North Carolina teacher joins the Thought Police
My first thought on reading this was how interesting it is that new technology—the ability to easily record such incidents—is now being used by regular folk to fight efforts at thought control such as the one here. Quite different from 1984’s telescreen:
The video shows a classroom discussion about the Washington Post hit piece about Mitt Romney bullying a kid some five decades ago. One student says, “Didn’t Obama bully someone though?” The teacher says: “Not to my knowledge.” The student then cites the fact that Obama, in Dreams from My Father, admits to shoving a little girl. “Stop, no, because there is no comparison,” screams the teacher. Romney is “running for president. Obama is the president.”
The student responds that both are “just men.”
The teacher yells — literally yells — that Obama is “due the respect that every other president is due ”¦ Listen,” she continues, “let me tell you something, you will not disrespect the president of the United States in this classroom.” She yells over the student repeatedly, and yells at him that it’s disrespect for him to even debate about Romney and Obama.
The student says that he can say what he wants.
“Not about him, you won’t,” says the teacher.
The teacher then tells the student ”“ wrongly ”“ that it is a criminal offense to say bad things about a president. “Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush? Do you realize you are not supposed to slander the president?”
The student says that it would violate First Amendment rights to jail someone for such sentiments. “You would have to say some pretty f’d up crap about him to be arrested,” says the student. “They cannot take away your right to have your opinion ”¦ They can’t take that away unless you threaten the president.”
Clearly, the student should be teaching the class, and the teacher should be reading the Constitution more often.
Well, I’d ask the student to clean up his act in terms of the f-word—but yes, his reasoning seems impeccable compared to the teacher’s “logic.” Anger, however, is often the response when an authority figure is faced with a convincing rational argument that demolishes his/her own.
It’s also ironic that the ostensible subject matter is anti-bullying, when the teacher herself is acting as a bully.
“Well, I’d ask the student to clean up his act in terms of the f-word”
I know you’re more into reading than listening so I don’t know if you listened to the video, but in the incident you quote, that’s literally what the kid said, “f’d’ and not the full word. I can see the argument for avoiding that to but I just wanted to make that clear.
And he certainly sounded more qualified to be at the front of the room than she did.
So bella dodd running the communist party usa AND the teachers unions had no effect, and its not important.. neither is it important that Dewey the father of modern education, was a communist too…
perhaps if you get control of the schools, you can destroy the minds so well, that they will self exterminate…
ie self genocide trying to be good people.
his reasoning seems impeccable compared to the teacher’s “logic.
of course… but he has now been graded as thinking for himself, not collectively.
I brought this up AGES ago, and all the details of it. did anyone bother to read it? nope… they WAIT till all the damage is done and oppose nothing.. not even weakly writing letters.
but here is the problem… the ignorance and lack of experience (Whether first hand, familial, or even through in depth historical study), combined with self esteem and equality, puts ideas and fantasy on equal footing with experience.
ie. they will say that X is not X because its not behaving the way they IMAGINE IT to be… this will not come second to someone who knows from various experiences that X IS X…
[the imagination of Marx trumps the reality too… but its even worse… read below what you do not know]
“The Leipzig Connection” by Paolo Lionni
ISBN 0-89739-001-6
The difference between education and conditioning
is what?
that we are but blank slates..
that the left can make us into whatever it wants to make us… IF it can control our experiences… what better way to do this than to deny experience in reality and replace it with school from childhood, to adult life.
with all the principals of the world, reality and such, being defined in books, not experienced.
and so, academics who have been in prekindergarten, kindergarten, grade school, junior high school, summer workshops, high school, college, graduate school, etc.
a life completely lived away from being able to TEST The ideas and experiences being lived second hand.
THIS is why my families experience has no meaning, its trumped by the “experience” given to the blank slates. ie. the majority have been taught to think in BROKEN WAYS and you cant even begin to tell them..
in my lifetime births went from normal
to so far below replacement that the group that is under the ideas, is dead and dying out… but even the ones who might oppose, will not oppose the source. and spend endless hours ignoring the spy agencies, history, physics, economics and such… all to make the reality before them align with what they were told…which left out history, physics, economics, principals, and so on!!!!!!!!!!
ie… they are more comfortable with their conditioning, which they think is education, that they refuse to be educated!!!
they are incurious, in favor of that conditioning. they learn the same way, so they dont actually learn. they ignore what the conditioning ignored… etc
when was it redefined?
did they tell you?
i know… its in the stuff i keep saying to read
the stuff that would show you how they changed your education, and so you can then leave that conditioning, and enter education
but the prison is without bars..
the conditioned, are too afraid to let go and walk out into the sun
of course.. you guys dont know anything about that, because you came AFTER they decided to act on you without your permission
Charlotte Iserbyt
given these quotes..
and the idea of programming the public to be slaves of the feudal lords…
isnt that what they claimed? which is why they got rid of talents and all that… the idea, promoted was to program the kids a la joseph mengele and so on… to be new socalist man
the point in THAT lesson was that the student has to think what the teachers says to think, and the teachers are, as bella dodd said… inserting communism and communist ideas a little bit at a time.
this will be cut down in favor of conditioning
education takes time, space, and refutation
conditioning takes acceptance
debate is not acceptance
so education and facts lose because we will only listen to that which conditioned us!!!
When you listen to the clip it is embarrassingly evident that the teacher is a classic affirmative action hire. That’s the subtext on the whole kerfuffle.
