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The changing eyewitness testimony — 14 Comments

  1. http://pajamasmedia.com/richardfernandez/2010/08/30/hi-lo/#comment-121005

    The deep dark secret of political correctness is that there are no consistent rules. Rules depend on who you are. It is a status driven system. The key to advancement within this system is to change your place within the order. a > hello > 37x > d > burble is one day’s order. The next it could be hello > a > 37x > d > burble

    It’s not a system of laws. It’s a system of men. Once you grasp this, then you know the right buttons to push. The trick is to position yourself as a high status person then you can reap the rewards of the ordering system. It is perfectly ludicrous. But never let yourself burst out laughing. Carry it off with a straight face.

    LGBT > blacks > hispanics > other immigrants [minus Asians] > women > pets > Gaia > government > Asians > white men > knuckleheads with guns

    Zimmerman, as a hispanic, would be close to an even rating with blacks. Except, as a white hispanic, and as a knucklehead with a gun, Zimmerman ranks far down the list, and must be shunned. Refusal to aggressively shun = social ostracization.

  2. Held: The Due Process Clause does not require a preliminary judicial inquiry into the reliability of an eyewitness identification when the identification was not procured under unnecessarily suggestive circumstances arranged by law enforcement.[4]


    I wonder if Zimmerman might cause courts to look into including “media” with “law enforcement.”

  3. I suspect that while Mark O’Mara was up in NYCity talking with those less than sterling MSM Doofusses like Baa-Baa Waa-Waa, Anderson Cooper and Matt Laur, the past couple of days, that he also had a “read my lips” sit down with the head NBC Legal Eagle and inquired(something like this..),”Having tampered–Big Time–with the 911 tapes, WHAT exactly are you going to do about it?”

    Trust me.

  4. “… which certainly can’t be said in the Zimmerman case, where there’s political pressure galore.”

    Changing your original testimony many weeks later smells of corruption, coercion, and PC. Zimmerman may not have acted correctly throughout the entire incident, but it is — based on available evidence — clear that in the final analysis he acted in self-defense. This is part in parcel with Fast and Furious. A MSM – progressive attempt to foster stricter laws on firearm ownership and the natural right to self defense.

    The mere fact that the special prosecutor did not reveal all available evidence tells me this is an attempt to publicly ‘lynch’ Zimmerman in the kangaroo court of the MSM. Free Zimmerman.

  5. While on a grand jury I did one case where the media circus was extreme and we had one witness change his original statement, which was taped, and another witness start remembering additional things he saw which he couldn’t have seen unless he could see through steel and brick or was 8 feet tall. Both changes brought their stories closer to the media’s desired scenario.

    Even so we declined to indict the vicious white cops (actually 2 black, 2 white, 1 Hispanic) who had brutally gunned down a harmless, unarmed black man on his way to the store (who actually had a loaded pistol which he pointed at a police woman 3 feet away).

  6. The liberal answer: more cowbell (longitudinal social studies).

    Subjects, are you grateful for our dear Leader, Obama?

    Thank you. Okay, Niger, pass out the thimbles of water because we are going to be here for a long time. Food will not be provided but you may eat any insect you find.

    Now if you will look at your script, you’ll see that some of you are white. Please don’t be offended. We have to do that because that’s the way it used to be. There were actually white people.

    If there is anybody who has a bodily function during this filming, you will be immediately executed, so, please, decide wisely.

    Now, take examine your scripts and become enthusiastic. Anyone with less than the requisite enthusiasm will become the next meal.

    Of course, we must applaud the year 2012 as the year of our Lord, Obama, blessings upon his soul. Do not allow any contrary thoughts to halt your praise and thanksgiving to Him. Praise Obama. Praise his Majesty. Praise his Providence.

  7. It looks like someone has committed a crime and tampered with the witnesses.

  8. What you are seeing is fear of reprisal on the part of the witnesses. These witnesses live in a high crime area and have to return home after they testify. Is it any wonder that given all the hype, the bounty on Zimmerman, etc. these witnesses are looking for a way to hedge their testimony?

