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Obama and the brag/slam routine — 9 Comments

  1. People shouldn’t underestimate just how criminal Obama could become given the opportunity, similar to other notorious socialist/left-wing icons in history, ie. Castro, Che, Stalin, Mao, and yes, Hitler…

  2. “There is no way to know whether Romney would have been as decisive,” she said. “And to actually speculate that he wouldn’t be is, to me, not the way to run campaigns — on either side.”

    What a joke, we all know that Romney would have handled it better, especially afterward.

  3. “It was nasty, it was ruthless…”

    It was and will remain the Chicago way. BHO fits the definition of braggart perfectly: one given to loud, empy boasting. Deep down inside this man there must be an insecure, timid boy for if he was truly confident in his abilities he would not spend nearly every second before the microphones bragging about his competency, his decisiveness, and his intellect.

  4. I loved what my Soldier son had to say about the whole episode: “It was an American victory; not a partisan victory.”

  5. Parker,
    I agree that there are some huge empty spots in Obama’s childhood development. Unfortunately, instead of dealing with them, he chose to rise above not only them, but also everything and everyone else. The man cannot connect with normal human beings, but he has learned how to fake it. Has anyone ever seen a smile in his eyes, or a twinkle? His boasting is based on his crappy assessment of how he thinks others will react, but that assessment is not based on real human experience.

  6. There’s something dreadfully fake about him, I’ve always thought. A fake, expensively assembled, thuroughly coached, and carefully doing an imitation of a human being, but not quite getting it right in the eyes of people who are good judges of real human beings.
    I was revolted by the duplicity of the Alice Palmer thing, when I first read of it. And I was shocked right down to the bottom of my otherwise cynical soul when the recorded sermons of the so-called Reverend Wright did not spell an instant end to Obama’s presidential aspirations.
    I forgot about the establishment media functioning as his public affairs arm. Silly me. Sometimes I feel like the last representative of the Roman republic, staring the full horror of the imperial Julio-Claudians in the face.

  7. “Silly me. Sometimes I feel like the last representative of the Roman republic, staring the full horror of the imperial Julio-Claudians in the face.”

    Julio-Claudians? We don’t need no stinking Julio-Claudians.

  8. Well, he did once note the bravery and self-sacrifice of white people. In his book he gave a shout-out to the white people who would walk their dogs all the way to a neighborhood that scared them just so their dogs could poop on Obama’s grass.

  9. The lame stream media has been very careful to not Go Ask Alice, or tell us about her.

    And then there was that Governor whose divorce decree, securely closed, got opened up anyway…

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