Professor Benjamin Bloom
father mastery learning and outcomes based education
from Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:
“The evidence points out convincingly to the fact that age is a factor operating against attempts to effect a complete or thorough-going reorganization of attitudes and values. (Taxonomy, p. 85)”
so get them when they are young
the teacher is upset that this child is not accepting the “attitudes and values” given to them to be
The evidence collected thus far suggests that a single hour of classroom activity under certain conditions may bring about a major reorganization in cognitive as well as affective (attitudes, values and beliefs) behaviors.” (Taxonomy, page 88)
Bloom also said the purpose of education was to “change the thoughts, actions and feelings of students” (All Our Children Learning, 1982) and defined good teaching as “challenging the students’ fixed beliefs.” (Taxonomy, page 55)
now… anyone want to read all the discussions where they decided to hurt the oppressors. disenfranchise the men, play up th3e women, and so on and so forth
all the stuff is related to what we discuss
except that you as students were not privy to the change in education…
“The Role of the Computer in Future Instructional Systems”
Communication Review [Monograph 2] of the Technological Development Project of the National Education Association [Contract #SAE9073], U..S. Office of Education, Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
from chapter:
“Effortless Learning, Attitude Changing, and Training in Decision-Making”
is it there job to change attitudes? political affiliations? and all that stuff?
still think we can stop whats going on when the schools have been conditioning?
by the way…
want to know who did it and voted for it?
the women voted for marxism
they had the teachers unions… and voted to not teach but to indoctrinate..
you can read the minutes
if you break out of the conditioned education to full knowledge!!!!!!!!!!!!
the bigger point is that your not supposeed to know whast they are doing to the kids
the moms asre not there to supervise any more, are they? feminism got them out of the way… AFTER it got the men out of the way..
and you can read papers on that too..
in fact. you can read papers proposing much of what we are living through prior to it happening.
your conditioning says not to. its tin hat. its the forbidden zone.. the lords dont want you to read…
this is why the groups cant self organize, they dont have a designated leader to tell them what to think
this is why women will have sex they dont want. they have been trained from childhood to tart up and give it up for nothing to the young elite children…
if you do this stuff we advise
we will say your liberated, forward thinking, modern, better than men, more equal, and so on.
and we will beat up anyone that says otherwise
you want to fix all this
then you first have to realize its not random
then realize where it coems from
then show where it comes and remove it in the sunlight
but… if you cant take that first step
the abandonment of the conditioning that says all you experience is naturally happening.
kcom: I didn’t realize that. And yes, I was more into reading about it (plus I’m in an exceptional hurry today, because ordinarily I would have listened as well, because that’s the only way to get the flavor of the thing).
Artfldgr: I don’t recall a single person here saying that “bella dodd running the communist party usa AND the teachers unions had no effect, and its not important.. neither is it important that Dewey the father of modern education, was a communist too…”
free book
the deliberate dumbing down of america
if you can grab it i would also suggest Havlocks change agent guide for teachers.
often, what you find is that some of the stuff you see in the news, is detailed in that book and others… the PUBLIC thinks that some wacko teacher… but if you have read it in policy papers, and such that these people read, you then realize they are using this, and when caught, disavowing… when not caught, they keep pushing
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
served as a Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education during the first term of U.S. President Ronald Reagan, and staff employee of the US State Department
feminism eliminated dad and mom
moms now want them to take the kids for the summer too… without family, there is no religion and patriotism… and so on.
so has it happened?
are we on the brink of soviet living?
did we just elect a democratic socialist (Communist) to office?
as bella dodd pointed out..
if this all is against the wealthy, why are all the nastiest wealthy families all together on this?
a merger…
but the soviet union fell first
Mr. Dodd, all of us here at the policy making level of the foundation have at one time or another served in the OSS (the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the CIA) or the European Economic Administration, operating under directives from the White House. We operate under those same directives… The substance of the directives under which we operate is that we shall use our grant making power to so alter life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.
– Rowan Gaither, President Ford Foundation – 1953, Norman Dodd
Parents and the general public must be reached also. Otherwise, children and youth enrolled in globally oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home. And then the educational institution frequently comes under scrutiny and must pull back.
– Dr. John I. Goodlad, Schooling for a Global Age-1979
oh.. when you SEE they pull back
when you dont look, and your too busy being liberated, they screw with the childrens heads when mom is taking her pole dancing class and wearing her underwear outside her clothing..
John Taylor Gatto
is a retired American school teacher with nearly 30 years experience in the classroom, and author of several books on education. He is an activist critical of compulsory schooling, of the perceived divide between the teen years and adulthood, and of what he characterizes as the hegemonic nature of discourse on education and the education professions.
What does the school do with the children? Gatto states the following assertions in “Dumbing Us Down”:
It makes the children confused. It presents an incoherent ensemble of information that the child needs to memorize to stay in school. Apart from the tests and trials that programming is similar to the television, it fills almost all the “free” time of children. One sees and hears something, only to forget it again.
It teaches them to accept their class affiliation.
It makes them indifferent.
It makes them emotionally dependent.
It makes them intellectually dependent.
It teaches them a kind of self-confidence that requires constant confirmation by experts (provisional self-esteem).
It makes it clear to them that they cannot hide, because they are always supervised
The teacher’s appalling response brings to mind Ring Lardner’s famous line (amended slightly) “Shut up!, she explained.”
The application of psychological and educational theory (Artfldgr’s Ben Bloom et al) in pedagogy should be the first hint that education doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Bella Dodd – From Communist to Catholic
and who is obama and them working with? the AFL-CIO? the teachers unions? etc?
Conditioning had been so thorough that for her “the last illusion to die was the illusion about the Soviet Union.”
and how about
“The Father of Modern Education” is John Dewey–a Communist, an Atheist, the leader of the teacher’s union, and a signer of the Humanist Manifesto.
[which puts meade, boas, kinsey and others also in the same place..all separate chess pieces whose facet converged to make this work and who we know today were coordinated by the soviets]
Education Problems in Public Schools
By James A Watkins
the unions bella dodd and the CPUSA controlled.
hey… can we break out of the conditioning that what they did didnt matter?
the children of the generation that fought communism EMBRACE it… thats a clue
[edited for length by n-n]
No offense Art but while I’m very interested in this story I’m not going to slug through several loooong comments by you that, at a glance, have the structure and feel of long winded rants. Sorry if I’m totally off base here but as a friendly critique you may want to try some brevity when making your points.
2 cents..
Today’s news says that the teacher has been “suspended with pay”–my guess just until this all blows over, and then she will be back in the classroom spewing out her ignorance and the old far Left, hate America agitprop once again.
