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NBC and the Zimmerman tape — 23 Comments

  1. Here’s the difference.


    “and if so whether the cuts materially change the message the person quoted was trying to give.”

    And then there’s:

    “and if so whether the cuts materially enhance the narrative the organization quoting was trying to promote.”

  2. As I see it, MSM reportage is almost all this biased these days, and has now descended into almost pure propaganda, a twisted Mobius strip, with not a level, straight part to be found, and with hardly a speck of real truth in it. So, when some “reporter,” “journalist,” or “commentator” gets up on his high horse and starts pontificating about his “professional standards,’ or “journalistic integrity,” or ”ethics,” I get ready to dodge the while bucket full of crap they just threw at me.

    I really hope these guys don’t believe their own propaganda, but I expect that most of them–wanting to be able to look in the mirror each morning– have convinced themselves that they do fair, thorough, “fearless” and “courageous” —boy, do they like to throw those two adjectives around–investigations, and that their reporting is objective, complete, and straight down the middle.

  3. Of course, an alternative explanation is that they know full well exactly what they are doing, but figure that, in the service of the righteous cause of the Left–which any normal, sane, fair-minded, intelligent, educated, and aware person would agree is the only reasonable position to hold and advocate for–such deliberate manipulation is justifiable, because it leads to “a better world.”

  4. Yet another case of the ends justifying the means. If you know you are morally superior, the rules do not apply.

  5. MSM ‘journalists’ and pundits now consider MSNBC’s Al Sharpton a peer. That’s all you need to about the integrity of the MSM. Thanks to all the alternatives now available only the willfully ignorant fail to see the bias of the agenda driven MSM ‘news’.

  6. Can Zimmerman sue NBC for slander and what are his odds of winning? While I’m no lawyer, but the only way I can see this edit is that it was both deliberate and malicious.


  7. Yet Another Suppressed Dog Bites Man Story

    A man [Tyrone Woodfork] accused of beating an 85-year old woman to death is facing a first degree murder charge. …

    He is accused of beating 85-year old Nancy Strait to death and injuring her husband, 90-year old Bob Strait, during a home invasion on March 14th, 2012.

    Man, 78, recounts assault by 6 youths in E. Toledo

    they left out the 6 youths race…

    r. Watts said one of the boys delivered a single blow to the back of his head during the incident Saturday, knocking the victim to the ground.

    At one point, the victim recalled being lifted from the ground so one of the boys could “drop-kick” him in the chest.

    One boy, he said, put his foot on the back of the victim’s neck, with another shouting, “Kill him.”

    While Mr. Watts was down the boys kicked him, over and over, shouting, “[Get] that white [man]. This is for Trayvon … Trayvon lives, white [man]. Kill that white [man],” according to a police report.

    its not as easy to find things since they are asymetric as to who they are willing to include in the headline, to the point where, you can tell whats inside MOST of the time by the ommission.

    Man Chased with Knife While Picking Up Son at Bus Stop

    Police arrested three men and charged them with assault with a dangerous weapon.

    three men arrested, one man chased…
    since its not in the headline, want to guess?

    Dashawn N. Jackson, of 24 Willow St. in Haverhill, Christopher A. Williams of 52 Everton St. and Justin B. Miller of 264 Geneva Ave., were arrested by Area D-4 police and charged with assault by means of a dangerous weapon (knife).

    Police stopped the victim, who confirmed he was being chased by the three suspects, and stated he did not know why.

    and what about Aaron Jacob Parsons?


    and here
    See how it played out here: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=679_1332640868 (warning, it’s disturbing — so much so that in spite of its newsworthiness LiveLeak decided to hide it from appearing in any channels).

    imagine if there was a video like the one above but reversed…

    exactly the same as in germany
    same ideas, methods, and outcomes
    (just note M barry commenting on filthy chinese and more)

  8. lots of other stuff too….

    and usually you can categorize it by which ‘front’ domain it is… whether feminism, lesbian gay rights, or race…

    in each category i can show that people within that belief system are violently attacking and relying on the “protected class” thing (seeing how far it will protect them and penalize the victim).

    above, are two sets of victims of the race fronts games combined with the idea of “collective salvation” and “collective justice”, which accepts that 6 young men with no relation to trayvon would beat up someone and that is somehow helping to balance the collective books.

    0diggsdigg Tell A Friend!
    Add Comment ‘Girl Goes Crazy In Class’ Video: Girl Threatens To Kill Professor & Students

    in the above incident, most people have no idea what she was going nuts over. but if you pay close attention, what it was had to do with something she learned from some other source. which also came with an alternative explanation…

    so as in treyvon case when they claimed a secret meeting…

    the situation is set up for these believers that if someone doesn’t “own up” and drop the lie when called to the floor on it, then they must be evil and part of the conspiracy…

    the more the prosecutor denies there was no meeting, the more they can claim to the same group of believers that they are covering it up.

    this is what creates two worlds that cant meet. divide and conquer. one world is built on lies, the other world is built on fewer lies. the one with fewer lies is considered the dominant one, the default, the white culture, or hetero-normative, etc.. and the oppressor, and is held down for equality.

    the smaller group does not listen to the larger group as its consciousness has been raised and its been awaken to the truth (a lie / Hegelian) and the world view. this truth is unfalsifiable, and so it can be contradictory. its never really defined, and so its all things to whoever it resonates with.

