’s my take on it.

  12. The Crackhouse is experiencing vertigo at the moment.

    Comes from smoking too much crack.

    At the Crackhouse, sing it with feeling now, at the crackhouse, working at the crackhouse, oouaha oouaha, oouhaa, cough cough splutter splutter, at the crackhouse, you know you should be there, at the crackhouse, where Washington and Lincoln stayed, at the crackhouse, my oh my oh my, at the crackouse.

  13. LBJ did have a way with words. I like to think that he would agree with me and the ancient Latvian proverb: “On the hook of truth only small carp will bite; in the net of falsehood the big salmon are caught.”

    But perhaps not for the same reason or uses.

  14. The disgusting thing, here, is the low depths to which an Irishman has sunk. Biden wouldn’t make a man Friday becaue he is such a syncophant that when the tune changes, he’ll deny he ever knew a man named Obama.

    Neo called it right again. Now, about whether or not it’s going to be a close election, is there a modification?

  15. Obama has thrown many under the bus: countries (Israel, Poland over missile defense, Britain over Falklands), family members (his ‘typical white person’ grandma), George Bush, and Rev Wright. He was willing to throw Dems in the House and Senate under the bus to get Obamacare passed. The question is who won’t he throw under the bus? Probably just a few close confidants including Jarrett and Holder.

  16. Steve: oh, he would throw any of them under the bus if they gave him reason to. They have never given him reason to, and I predict they never will.

    They are loyal, and they are on the same page.

  17. YEAH..!!!! Obam-Bam KEEPS Crazy Uncle Employed!!!

    Less than one week after the announcement of Romney’s running mate it’s already becoming very, VERY obvious as to…errrr…the “contrast” twixt Joe Doofus Biden and Paul Brilliant Ryan. Ohhhh, I’m starting to love this campaign.

  18. Christina Romer and Elizabeth Warren immediately come to mind on the list of people who have left.

    Biden may not deliberately show up Obama, but he is a ticking time bomb in terms of accidently showing him up.

  19. Don’t forget to add Daley to those who have left this administration.

    I’m not so sure it’s a question of whether they crossed Obama, but whether they crossed Jarrett. Reports indicate that she is the gatekeeper who prevents anyone who is less than enthusiastic about what the administration is doing (or unwilling to at least pretend he/she is enthusiastic) anywhere near the president.

  20. Glen H and OlderandWheezier: note that I wrote “major figure.” I don’t consider those major figures.

    Plus, Warren left because it was clear that her appointment wouldn’t be approved.

  21. Neo – Daley succeeded Rahm as chief of staff. Yet Rahm is major and Daley is – minor?

  22. OlderandWheezier: my error.

    Emanuel’s departure had a much higher profile (and probably was much more contentious), but you are correct.

  23. Ryan is an OK guy from Wisconsin who hunts, has a lovely family, is a church-going Catholic, is very intelligent, has won election after election handily in a blue-collar district, is apparently honest, hides nothing about his past and is a patriot.

    Biden is a horse’s ass, plagerist, gots him some hair plugs, quite dumb and a poltroon and piss-ant.

    Let’s see….who would be better for the country? Thinking….thinking….thinking….

  24. Good point on Rahm, Neo – and he has definitely been much more high-profile nationally since the Clinton years.

  25. If BO were going to dump Biden he would have done it already. At this point it would look to panicky and nobody will buy a health excuse.

  26. I think the only way they might ever get Clinton to agree to replace Biden on the ticket anyway is if they have something on her–and it would have to be something pretty big. She acts (and looks) like she doesn’t give a flip anymore; she drinks too much (so I’ve heard), she’s put on an ugly amoung of weight, her hair looks pathetic, and anyway and it would only be for the VP slot–and Hillary isn’t fond of being in second place.

    If Obama wins another term, there’s no reason whatever to assume that he’ll quit after two and leave anything but wreckage in his wake. And Hillary isn’t going to want to help Obama out anyway; the only reason she slunk off to the DoS in the first place is that she had monster campaign debts and Obama bought her by paying them off (which is his style–clear as much opposition from the field as possible). I’m guessing the purchase was permanent, and he owns her still.

    Unless Hillary’s lost every bit of brains she ever had, she knows that being #2 to Obama is worthless to the #2, and wouldn’t want it even if she were free to seek it. The only real question remaining is, why did they have that nice 3-party luncheon in the White House today? My guess is that it was a get-together explicitly set up to make sure the, er, “principals” knew what was what, in case Sarah had suckered any one or more of them into groundless speculation and/or planning. All information flow was in the from-the-top-down direction. No one was offered anything, no one had the option to accept or reject anything, and if anyone didn’t know that would be the case going in, they all certainly knew it coming out.

  27. I can’t wait fo Obama to leave the WH so that all the insiders can start writing their books. How much do you want to bet the consistent theme will be that Obama was bad, but if I hadn’t been there it would have been catastrophic?

  28. I damn near spit a tooth earlier today on the newest O’Biden ***k up!! Sean Hannity played a sound bite of the Crazy Uncle using ‘Speak softly but carry a Big Stick’…Yep, off the cliff he went with,”…and Barack Obama has a Big Stick…He’s got a REALLY BIG Stick!!” Swear to Gawd, he’s gotta be on the RNC payroll. (-:

  29. It will become increasingly clear that, although VP is not considered to be an important part of the picture, good old Joe, moronic, foot-in-his-mouth Joe is a heart beat away from being President. Yes, Obama’s young and apparently healthy, but Presidents have died in office (four were assassinated and four died of natural causes) and that fact must always be considered when looking at a VP. In the debates between Biden and Ryan, it will be probably be crystal clear which one would be a more suitable choice to be a heart-beat from the presidency. Sure can’t hurt the R/R ticket.

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