Luckily, I am old enough to have gone (in the late 1940s through the early 1960s) to K-12 schools where we had well educated teachers who knew and taught their subjects, expected a lot from their students, wouldn’t tolerate discipline problems, and, unless it was in some extremely subtle way, I didn’t detect any political agenda, or the intrusion of their their personal, political beliefs into the class room or as steering discussions; they just taught their subjects in a very professional and objective way.
I wouldn’t have taken this crap the “teacher” was dishing out as a student then, and I wouldn’t take this crap today.
A major reason I decided not to try to get back into Academia, and to try to get a teaching gig at the college or university level after I retired.
The teacher then tells the student — wrongly — that it is a criminal offense to say bad things about a president. “Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush? Do you realize you are not supposed to slander the president?”
The ignorant clown parading as a teacher should be forced to read about death threats against Bush at protests and also portrayals of Bush as Hitler. After reading about them, the ignorant clown parading as a teacher should be forced to make a public presentation about what she found.
Dear Artfldgr,
This is one of those days when I don’t care a tinker’s damn about your major malfunction. Stop wanking your keyboard and put a sock in it. With the freed hands pound sand.
I’ll tell you when your time out is over. And if you don’t take it I’m going to hire people to hunt you down and chain you to the radiator.
Thank you for listening.
Thanks for the links, Gringo.
I wonder if the Left knows how much admiration and respect Hitler gets in Muslim lands. There, the conversation doesn’t even have the obligatory, “Well, Hitler did some awful things but he had some pretty good ideas,” but moves right into Heil Hitler.
Do love the irony of a bully bullying students not to bully others, and the “others” strictly limited to the victim coalition. The rankling image of “it gets better” Dan Savage may be seen at the following link and a summary of his bullying activities.
Blackmail. This, according to Ron Rosenbaum, was Hitler’s most singular and describing trait. Blackmail, which is the elder brother of bullying. Bullies become blackmailers. Blackmail, seems to me, to be the center of Obama’s birth certificate deception. “Expose me if you dare,” is the taunt, the blackmail, and if you do, the whole country will have a constitutional crisis and there will be riot and mayhem everywhere.
I suggest there is evil, real evil, in this incident with the teacher. Petty evil, yes, due to the low level of the host’s intelligence, but evil nonetheless. Evil cannot endure to be mocked or corrected. Evil enjoys its assertion over others. The deeper definition of witchcraft isn’t spells or abra cadabra, but the taking of someone’s free will through spiritual, psychological, or pharmaceutical means. Shaming and bullying students comes close, and evil always likes to focus on a young and defenseless subject.
Revelation is happening; some people are beginning to see, even as if through a fog. It will accelerate especially as evil becomes more and more outraged at its exposure.
A few months ago, maybe longer, I ran into pushback when I remarked on the length of Artfldgr’s comments.
Okay, okay, yes, I can scroll past the Artfldgr comments (as I have done faithfully since then). It’s still a minor pain in the arse to do that, but okay, okay.
But thanks, Vanderleun and Steve D, for speaking up today. Thanks very much.
I’ve been lurking on this blog since the beginning and I always skip over Art’s posts. I simply cannot engage with and assimilate that kind of sprawling, heated writing style. That’s it’s constrained to about 33% of my screen due to format of this website makes it even worse.
I think everybody would be better served, including Art, if he started his own blog.
Mark my words . . . Art what’s his name will deliver concise, thoughtful comments from this point forward for about a week or so, and then it’s back to the unstructured, unedited long long jumbled ramble. His pattern is obvious. I’m a proud scroll over!
I somehow survived public education, graduating from high school in 1995. I’ve always hated busywork, though, ever since I could remember. I wonder if that insulated me from some of this, since I just tuned out stupid teachers or automatically disbelieved anything they offered once I saw they relied on intellectual crutches.
I figured out a long time ago that Art writes for Art. He has no concern for his readers. If he had his own blog, there would be no readers. Thus, he has to hijack Neo’s.
Art brings up some interesting points, but the fact is the communist links of early progressives and leftists isn’t going to convince those not already convinced.
For one thing, claims that seem outlandish will be rejected out of hand by moderates, who are not going to take the time to fact check the details, and won’t have the answers in hand.
It’s not just the length of Art’s comments, it’s the superior, condescending tone and the predictable content. Yes, it’s possible to scroll past the rants, but even so, the endless comments tend to choke the life out of the thread for other commenters. See what’s happened here? Nobody’s talking about the teacher anymore. It’s all about Art, and I think that’s his goal.
I especially liked the part where she says every president is entitled to respect and then adds that Bush was a “s—y president.” She isn’t even listening to herself.
It would be nice to think this is simply a woman who has no business teaching but is an affirmative action hire. There’s every reason to think she need not be.
Gringo Says:
May 21st, 2012 at 4:08 pm
What makes you think the ignorant clown parading as a teacher would see anything wrong with that?
Art is a special case. His mind doesn’t work like most of us. It is filled with facts, which he can recall too easily. He sees things that most of us cannot see. That is, connections between the volumes of facts he has stored in his brain that point to a well organized, centally controlled communist conspiracy.
In my mind, with out all the facts that Art can recall, I find it hard to believe that there has been an extensive and well organized conspiracy to institute communism in the USA. There is no doubt in my mind that there are people working in that direction and that sometimes some of them do conspire with one another and a sort of centralized control does occur from time to time and place to place. However, given the problems of the geography, culture, time frames, and economics required for a large group of people to be constantly receiving marching orders from a centralized place that are well coordinated and acted upon is, IMO, a stretch. Based on that, I believe that the “grand conspiracy” is actually a bunch of uncoordinated but like-minded people who are striving in disparate and uncoordinated ways to move the society toward communism. Just as conservatives are striving in uncoordinated and disparate ways to move the society toward conservative values. Maybe, as Art believes, my knowledge and vision are too limited, but that’s the way I see it.
