Home » Climate warming, climate cooling: the law of unintended consequences


Climate warming, climate cooling: the law of unintended consequences — 16 Comments

  1. It’s called “The Dumbass Effect” and is especially common among UN initiatives.

  2. I seem to remember (and Artfl can correct me if I’m wrong), the Soviets had a bureau which did nothing but artificially set the prices on millions of items in the economy. It didn’t work then, and it’s not working now.

  3. Recently I read about glass manufacturing in the former Soviet Union (apologies, I have forgotten the source). The command economy awarded the plants based upon tonnage; the glass plants therefore manufactured glass so thick that it was essentially unsuited for most intended uses. Realizing their error, the command economy changed to rewarding the glass plants by square footage (meters^2?) produced. The glass plants immediately began manufacturing glass so thin it was unsuited for most intended uses.

    There is nothing new under the sun; specifically, the command economy didn’t work then and it will not work now, contrary to the Left’s utopian wishes.

  4. I think this is the oddest part of the post.
    “… It turned the economics of the business on its head.”

    What economics?

    What business?

  5. That is funny.

    I mean it. That is funny.

    It is. You have to laugh.

    Earnest liberal do-gooders keep doing their Wile E. Coyote impression, with reality standing in for the Roadrunner.

    But central planning will work. That they’ll get right, guaranteed.

  6. This one is funny, but the more invidious aspect of left-wing psychology is the determination to use government to coerce people into things that the leftists are convinced that they should do, but that people don’t want to do.

    The coercees figure out how to game the coercive policies, which prompts the leftists to take steps to close those loopholes. The coercees then figure out how to circumvent the amended policies, and so it goes. The history of the Berlin Wall is a signal example of this effect, with the DDR eventually restricting access to materials that could be used to build balloons (!).

  7. Occam’s Beard Says:
    August 9th, 2012 at 6:57 pm

    The coercees figure out how to game the coercive policies, which prompts the leftists to take steps to close those loopholes. The coercees then figure out how to circumvent the amended policies, and so it goes.

    “They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work.”
    –Somebody in the USSR

  8. OB,

    I have suggested before that bureaucracies, regulations and command economies are static; life is dynamic. Just as Jeff Goldblum’s line in Jurassic Park advises us (echoed later by Sam Neill), “Life will find a way.”

  9. The greenies who push for all this environmental BS simply aren’t very smart. They feed their egos by pushing their weight around, and since many are the kids of middle/ upper middle class families who want them to do well, they get a hearing in the public. In some ways they are like the Community Organizer in Chief who came up with such wonderful plans to help the poor. They are all totally disconnected from the real world. It was clear from the beginning that international cap and trade would not work–you would be paying someone not to cut down a tree they didn’t own in the Brazilian rainforest. I should be a billionaire cause I don’t even own a chainsaw.

    I just watched a half-hour German public TV program about curly lightbulbs that actually exposed what a scam that whole effort is. Unfortunately, they blamed it on lightbulb companies that wanted to make money, completely ignoring the greenie do-gooders who pushed the idea. But still, any mention of greenie falacies on German TV is better than we have had.

    We really need a return to the Catholic sacrament of confession. Go into the confessional, confess you sin, say your Hail Mary as penance, and go home. Stop trying to make the rest of us feel guilty about your carbon footprint whe you fly to Aspen for some skiing.

  10. If anyone wants a theory for why ALL climate change for the last 6 BILLION years has occurred look into Henrik Svensmark.

    There is a youtube movie called The Cloud Mystery as well as a book The Chilling Stars.


    It comes down to the sun, the galaxy and supernovas and their effect on cosmic rays. Cosmic rays create low altitude clouds which cool the planet. So more clouds, lower temps and fewer clouds higher temps.

    The CERN recently demonstrated the central process here of cosmic rays generating the particles around which clouds form.

    This theory is the best and most comprehensive, explaining all historical changes.

  11. Thanks for the link, expat.
    Hannan sums up the enviros quite well: “A great deal of Leftism is based around the elevation of vaguely wanting the world to be nicer into a political philosophy. Not actually making the world nicer — quite the opposite, usually — but wanting it. It is the ultimate political narcissism, privileging the moralistic (holding the correct opinions) over the moral (doing the right thing).”

    Since it is their religion (Faith is belief without need of certain proof.), they go merrily on their way, never once examining the unintended consequences or even destructiveness of their actions.

  12. Not a surprise. At the beginning of this madness, a Michigan-based papermill found out they could save their company by converting to low-carbon heating and getting a check for over a million tax dollars. Problem was, they were using a much more eco-friendly fuel: burning the byproduct of the paper-making process, a black substance that used to kill fish and contaminate soil. So now they get rid of it in a less eco-friendly way.

  13. BTW, since the MSM has shown its typical due diligence in reporting all the news that’s relevant to AGW, I’ll call attention to the following event last Tuesday:


    Rare snowfall stuns much of South Africa

    The snow in Johannesburg — where officials say it has snowed on just 22 days in more than a century — was the heaviest in more than 30 years and the first since 2007.


    Anyone seen **anything** in the news about this?
    Are we surprised?

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