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A trip back in time: Gingrich — 14 Comments

  1. He has survived a challenging life, beginning with his experience at home. He is clearly narcissistic. I wonder if this will translate to opportunistic behavior, as it has with Obama, or will his rebellion take the form of seeking redemption. His historical performance would suggest the latter; but, the available evidence has been distorted and is inconsistent.

  2. “Looking back on everything, Newt was always focused on his agenda,” recalls Dot Crews, Newt’s campaign scheduler through the 70s. “It was not about political philosophy with Newt –never. If the country today were to move to the left, Newt would sense it before it started happening and lead the way.”

    That’s a pretty damning statement.

  3. This piece is like a scaffold to which you can add everything we are seeing today, from the half a million credits at Tiffany’s, to the cushy job for Callista, to the jealosy of Romney’s wealth, to the Pellosi sofa session, to the moon colony. The new Newt he tries to put forward would only be believable if there was an accompanying humility, but I don’t see it.

    People who are complaining about the establishment should maybe consider that sometimes the established has inside knowledge.

  4. Gerald Ford was also an abandoned son who was raised by his stepfather.

    I’m surprised we haven’t heard more about and from his sister, Candace.

    A family I know has several members diagnosed with Asperger’s (in the younger ones) or polar disorder (in several of the older ones). The article reminded me of them–especially the part about discarding people. Any thoughts on that, Neo?


  5. So lets see how Newt’s history compares with Obama’s… Oh! That’s right. We know next to nothing about Obama except for a little bit of fiction he has put out there. Frontline hasn’t showed us How Obama was able to travel to Afghanistan when he was 20 because he surely couldn’t have done that with an American passport. So was he a citizen then? Lests ask Frontline … “crickets chirping”… So how did Obama get to go to two prestigious universities, who helped him and fast tracked him? Try getting your kid into one of these prestigious schools. Who paid for it? Big bucks, someone paid for it and someone got him into those schools. Who and why? It seems like this would be much more important then Newt’s fiction about his father. Why does Obama use the Social Security number of a dead man from connecticutt? That’s a mystery worth investigating but not a peep from mainstream media. The mysteries off Obama are only exceeded by the mystery of why a reporter would not want to dig up the answers. We have enough ambition to discover who balances Newt’s checkbook but don’t seem to care what Obama did for the hospital that tripled his wife’s salary.

  6. GoneWithTheWind, Obama went to Pakistan, not Afghanistan (unless he took a side trip); however, excellent comment. This is a great article Neo!

  7. Well, how’s this for a foreshadowing? Marianne Gingrich’s comment:

    ‘”What happens if Newt runs?” I ask.

    “He can’t do it without me,” she replies. “I told him if I’m not in agreement, fine, it’s easy” –she giggles at her naughtiness. “I just go on the air the next day, and I undermine everything…I don’t want him to be president and I don’t think he should be.”‘

    And so she did: 16 years later.

  8. what’s up with all these fatherless presidents? Clinton, Obama, and wannabee Gingrich? Either that or fathers who were very much present and larger than life: Bush and Romney

    they are progressives. which follow feminism, and the only good dad is an absent dad…

    or havent you noticed the trend over the past 20 years of womens/childrens movies in which the father/husband (and sometimes both parents) have to be dead to be good?

    if they are alive or present, then the story is always about how abusive they were, and beat everyone, etc..

    start off with Mrs. Doubtfire… then there is the perfect storm… or the golden compass… or harry potter, or even jack frost (where the good dad is dead but comes back as a snoman for the kid)…

    ie.. liberal progressive socialist parents are not parents. as feminists say, raising children is oppressive, and even women should not even HAVE babies (care to see the quotes).

    kind of makes the sociopathic seem more normal for being distant, or absent…

    all these designer mssives of how to live and all that started a long time ago, and the pc progressive feminist crowd makes sure that they follow them…

    and those that wish to appeal to them, have to have such a life… a life where they want abortion for all, but like nancy pelosi have 5 kids…

    unless your gay or of a race or dead, your just not a good man in the zeitgeist

  9. “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at. Bill Ayers

    and these people claim when running for office to be family people…

  10. You are right, Pakistan but do you get the sweet irony that if the media had vetted Obama we would all know that and my memory of which country he snuck off to would be clearer. We know so little about Obama. He was supposededly the editor of Harvard Law Review but never wrote even one article. Someone (don’t remember who because the damned MSM never reported it) tried to track down people who might remember Obama in college. He was able to find people who took the same classes and graduated at the same time and not one of them even remember seeing Obama. If the media can’t do the job maybe we will have to call Ghostbusters because Obama’s past is like a ghost.

  11. Baby Newt: Utterly unqualified psychpathologically to be president. And, baggage wise? Vast.

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