My other thought is that he overwhelms with too many examples in trying to make his points. He would receive more attention from other commenters if he gave his best two examples and let those drive his point home in as few words as possible.
As for Art’s comments, as I’ve said before, sometimes I read them and sometimes I scroll past. I still think he adds more to this site than not, and besides, it doesn’t cost anything to hit the “page down” button.
Just don’t get me started on SpaceX. I could give you a real earful. Liftoff is now scheduled for Tuesday morning at 3:44 am EDT, with the live webcast beginning at 3:00.
Or on NASA TV beginning at 2:30.
I’ll be there. Then I’ll be at work at 9:00. Ouch.
Possibly the best article I’ve read about education was “The Comprachicos” by Ayn Rand. It was published around 1970, and clearly shows that the problems we see today have been growing and festering for a long time.
J.J.– John A. Stormer, author of the book, “None Dare Call It Treason,” coined the term, “conspiracy of shared values” to describe what you are talking about
People with the same value system, derived from reading many of the same books and being taught the same material/ideology all working independently, in whatever field they are in and in whatever country, doing their individual bits–largely independent of each other or of any central command, to move things towards Communism in every sphere of life.
Artfldgr is a genius. Because of this ‘affliction’ he can be rather annoying to some of us. I deal with elementary school Arts everyday. Their encyclopedic minds overwhelm us with a barrage of facts and connections that require patience and a lot of effort to digest and comprehend. Artfldgr has axes to grind, he sometimes goes down dead end streets, and he can be rather tedious. However, there are nuggets of pure gold in his comments.
My unsolicited advice is to overlook the gristle and fat, and pick out the marrow. Or, ignore his posts entirely. This is neo’s blog and she decides what is or is not allowed. Personally, I’ve learned to speed read/listen to people on the spectrum. What I never do is dismiss them as weird even though they are weird.
I’m being as honest and forthright as I am able, and mean no personal offense. I value the righteous knowledge you bring to the table and I ignore the rest.
Artfldgr will write what he will write, and most of us, lacking the patience to go through it all, will scroll down. But it is good to have it on the blog for reference.
People with the same value system, derived from reading many of the same books and being taught the same material/ideology all working independently, in whatever field they are in and in whatever country, doing their individual bits—largely independent of each other or of any central command, to move things towards Communism in every sphere of life.
Great point. I once heard it said that it wasn’t as though Canadian geese all get together in a convocation and then decide to fly south.
I’ve been a longtime reader here (and occassional commenter) and I’ve said before, I’d read a blog if Art would put his frenetic, scatterbrained savant mind behind it.
But instead his comments end up being (as Mr. Frank said) a hijacking of the blog.
Count me amongst the Scroll Past Readers.
The teacher – student exchange has now been played twice on Foxnews. Hope it gets a lot more play. It’s an excellent object lesson on what is happening in many schools. Props to the student for having the presence of mind and nerve to stand up for his right to free speech.
As to my comment about the lack of a “grand conspiracy.” I agree with Wolla Dalbo’s comment that many people working in their own ways can move the ball independent of central control. In fact, that is the prime tenet of Adam Smith’s free market. That many individuals, acting in their best interests, can move the economy ahead in an efficient fashion. It does work without a central authority.
I do believe there is a central messaging authority for the democrat party. Watch the Sunday morning news magazine shows and notice how the democrat guests will all hit the same issues and work to shape a single narrative. In fact, this teacher in North Carolina may well have received instructions from a democrat newsletter to push the narrative that Romney is a bully as a way to shape the narrative about him. I noticed this kind of central control of the democrat message even back during the Clinton administration. Most of the messages and the words they use are focus group tested for effectiveness – a very common advertising tool. Unfortunately, it works and needs to receive a lot more pushback.
Okay, I know that all caps is equivalent to yelling, but what does all boldface print mean?
What I found scary is the teacher’s irrational, emotional attachment to Obama come hell or high water. It was as if a family member had been attacked. Obama’s black vote is intact and independent of anything he does. Think O.J. trial.
J.J. formerly Jimmy J. concludes:
“I do believe there is a central messaging authority for the democrat party. Watch the Sunday morning news magazine shows and notice how the democrat guests will all hit the same issues and work to shape a single narrative. In fact, this teacher in North Carolina may well have received instructions from a democrat newsletter to push the narrative that Romney is a bully as a way to shape the narrative about him. I noticed this kind of central control of the democrat message even back during the Clinton administration. Most of the messages and the words they use are focus group tested for effectiveness — a very common advertising tool. Unfortunately, it works and needs to receive a lot more pushback.”
I’m reminded of how Rush Limbaugh sometimes illustrates this, using a montage of quotes all from the same day.
The one I remember best is the day all these Democrat leaders went before various microphones and declared that Dan Quayle just didn’t have the ^gravitas^ one would expect of a vice president.
How many of these characters ever use the word “gravitas” in their everyday speech? But on this one day, “gravitas” was heard emanating from Democrats all over the mainstream media, over and over. It is very hard to believe that there isn’t some sort of central command instructing the faithful how to word their opinions du jour. It’s just too darn coincidental.
Needless to say [so why am I saying it??], repetition is an integral part of getting into the minds of those who the propagandists feel need to be getting a selected point.
I do believe there is a central messaging authority for the democrat party. Watch the Sunday morning news magazine shows and notice how the democrat guests will all hit the same issues and work to shape a single narrative.
We now know, from JournoList, what we only inferred previously from the way an issue will burst on the scene, fully formed (no crescendo for this crew) and discussed in rigidly uniform terms (remember, e.g., “robust diplomacy?,” now sadly gone the way of Ricky Martin) . Nah, no coordination there.
Wow. That is impressive. The student has the courage of his convictions and the legal standing to defend his position. The teacher is plainly wrong, in principle and in fact. Sometimes, the Constitution earns its well deserved reputation, and it helps to know the facts in order to avoid accusations of slander.
I’m feeling progressively optimistic about the next generation. There is mounting evidence they pursue positive progress.
re: positive progress
An optimal preservation of individual dignity and valuation of human life.