    So the untruths we know others follow are the greater truths within their isms group.

    so the world knows that laws since Hammurabi have often considered women… or that when women supposedly were not allowed college Radcliffe existed, and the women commented were college degrees, and others like Emmy Noether didnt exist.

    feminists have their consciousness raised and know that being a woman is a great plot of the patriarchy, and in reality there is no such thing as woman… just man, and that they have been taught and their tabula rasa slates written so they are oppressed by the men…
    (or something close to that)..

    and despite Sanger’s negro project,, the democratic murders of blacks in the southern parishes during Hayes Tilden election (right before the first red scare)… and who had the earliest voted in office record, and so on and on with all kinds of facts refuting the odd facts of another small world group…

    the black race groups just know, like feminists, that their is this systemic oppression… but this time its not the patriarchy, no… its white society

    but since women are a protected class, white society means who?

    and same with the other groups…

    once the regular news starting taking their angles, the number of these groups that people thought were fringe grew, because such angle taking is validating.

    the idea is to turn the whole inside out

    so these separate but similar things become the new reality truth for the majority…

    And as in Germany the rest unfolds..

    the difference is that in Germany they used a slightly different formulation of disparate impact since they were pitting the same race against itself.

    that is they came up with all these reasons that Jews were unfit and lesser. which when combined with their economic success (disparate impact), allowed them to define them.

    in this way Ashkenazi Jews were targeted along with others… and they moved to replace them in jobs, and businesses and such by using law and licenses and benefits, not just terror.

    same thing now, but its a different formulation. rather than express that a lesser is doing better, so must be cheating… they express that equals aren’t equal, so they must be cheating.

    at the high level you hear that this patriarchy, white culture, judeo christian, etc… is what causes their efforts to turn bad and hurt people and not have enough money to have otherwise.

    so its now leading to the same outcomes..

    the oppressed groups are attacking the designated scapegoats rather than vote out the people who are pitting blacks against whites, women against their mates, and so forth…

    the key here was slow cooking vs germanies hot cooking. in this way, the course cant reverse itself.. the longer it takes to establish the longer it takes to remove.

    you can expect this to go up over time..

    some of the more formal groups though are finding out that they are only needed to make change, not to have a place after it.

    Here a union person is realizing unions dont fare well under communism…

    not only that, but also, feminists, and race groups, and even gays do not fare well either.

    Russian Authorities Seek to Legalize Homophobia – Activists

  9. “The sources described the producer’s actions as a very bad mistake, but not deliberate.”

    But not deliberate??!! Editing is a deliberate act. One must deliberate about what to leave in and what to cut out. An edit can be judged on it’s artistic merit (“Shouldnt’a done it THAT way”) but to say it’s not deliberate is like saying that the surgeon picked up the scalpel in O.R. but never intended to cut; that first thoracic incision was an accident, don’tcha know.

  10. Ira et.al.,

    My best wishes for a meaningful Passover; especially in these uncertain times.

  11. From PJ Media:Who Is Responsible for NBC’s Zimmerman Edit? We Have a Name.

    Today‘s latest statement indicates that a “seasoned producer” was involved. A “seasoned producer” knows what they are doing, or should, and does not make an embarrassing “mistake” like the Zimmerman edit. Whoever this “seasoned producer” is, nothing gets on the air on a show like Today without the show’s executive producer’s approval. The executive producer of the Today show is Jim Bell. His bio describes him as a “hands on producer.” The 44-year-old Bell also fits the description of a “seasoned producer.”

    At least PJ Media thinks it has a name. He is a Harvard graduate. None but the best, you know.

    I had read that Spike Lee had reached a settlement with the elderly couple whose address he tweeted. I hope he paid a lot.

  12. Zimmerman is the wronged party with this “edit.” However, he has bigger things to worry about right now; so, my guess is that he will not be going after them with a lawsuit. Which is too bad because they will continue to “edit” news to fit their viewpoint until it hurts them financially.

  13. Funny how all the erroneous “edits”, blurry photos, and all the “facts” about Zimmerman all manage to portray Zimmerman in a bad light and Trayvon in the best light.

    1. Photos of Trayvon show a smiling young boy rather than a 17 year-old football player. (misleading photo)
    2. NBC: “He looks black.” (selective editing)
    3. ABC: blurry photo of Zimmerman’s head revealing no cuts, bruises, suddenly becomes crystal clear after Breitbart publishes hi-def version of same photo. (misleading photo and accompanying copy)
    4. CNN: implication that Zimmerman called Trayvon a f*(&&ing coon, later, after clarification of the 911 tape, admitting that it sounded more like “cold” than “coon”. (impuning Zimmerman’s nature)
    5. NYT and others: stating that Zimmerman made 46 calls to 911 in 14 months when in reality it was 8 years. (deciding Zimmerman is paranoid)

    Wouldn’t the law of averages demand that at least some of the “errors” from the MSM be on Zimmerman’s side? Of course we all know the answer to that.

    Not to mention the bounty on Zimmerman placed by the New Black Panthers and Spike Lee tweeting Zimmerman’s address, first the wrong one and then the correct one, I understand.

  14. Susanamantha, good summary. Interesting how the errors tend to be against Zimmerman. “Make it fit the narrative” would appear to have greater priority than “get the facts straight.”

    We shall see seven months later how effective all this was in i) stirring up the Demo base or ii) turning independents against The Won and getting Pubs more likely to go to the polls.

  15. We all know thw MSM has a political agenda. But the bigger story is whats wrong with their souls to so frivolously destroy a man”s life in pursuit of their politics.

  16. SteveH–Do you really think that they care about one of the “little people,” and I don’t mean Leprechauns.

  17. What are you saying SteveH? You know they are perfectly willing to destroy all of us in pursuit of their politics. Their plan for us isn’t so attractive after they gain power either…

  18. The Leftist Alliance is evil. The only real solution to evil lies in the execution scaffold.

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