Home » Three swans: Part I


Three swans: Part I — 9 Comments

  1. “who does care?:

    I do.

    Just saw Giselle (Kremlin State Theatre Ballet Academy (2004), Vladimir Malakhov as Count Albrecht and ballerina Ludmilla Vasileva) on DVD. Had prepared myself to being unimpressed (with the ballet — not with the dancing) after Act I but Act II hit the spot.

    Am looking forward to the series.

  2. I do – at least, I will if you write about your passion for the subject.

    There are topics that don’t particularly interest me. But, when someone blogs about their passion, it does intrigue me. An example is Sheila O’Malley – she was a working actress who blogged about her experiences. I wouldn’t have thought it would capture my attention, but it did. It brought a slice of life outside of my experience into sharp focus.

    So, write about it – use sufficient detail that a novice like me will “get it”.

    I’ll read it.

  3. To be passionate about something is healthy. (Obviously there somethings one should not feel passionate about.) I learn about things in the realm of art-music-dance on this blog that would never come to my attention otherwise. I doubt that I will ever become passionate about ballet, but I can appreciate why others are passionate about ballet. Its adult education.

  4. These pictures are code and if you know how to decode them, you have a message from God.

  5. Neo, I just love everything you write about dance. The whole world looks more beautiful through your dance writings. And, let’s face it, every one needs a breath of great art today just to stay sane.

  6. I care.

    In a previous life, when I grew up and lived in Manhattan, I used to have Sunday subscription tickets to American Ballet Theater. I was fortunate enough to see the like of Makarova, Baryshnikov, Kirkland, Menendez, and many other fine dancers that I will never forget. To this day I feel I saw some of the best dancing the world could ever imagine. And to this day I feel very lucky indeed to have seen them in their prime. Baryshnikov and Makarova doing the Don Quiote pas de deux and being called back for repeat after repeat as the audience stood and screamed for more, and they did it over and over. What a day that was.

  7. I’m interested. I’m somewhat of the same mind as LindaF above: I don’t really get ballet, but I’m intrigued by what the people who do get it see in it, and I always read your posts on the topic. I can’t remember whether I linked to these pieces on my blog on this topic before or not: Oh my goodness am I going to watch a ballet? and I fail to become a balletomane. These are about an experiment in ballet-watching, which ended with me not converted but still intrigued.

    Only problem is: can I get control of my ADD long enough to watch the videos I assume you’ll be posting?

  8. Yes please – more dancing posts. I’ve learned a lot from your previous posts on dance and dancers.
    I am looking forward to this series.

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