Mr. Frank–Yeah, that is pretty much the way I see the “Black vote,” too.
There is a lot of truth to the idea that a large majority of Blacks have been brainwashed by and made into dependents by the Democrat Party–the very party which was for and fought to keep slavery, the party behind the KKK, and the party that opposed the passage of the Civil Rights Act, but I don’t expect one Black in ten realizes this, or if they do, cares.
Even though the Democrat political machines that have run most major cities for many decades straight have largely destroyed them, and made the Black ghettos that have grown up at their hearts even more mired in poverty and violence, more miserable, and their people more desperate, even though the percentage of Black unemployment is much higher than it is among whites, and Black teenage unemployment much higher still, I expect Obama could kill and eat a baby raw on the White House lawn, and I’d expect his black support would only drop by a few points.
Similarly suicidal is the high percentage of Jewish support for Obama, who has proven by both actions and statements to be a very distinct enemy of Israel, and friend to Israel’s enemies. And yet, I expect that Obama will again have a large majority of Jews voting for him in the upcoming election.
Sen. Everett Dirksen (R) pushed through the Civil Rights laws in the 1960s, with higher percentages of Republicans than Democrats supporting them in both House and Senate.
LBJ made sure he (and thereby the Dems) got the credit, though, and famously said, “We’ll have those nig***s voting for us for the next 200 years.”
He was right.
I told a friend of mine (who’s 55 and a Repub.) that Martin Luther King and all the black civil rights leaders in the ’50s and into the 60s were Republicans, and she was floored. I was amazed she didn’t know, but that’s how effective the Left’s propaganda has been. It’s scary.
For those who would like the source on the above Lyndon Johnson quote, here you go.
Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One according Ronald Kessler’s book, “Inside The White House”:
I told a friend of mine (who’s 55 and a Repub.) that Martin Luther King and all the black civil rights leaders in the ’50s and into the 60s were Republicans, and she was floored.
Tell her that almost all those lynched in the South were Republicans, and all the lynchers were Democrats.
Stand back to avoid getting splattered by her exploding head.
My cousin works as substitute teacher in Southern California in San Jose. She was reprimanded and warned she would be fired for telling her students in High Junior School that they must study hard if they want to find decent jobs after school. Half of her class were Hispanics, many barely literate. Her advice was rendered by principal as a bulling.
There is a hilarious episode of “South Park” (is there any other kind?) where a lecturer comes to the school to give an “anti-bullying” presentation and of course proceeds to bully everyone in sight.
Or was it really the prospect that these students might actually enter into normal society?
I’m reminded of just how the Spanish would not permit locals to learn to read and write in the colonial era — as a matter of state policy.
Then, also, the antebellum prohibitions inre slaves.
Well, I’d ask the student to clean up his act in terms of the f-word
You realize that wasn’t an elision, Neo? He DID use the term “ephed”, not the whole word.
Now, he did use the word “sh**” (unedited), but for the most part, no, his language wasn’t bad for the times, really.
The teacher: “He is due the respect any other president is due”
… did anyone tell Chris Matthews about this?

Sergey –
San Jose – southern California? You mean the San Jose up in the Bay Area, right?
I’m from that hell hole (well, at least the East side). When I was at one of the first of the ten or so public schools I attended as my mother moved me and my brother around to keep us away from gangs, I remember being one of about three white kids in my class. I also remember knives, threats belched out in angry Spanish that I did not understand, and bare-knuckle beat downs by packs of human hyenas.
What a nightmare. It’s why I say I’m from Florida.
Sympathies to your cousin.
Her enforcement of discipline is pretty awful, which also makes her a bad teacher — there’s way too much crosstalk going on in the background, during a class, which is why she sort of needs to shout to be heard.
One of the many reasons I support home schooling. That is just the tip of the iceberg but quite typical from what I remember. I don’t think I ever heard of an actual conservative teacher, ever. Home school or shut up about reality, that is the choice. You can’t fire every libtard teacher, they all are. Well, you can fire them, if more indirectly.
Further proof that public education has morphed into a jobs program for democrats.
In my own experience, there seem to be many teachers who, while not being what I’ll gingerly call right-of-center, are not left-wing knee-jerks either. But (surprise) they know they’d better keep a low profile and their noses clean.
Much like Hollywood, no? . . .
it sad. I think of the lessons in grammar, history, and art that my mother got in public high school and how educated she was without a day in college. this teacher should be yanked out and sent back to school to clean up her speech patterns and her mind. she truly is ignorant, and, fueled by her ignorance, she is turned into a bully by dint of having been given a place of authority. It is tragic–actually unfair for her to have been given that job with no inner power except the power to bully as it is unfair for the students to have to put up with her. It is nothing but sad, very sad.
Then, too, one could say at least she truly believes herself – and I don’t think that some of the Obama spokepersons even believe what they are saying to protect him – they simply see their jobs as protecting him. They scoot from talking point to talking point to protect themselves from the pool of truth. Their minds must be numb to have to memorize and then support their public personas by talking point hopping.
As for Art – I’m glad he exists and I am happy to know I can go back and read his posts if I want to delve into something. Typically he gives my index finger exercise, but that’s ok. I wish there were a way to stuff all that knowledge into …. um … er …. t- t- talking points. Oh … wait. Being intelligent is hard work. Being effective is an art. Brevity is the source of wit – and talking points. History is not brief.
George Pal, Steve D, Neocon Hippie, Frank: Amen, Amen, Amen, AMEN..!
The clinical term, in layman’s lingo, is:”Black Hole of emotional need.”
‘Nuff said, though I’m certain, NOT for him.
This incident reminds me of the U.S. History “teacher’ I had in the sixties: he has a reputation for shouting down students who deviated from the liberal line; of course, since I had been following current events and political commentary from before I was ten, I had frequent run-ins. The fellow had been given a nickname from previous generations of students: Willy the Rat.