  9. gcotharn Says: …social ostracization

    Ethology and Sociobiology
    Primate social behavior and ostracism
    Volume 7, Issues 3—4, 1986, Pages 215—225

    Ostracism, and its attendant processes, emigration and immigration, are now recognized as basic mechanisms intrinsic to the long-term adaptation of primate society.

    Ostracism, defined as socially determined exclusion from the resources and opportunities necessary to successful reproduction, is a basic mechanism by which individuals strive to maximize their own reproductive success at the expense of others.

    Among males this process most often involves exclusion from opportunities to fertilize females (zygote formation) whereas among females it leads to competition for the resources necessary to raise these zygotes to adulthood.

    Ostracism from intrasexual competition may be so intense that it leads to the migration of less successful individuals into social groups offering greater opportunity. [or what they think would lead to that – ie move upward in the list gcotharn made]

    The “passports” most often used in primate immigration are sexual affinity and kinship alliance.

    Migration carries high risk and is associated with increased mortality and morbidity.

    Nevertheless, ostracism, emigration, and immigration remain as the basic social processes by which the ratio of resources to individuals shifts and balances from one year to the next.

    Such adjustments are made through the process of individual “decisions” and “strategies” to optimize personal reproductive success, but their net effect is to constantly redistribute individuals in relation to resources vital to reproduction.

    so its not about making a better world for people your competing with as the most competitive people on the planet (with the least skills) – politicians

    so communism, socialism, feminism, etc – together lead to…

    so replace merit, so that social orders, like a tribe govern rewards.. promote regressive policies to move the system BACK to that of kings and lords, oligarchy, etc. (insure your the one doing it, so your the one in the right place when success occurs)

    remove your competition by redistributing the wealth so they cant get the minimum together to get over the first hurdle. make them unappealing to the pool, while making yourself more appealing. (this is the genocide part – anyone low down on the ladder gcotharn listed is genocided… ergo 283 million people cant produce as much as 83-100 million FAVORED VOLK)

    remove the things limiting your selection pool and your ability to choose or know what your picking. religion, sexual modesty, self importance and worth, and so on.

    All they are doing is reversing the process that moves us from monkeys to man…

    the whole of it is a primates system of lords over others who are socially ostracized, which leads to their genocide and the replacement genetically of the elite.

    and as said, its about these rules…
    and the spread between the rules of man, and the rules of primates..

    under the rules of god/rule of common (people) law/outside Eden (not rule of man), we help others…

    so the more welfare they produce, the more we are burdened till the rules of man breaks and so the rules of primates then takes hold – no/pagan god/s, rule by man (not common law), return to eden/edenic.
    [edited for length by n-n]

  10. Many years ago my younger brother was an eyewitness in an armed robbery trial in which he IDed the perps. Prior to the trial he was subjected to several anonymous phone calls threatening to burn his house down or to commit bodily harm to him and his children. He held his ground and gave the testimony that sent the perps to prison. Fortunately, none of the threats were carried out, but it sickened me that these animals and their friends were willing and able to put such pressure on an honest citizen.

    There is no doubt in my mind that the witnesses in this case have received such threats and may be caving. to it. The pressures are enormous.

  11. Conservative Treehouse is blogging their bottoms off, and deserves a journalism award for their incredible reporting on the Trayvon case.

    They have, through JOURNALISTIC DIGGING (such an antiquated practice) through Trayvon’s social media, discovered that Trayvon left behind multiple evidences that:

    1. he was a user of a hip hop culture drug:

    Purple Lean (Drank) is an intoxicating beverage also known by the names lean, sizzurp, and liquid codeine. It is commonly abused by southern rappers and wannabe suburban teenagers. It is a mixture of Promethazine/Codeine cough syrup and sprite, with a few jolly ranchers and/or skittles thrown in.

    2. he was searching out codeine, in order to create this drug cocktail, on the very night of his death.

    3. Trayvon did not purchase Arizona Iced Tea. Rather, he purchased Arizona Watermelon Drink (as shown by a crime scene photo). Arizona Watermelon Drink, with a few Skittles tossed in, is a celebrated delivery system for “Purple Drank”.

    Trayvon was likely sizzurping himself into a drug high (a drug high which is known to create psychosis and paranoia, and to sometimes create some of same effects as PCP usage) … as he spent 50 minutes meandering 6/10 of a mile … on a rainy night.



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