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Harry Reid… — 17 Comments

  1. A very credible anonymous source told me that Harry Reid keeps ten-year old boys as sex slaves in his basement.

    I think this is despicable and I hope Harry will prove this to be inaccurate as soon as possible.

    If he doesn’t, it would mean that he has something to hide.

    Maybe he could refute the pedophile accusation at the same time he releases his his tax returns for the past 37 years.


  2. Does anyone think that Reid, Pelosi, or Obama is capable of understanding a tax return? I’d like to see Obama’s grades in remedial math.

  3. I hope there are a few things we don’t know about Romney. Like he secretly can’t wait to get the boot on the throat of liberal progressives who set out to economically destroy millions of American’s lives in January 2007.

  4. Is it wrong of me to hope that this is nothing more than a sign that the Democrats are very desperate? That they believe they are going to lose BIG in November and not just the presidency, but other positions as well (The winner’s coat-tails and all that).

  5. Take a look at Pelosi’s speech of a day or so ago in California, in which, talking to a group of older voters, she asked if they wanted their grandchildren to drink clean water, and branded Republicans as “the E. Coli club.” (see http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/08/07/pelosi-defends-reid-slams-conservatives-as-e-coli-club-at-appearance/)

    The Democrats will make any charge–no matter how slimy, baseless, or reckless–in order to win, and the more it looks like they will lose, the more slimy and reckless these charges will be.

    I fully expect Romney to be portrayed as being a–well, you name it, up to and including a cannibal–as we approach Election day.

  6. P.S.–Democrats will make these charges, secure in the knowledge that once out there–especially in the age of the Internet–they will spread world-wide and will linger forever, and that they put the person they have accused on the defensive, that their totally bought MSM will not make any real or effective efforts to call them on these charges in any meaningful way, and that they have very little chance of being sued for defamation and slander-“public figures” suing for slander and defamation of character having the extremely difficult task of proving that the person making the charge knew that it was false and went ahead anyway and with “actual malice”–and that, moreover, if they are members of Congress, and make their charges in Congress, they are specifically exempt from any charge of libel or slander under the exemption given for Congressional argument and debate.

    Decency, of course, plays absolutely no part in their calculations.

  7. QUESTION: Is there a more Useless, Feckless, Loathsome, Piece of Vapid Loser-Sewage on the American Political Scene than Dingy Harry??

    Nope, didn’t think so.

  8. …Oh, and Mitt: Might be time for some HARDBALL to be displayed as a small sample of what we can do on The Boy King. All it takes is some well-placed $$ to find, for example, what Columbia U’s real experience with O’Bam-Bam wuz. How’bout prepping some fine audio-video spots with his very own ORAL Reading of the ‘doing blow’ with his buds in his(cough!!)memoirs,’Yo? So that the Chicago boyos get the very clear message that they can bring guns, but, because of his past, we can bring Laser Guided Nukes to the table. (-:

  9. Following up on Wolla Dalbo’s comments, I should add that here in Nevada where Democrat Shelley Berkley is running for the senate against Republican Dean Heller, the Berkley campaign amounts to all “mediscare,” all the time. That’s all she’s got. She runs TV ads saying “Dean Heller voted twice to cut medicare” because he voted for some of the Republican budget proposals last summer, the same ones which prompted that infamous Democrat commercial with the Paul Ryan lookalike pushing the old lady off the cliff. She sends mailers that say the same thing. As I am registered, “non-partisan,” I get at least one of those mailers a day, it seems.

  10. Well, did you hear this? Mitt has 5 boys…because he ate all the girls. How come Dingy Hairy hasn’t heard that? And Ann’s gonna eat that horse that failed at the Olympics.

  11. Harry’s just doing what disciples of Alinsky do:
    “…the fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

    …the fourth rule carries within it the fifth rule: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

    …the sixth rule is: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

    …the eighth rule: Keep the pressure on.

    …the ninth rule: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

    The tenth rule: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”

    Harry Reid is a cynical, habitually dishonest, utterly amoral human being with an understanding of the Rules for Radicals. I doubt he dreamed this tactic up on his own. Axelrod is a master of the Rules. Methinks he is the one giving out the battle tactics. As dirty as they are, they work.

  12. A very credible anonymous source told me that Harry Reid keeps ten-year old boys as sex slaves in his basement.

    I think this is despicable and I hope Harry will prove this to be inaccurate as soon as possible.

    Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown the Democrat Party.

  13. Ever since Obama got elected I’ve been hoping that Mossad would find all those sealed records and release them to media and the internet.

  14. Mr.Frank: GREAT Point!! Bibi & Mitt are old friends, too. Mitt, focus please: I fully know that you don’t like down & dirty fighting. Not in your character. But, no one other than the slimebag Billy Ayers seems to know the Boy King from his Columbia U. days…Hmmmmmm…Saled records, even now as president for 3+years? Hhmmmmmmmmm… Harvard Law where, as student editor of the Review, he published NOTHING of his own(nearly unprecedented, incidentally)and, again, SEALED records. How’bout you hold a pressie and simply offer to show your taxes one day after Obam-Bam gives access to his school records at Col & Harvard Law? Feckless Harry lives at The Ritz Carlton–DC. Hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm….(-:

  15. Harry Reid is the equivalent of used toilet paper walking around and talking.

    Nancy Pelosi is what is swabbed up from the floor when the cat pukes.

    The Democrat party has become the equivalent of crusty smudges on the sheets of the bed of a 14 year old boy.

    And I am being moderate in my statements. Wanna know what I really think?

  16. I want to know why bastard idiots like the one in Aurora never go after tools like Reid.

    I am not saying such things should happen… just, if they’re gonna happen, how is it the nutjobs never, ever seem to go after the REAL major-grade pricks of the world?

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