I had a great laugh when a movie came out in the seventies showing the carnivorous behavior of insects: “[teacher’s name] Chronicles”; the movie was the forerunner of all the “when animals attack” television shows.
My 6-year-old son told us one day that his substitute teacher had been saying she deserved respect and that my son should respect her. God knows what had gone on, he is very well-behaved usually, but he then said “why should I respect her if she doesn’t respect me?”. All this talk of respect sounded familiar and was making me a little uneasy, so I asked my wife what color the substitute teacher was. “What do you think?” Was her reply. I told my son to forget whatever nonsense this teacher had said and thankfully he has not mentioned the need for respect or wish to bestow it upon others ever since.
That whole respec’/disrespectin’ nonsense is such a toxic (and tedious) trope in black culture. Stephen Pinker in his last book talks about its roots in the honor systems of older societies and how its use inevitably leads to violence. As soon as I hear anyone talking about respecting this or that, I zone out entirely and disregard anything further they have to say.
I think the student who filmed this video ought to have realized he was dealing with a moron and left it alone. I thought the way he heckled her lacked humility, she was his teacher after all. Perhaps it was excusable though, given he was trying to capture it for all to see.
Yes. It is a terrible thing to ponder a course of action or new thought and to be hindered by a false right and wrong that is created by conditioning and not by a true moral order; and when what seems to be a correct decision flounders on the conditioning.
>>> Tell her that almost all those lynched in the South were Republicans, and all the lynchers were Democrats.
Stand back to avoid getting splattered by her exploding head.
Indeed, OB, you can get some fine baiting results from just firing off “I don’t understand how you can be a member of a party with such a history of racism and which continues to support racist policies even into the 21st Century”.
The flustered babbling that usually occurs in reply to this is a joy to beheld.
And a study of this
Civil Rights, The Left & The Legacy Of MLK
Will allow you to support that claim, if they succeed in not splattering the wallls with brain matter (such as they have).
One of our kids has a teacher with a life-sized picture of Our Savior, uses the lectern for political indoctrination, grades according to political soundness (God help one little bastard who wrote a piece supportive of George Bush),
routinely assigns reading of Maya Angelou and others of similar ilk, and routinely woefully (and sometimes laughably) misdefines vocabulary words. (By this I mean there is no discernible relation between the word and her definition. None.)
No prizes for guessing ethnicity.
The vocabulary faux pas are particularly problematic. What should Junior do, define the word correctly (and be marked wrong, and/or excoriated for making the teacher look stupid, which she is), or supply the risible mistranslation from Ebonics?
I love it when people who evidence no discernible accomplishments deserving of “respect,” are always so touchy about not being “respected.’’
Perhaps if they did something “respectable” say, learned how to read and write, and do basic math, speak good English, dress and act in a respectable way, they might get some respect.
P.S. When I got out of the military, I briefly went to a local community college that had just gotten organized. Well, most of my teachers–many I suspected affirmative action hires– were not exactly the cream of the crop, and a quite noticeable number of them were making me crazy by using words in their lectures that just didn’t exist–Ebonics maybe, I don’t know.
Hey, I was the kind of nerdy kid in high school that read through the entire dictionary, word by word, to improve my vocabulary, and I really knew vocabulary.
So, after a month or two of this nonsense I dropped out. Luckily, my veteran’s status later made it possible to get admitted for full time study at a real university.
and its not important.. neither is it important that Dewey the father of modern education, was a communist too
oh.. ok.. my bad..
then why bother with history?
then why bother with lineage as it means nothing?
why did we remove nazi stuff?
if the past doesnt matter, then why bother reading hayek, Adam smith, and all that, like Plato, Aristotle, etc?
here is where your WRONG…
Dewey realized that it was structure that created the conditions… ie. centralization and singular state dictated curriculum under the guise its better… and so on
there is a reason why our schools are more like prisons than schools that came before them
there is a reason why it took the national guard to get parents to let their kids attend rather than attend the schools they had before..
dewey modeled our school system on the soviet system… to make a soviet system
now if it dont matter he did that
then can you explain why you might reject the curretn system BEFORE it got to be a soviet system?
if your point is to say… now that we ignored that and this is what we have, dewey dont matter… that MIGHT have a ring to it.
what would an american school look like if it wasnt for dewey imposing soviet school system over the original american system?
dont bother to ask. it dont matter
just as it dont matter if we become totalitarian, and put people into ovens, right?
to negate dewey and dodd, is also to negate the holocaust..
that’s old too, and doesn’t matter does it?
knowledge of it certainly hasn’t stopped the repeat of genocide… without the guns of last resort (As lemkin pointed out)
so let me recap..
neo says it dont matter if the peopel who put the foundation structure in place were soviets… it dont matter that they took their orders from the soviet union, and that the soviet union was dictating our school curriculum through them..
and it certainly dont matter that we removed the laws to prevent promotion of communism, and we didnt care to care about the teachers union deciding a teachers job was to indoctrinate not educate..
none of this matters..
and if THAT don’t matter, the future don’t
as the future is just the irrelevant thing that will happen that one like you will declare irrelevant later!!!
ie. you cant make the past irrelevant without making the present AND future irrelevant…
or is relevance connected only to what is happening now, and what will happen?
so either the past oppression of women matters and the laws we made based on them are valid.. or they don’t matter like dodd, and Dewey, and the suffragettes (who were before Dewey and dodd and more irrelevent)
or are you saying..
you get to choose relevance and irrelevance so that it follows your thesis arbitrarily?
i guess the idea of soviet schooling turning out soviets a bit strange… you expect that a soviet style school, will produce.,.. freedom loving capitalists with full faculties, talents and a drive to succeed?
of course… changing it cant be done
so the whole conversation here has been made irrelevant!!!!!!
the discussion here is only about the same subject years later.. how did the prior irrelevance gain relevance arbitrarily? in 10 years will our conversations be irrelvent? yup. so why bother to have them other than mental masturbation? a geeky mental circle jerk of irrelevance..
by the way.. the president and his people are about to enslave you with irrelevance…
better write to CNN, and tell them
not to mention tell the state, and feds who also include such in the analysis and white papers, and so on.
