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Romney the projected NH winner — 23 Comments

  1. I’m slowly coming around to Romney. A speech is just words, but it actually was a good speech. If he can keep this focus as the nominee and truly means what he says he can beat BHO. From now on out Romney needs to ignore his republican opponents and attack, attack, attack BHO.

  2. I enjoyed Ann Romney’s speech. She’s very natural and poised as well as attractive. No matter how this election turns out, I cannot help but admire the Romney family. They are a great example of what family life can be. We need more of that.

    His speech was very good as well. Maybe a bit presumptive to make it all about him and Obama. However, if he is elected and can deliver on even half of the issues mentioned, we can look forward to things improving immensely.

    It’s not over yet, but Romney is looking strong.

  3. “Maybe a bit presumptive to make it all about him and Obama.”

    To defeat the incumbent and his MSM lackeys it is necessary to attack relentlessly, never give him a moment to draw a free breath. The victor keeps his/her eye on the ball. Attack and never look back; continue to attack until the opponent is on the ground and ready to submit.

  4. “To defeat the incumbent and his MSM lackeys it is necessary to attack relentlessly, never give him a moment to draw a free breath.”

    Agreed. There is still the issue of winning the nomination before him, however.

  5. Parker: Hold firm. Our canoe is still heading for the falls.

    Attacking Barry helps win the general. Anybody can do that. Have y’all seen Obama’s record and approval scores?

    We’re in the primary stage. It’s not about Obama yet. It is still about conservative principles, standing against the whims of Congress, and pointing society toward economic liberty.

  6. I expected no less. I suspect he has a few more wins in him. I am hoping people come to their reason sooner rather than later though. I would hate to have to vote for all other officials, save the presidency, again.

    Don’t any of those who nominated then voted for McCain even stop to think? Some people can’t win. The polls are extremely inaccurate about who can win, and a Democrat lite can’t beat the real thing. Just… think for a moment.

  7. Excellent Romney speech. Bravo!

    He hit all my hot buttons. But I could do without the Osmond brothers in the background. All that was missing was Andy WIlliams singing Moon River : )


  8. so now they have the candidate they wanted. even i know its better not to give your opponent what they want. they were steering this the whole way to the opposition they wanted to deal with

  9. I’ll vote for Romney. Is he exactly the candidate I want? No. For twenty years I’ve voted for candidates who weren’t exactly what I wanted.

    I know what I don’t want: another four years of Obama.

    Has anyone checked to see if Soros is funding Ron Paul or some of the other noisy spoilers in the Republican race?

  10. Over at Gatewaypundit (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/) they have highlighted Fox news statistics–that I have not seen mentioned anywhere else– that show that Ron Paul got more votes from Democrats than Republicans in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

    P.S.–When asked the other night what Ron Paul’s chances were to be the Republican nominee, Brit Hume quipped that Rue Paul (the black drag queen) had more of a chance than Ron Paul.

  11. CZ: when Romney and his wife-to-be went on their first date (in high school), they saw the movie “The Sound of Music.”

  12. …I loathed McCain: he’d made it clear over the year that he loathed conservatives, so I felt the reciprocity was entirely justified. Paybacks.

    I would not have voted for him in ’08 (nor contributed to his campaign), and was planning to leave the top of the ticket blank (I would have voted for Hilary over McCain out of pure spite, but the Dem’s decided to run the untried, untested, unremarkable Light Bringer instead) …

    …except for McCain’s unexpected and wonderful out-of-right-field VP choice. I got on board.

    But Gov. Palin was too little, too late, and entirely too mismanaged (entirely due to the McCain campaign’s equally entirely expected failure to execute).

    We lost. The years since then have been an unmitigated disaster for the nation …the only bright spot was the Tea Party.

    This time the GOP appears determined to – again – run someone based on some unserviceable belief in the trope of the importance of a candidate’s “electability”: to wit, a northeastern Beltway insider that will do almost as little to excite the base than McCain did.

    Because, apparently, that worked so well last time?


    Oh, I’m going to vote for the sob …purely as an ABO …rather than plan on leaving the ballot blank. He’s got that from me, at least: he’s not McCain. Whoo-hoo.

    But with little hope it will mean anything on November 3 …

    …for the trope of his “electability” is unfounded. The man has been running since 2007, and he’s at a whopping 23% of the party. Jeezus.

    He’s going to be absolutely killed by the Obama machine with the Bain stuff, with the class war rhetoric, with the utterly vacant resonance that the man has exhibited with the GOP base. They’ve been prepping for him since 2008 for gawd’s sake: they, at least, see his glass jaw.

    We don’t want him you know. It should be obvious, but we don’t trust him to be anything but the second coming of the country-club Rockefeller branch of the GOP.

    Remember them? – They were the GOP that were perfectly content to play second fiddle to the Democrats for a half century or so. Whose main purpose was to go along to get along …and keep the elites in power, and the serfs in their place.

    They’re baaaaack.

    Even if by some miracle he wins, the conservative movement will have lost this battle, and will take some time to recover.

    Hope you’re good with that. Thanks a million.

    Oh …and that Whig Moment? – It’s coming. Count on it.

    I’ll shut up now. My betters have put me in my place.

    For now.

  13. Doom: are you really suggesting that McCain’s Republican opponents would have surely beaten Obama in 2008? I think that suggestion is risible.

    Remember, also, that McCain was winning in all the polls until the financial collapse, which came very late in the game. That’s what finally put Obama over the top.

  14. Neo–I note the reports/analyses/information that has briefly surfaced, here and there, over the last few years, indicating/ asserting that this very convenient “financial collapse” that “put Obama over the top” was, in fact, an engineered one.

  15. Wolla: Word.

    Huge forces are in play, and the stakes are control of the world’s only superpower.

    I think we forget that little detail sometimes. Think what the ring of power means to a man, any man. And shudder.

  16. Huge forces are in play, and the stakes are control of the world’s only superpower.


    …and scares hell outta me, too.

    What do the Players see, that we cannot?

    Why have people dropped out, or declined, who would have been viable candidates …one of whom, I swear, would have been the next POTUS?

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