U.S. ‘Soviet-style’ education system not cutting it August 13, 2009
the soviet system was NOT devised to make free people who think for themselves. but slaves of the state.
just think for a second
the students who are out of work, are sitting there with what should be great training… 10 of them together could start a company and use that training…
but they cant function without the leader telling them waht to do!!!
either a boss to tell them to do X in exchange for some cash.. or OWS leaders to tell them to go to the park when no one else tells them what to do
soviet schools turning out soviet people
but thats irrelevent
you don’t have to understand HOW it happened, WHO did it, WHAT methods they used, WHEN they employed them, and all that crap.
you just have to sit around and discuss it and not do anything… its all irrelevant and i missed the point of the masturbatory exercise (self pleasure)….
cause the MORE soviet the school, the more used to soviet living the kids will have when they get out.
the soviet schools are preparing them for soviet living.. and its irrelevant how it got that way, and so we cant undo it.
we cant go back to unravel it, so it stays knotted.
the soviets were international communists
that is they want to redistribute the wealth of the US to the rest of the world…
ergo, the new law of the sea
ergo, dumbing down the people so that their jobs and such move away
ergo, facilitating the move
and of course.. you cant make sure women and minorities do better unless you use the school to screw up the scapegoats (a word also coined due to the holocaust, which is irrelevant as all that is!!! you cant pick that some is relevant and the rest isn’t. its all or nothing… either it has meaning and all of it is important, or it has no meaning, and nothing is important… the latter idea of relevance is what made it ok to exterminate people. just as today it makes it ok to have equivalent policies, and not even try to see them as negative
China Plans to End Soviet-Style Education System and Adopt Western Model.
while our system becomes MORE soviet
Obama’s ‘Soviet-Style’ Takeover of Student Loans
but if you dont know the history, then what does it matter that its another copy of soviets?
its a pip… but since the kids are going to have more money, they though that they would tag them to redistribute the money to other areas of the economy
we now have a soviet state, and the subjects are too ignorant to tell…
(the past is irrelevent)
go ahead, show me how the state is not doing command economy and tell me that our school system is what negated the learning needed to see what is being done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is it any wonder most cant see how soviet we are beause they think soviet style schools will put out non soviet people…
if that was so. why are the chinese changing their schools? and remember they dont have feminism, race games, equality of outcome.. they have abandoned all that soviet stuff…
while we are taking it on so fast..
Steve Forbes: Only Way To “Fix” The “Soviet Style [School] System” Is To “Open It Up” To Competition
The High School Journal
Published by: University of North Carolina Press
Vol. 73, No. 2, Dec. 1989
Reforming Secondary Education: Soviet Style
William G. Williams and Carol J. Williams
Does it become relevant if the ideas and changes dont stop even as late as 1989?
that they dont let you know what they are going to do to the kids? that they are selecting winners and losers (as they did me)?
the above is an example of constant trips to the soviet union SINCE DEWEY, in which the returning people would report what was there, and the US school system would then fall into the CPUSA line…
decades. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Nikita Khruschev mounted a campaign to promote labor education (polytechnicalism) in order to bring academic life closer to real life
and we did the same… remember VoTech?
but then… you had sputnick, and so on in the 60s..
life. In the 1970s, the Soviet Academy of Sciences spon- sored special high school training for gifted students in mathematics and science
and we did the same… i attended these special things. like the SP and EP programs in NY…
The 1 9 70s and 1980s also saw increases in the number of special foreign language schools, which were first created in the 1960s
which is an odd curiosity since soviet peoples could not travel… but then again… the collapse was a reorganization, not a collapse… (As several defectors have shown)
they were getting ready for the globalism they were pushing, as it facilitated open borders (no more having to go through embassies).. open access to technology… the ability to influence law and get that technology closer to home and easier to steal.
In 1990 the U.S. Department of Education provided a $4 million dollar grant for a study of the Polytechnical education system in the Soviet Union.
1990… is it relevant yet?
inst that when our president was learning how to hate the country he would lead?
since i work for the education system, i get to read all that stuff.
In 1990 the U.S. Department of Education provided a $4 million dollar grant for a study of the Polytechnical education system in the Soviet Union.
Polytechnical Education: A Step.
Beck, Robert H.
from ERIC the educational resources information center
NEO, can you write to them and tell them this is irrelevent, they havent gotten the message and they continue to copy from dodd until now as the people who think its irrelevent havent opposed them at all.
in fact.. you still dont oppose them do you?
why should you? you have no idea of this stuff!!! and as long as you dont, equality logic of feminism says, i dont… so its irrelevent.
if so.. why are we on the verge of a soviet state, and the kids want it?
The school-board-member-turned candidate stated the purpose of education is to prepare students for the workplace.
oh.. you mean like getting more women who are docile and easy to control (As any farmer will tell you) and train them to produce… and to do it for the state.. not for themselves. that would be capitalism, not socialism, right?
the fact you could not tell what was being sold was communism with other labels does not negate it was communism.
it just puts you in a place where you now have to rewrite what you thought, with what it is, and then realized you been scammed, punked, and so have most of everyone (And openly so!!!!!!! they could always read and check it, but were incurious)
[edited for length by n-n]
Steve D
i will make an agreement with you steve
if you blindly accept what i say, no matter how it goes against what you know, you will blindly believe it. ok?
if not. then your stuck having to slog through the empirical knowlege you dont have to replace the trash you DO have…
that is… if you think about it all your doing is saying you dont want to relearn the wrong stuff you know and fix it.
gol durn it, it took you a lifetime to learn that wrong set of lies so you can talk to liberals, why should you throw that away to have answers they dont have and not be seen as valid to them?
if you can show me how to show you the 100 years of history in 5 or so countries in a paragraph, please do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if not.. then i cant make up your lack of knowing, the lack of getting good information, your being too lazy to correct what you know that is wrong and all that.
ie. just as they cant make diet pills we cant make knowlege pills so that hte lazy and incurious and such can just know
THATS what marxism offers and its not real
but it only offers that in exchange for blind faith in what they tell you
ie. if you want my points to be as short shrift as leftist ones, you have to blindly accept what i say the way leftists do!!!
but since i respect you as a personi and dont want such followers (or followers at all), then there is a problem here.
but its not MY problem… i am not the one lacking…
Artfldgr: unfortunately, you read my comment as saying the opposite of what I’m actually saying in it.
Don S,
For one thing, claims that seem outlandish will be rejected out of hand by moderates, who are not going to take the time to fact check the details, and won’t have the answers in hand.
and thats the reason they sprawl
the people dont want to know at the same time they are asking. they want the answers to be different..
so what do i do?
say facts they dash out of hand (with no courtesy of a proof other than the king or queen says no out of hand)
say facts and include the cut and past of others (making is sprawl)?
or quit?
or better yet. join the side that does know this, does know the other stuff too… and is offering a position over the ignorant moderates?
this is another facet of people joining Hitler or Stalin… eventually those moderates convince you its better to join the side enslaving them, than it is to be on the side saving them!!!!!
it eventually becomes easier to quit and leave the people that do this to their fate..
they WANT the horror…
they just dont realize they do
if they did, then they would focus differently
which is why the revolution always wins
(without an external force abrogating it)
Nobody’s talking about the teacher anymore. It’s all about Art, and I think that’s his goal.
no.. my goal is to get you to look beyond the stuff up front.. beyond making up reasons that sound good about how natural it is, when its not. when you do that, your supplying the excuse!!!
i want you to talk about what Gatto says, iserbyt says, what the laws say and so on.
but that will NOT be the conversation. its either i try to provide the missing facts, and because i know and you dont, i am arrogant and condescending… (but where is your side of the social contract? to be up to the information of the discussion? better to focus on me, no?)
the discussions stay along the politically correct safe areas… ie. nothing having to do with the manipulations is allowed as the manipulators tauight you to not want to discsuss it!!!!!!!!!!! like pavlovs dog, your reflexivly going to avoid the thing
its like putting a shock collar on a dog. it tries to leave the yard and it gets zapped as a puppy. then later, you can take that off… it wont go there. it wont go get zapped as it did in schoo,l as that teacher did, or as others do!!!
right now, your trying to zap me with the arrogant and so on…
but think about it…
if you knew what was coming in germany in 1932… how would you write? how desperate would you sound? what if you lived through that, and then it happened atgain.. in another country of family? then what?
now what if you saw it around your home?
for everyone trained in liberal socialist thinking, the opponent is always some lesser. he or she is always arrogant, selfish, self agrandizing, etc.. that is UNLESS i comply with what your saying…
but then what?
what if that kid in class complied to the shaming training the teacher was giving that you have also taken up?
you guys only got upset and started talking about me, because you come here to mentally masturbate… to self pleasure and feel good… not actually do anything meaningful.. and so, when i try to do something meaninful, its not fun…
so if you can only chase the one who wants to actually answer questions, get to the sources, track what happened and prevent Shoa II…
then you call can just go back into a circle makign up stuff, parroting whats known, pretending the other stuff is not ther,e and always being suprised at the success despite the stupoidyt of the enemy!
think on that last one
they are winning, but you call them stupid
i try to tell you what they know, and you try to chase me out
guess what your fighting for?
cause it certainly is not FOR knowing.
Great point. I once heard it said that it wasn’t as though Canadian geese all get together in a convocation and then decide to fly south.
and if the germans can control the zeitgiest and then move the people into things
then the people here who think that such cant be done because THEY cant conceive of how to do it and cant imagine that the resources of a state would suffice.
but a CONSTANT BIAS to a system over time will lead to the conclusion…
so no.. i dont think its a conspiracy of detail
i think its a constant bias, and its the same people over and over and the same families.
not too hard to understand
but no one refuting wants to understand to refute, they just claim its byond them so its not possible.
but i would say for most of them, einsteins formula are beyond them… so is his stuff not possible too?
and there is the rub
i can list out about 20 countires where it workes… and worked.. and the ones claiming otherwise cant list one where it failed…
To Artfldgr:
Have you seen this?
same kind of teacher.
you dont agree or blindly follow, your out, and he dings your future records,which in a command economy, means a lot
english teacher going mad
Teacher Beats up her student
Girl fight in class
TEACHER SNAPS IN CLASS and students run out the class
Teacher flips out
Art, could you elaborate?
Shady Oaks Asylum awaits. Suggest prolonged treatment in the EST Room.
Landlord: Usually I rather admire your ability to address lunacy as rational(Michael Medved has a similar temperment and I admire Mike as well.), but sometimes–ya know, just sometimes–I find it..well…Way beyond the call.
I mean that wityh luv. (-:
Art is the sentinel on the wall: he knows the enemy and is reporting its maneuvers; and most of you are glib and dismissive of his warnings and his knowledge. Art is fulfilling his moral obligation to warn others; having done so, you who dismiss his warnings have your blood on your own heads ( I wonder if you even understand that reference).
njartist… Thanks for that insight. Now, how about art take the truth-telling to his very own blog and post it-klog it to his heart’s content? You might want to be his very first commenter.
How ’bout condensed versions? (^Truly^ condensed — like executive summaries.)
“Art is the sentinel on the wall: he knows the enemy and is reporting its maneuvers; and most of you are glib and dismissive of his warnings and his knowledge. Art is fulfilling his moral obligation to warn others; having done so, you who dismiss his warnings have your blood on your own heads ( I wonder if you even understand that reference).”
Artfldgr is sometimes on target and sometimes on a tangent. If you can not identify between the two you are following along for ideological reasons or on the spectrum. I value Art’s contributions. I also recognize that he is, at times, so full of his own ideology that he can not separate the wheat from the chaff. Knowledge is not power; wisdom is power plus a few rifles and many cans of ammo.