Thanks so much for you Amazon orders!
There’s still time to order from Amazon through your friendly neighborhood neoneocon portal. But to everyone who already has ordered through neoneocon, I extend my deep and heartfelt thanks. It all helps, believe me.
(And of course, you can use this blog for Amazon orders all year round…although I probably won’t keep nagging you like this…)
You’re welcome! It’s nice to be appreciated.
You welcome!
I’m about to sent a significant number of Amazon gift certificates…will gift certificates get you a commission?
Also…thanks for the heads up on “Touching History” by Lynn Spencer…fascinating read. Ordered it from Amazon through this blog..was surprised to see that the paperback was less expensive than the Kindle version.)
I hope a lot of the difficulties encountered on 9/11 with communications and protocol have been eliminated and some new secret ones added.
What they did was awful, but after this read, I have to be impressed with the planning and execution of 9/11 by the terrorists…even though part of it was thwarted.
I was surprised at how few USA fighters were available to get into the action on that day.
texexec: Glad you liked the Spencer book. I thought it was absolutely riveting.
As far as I know, gift certificates most definitely give me the same percentage as purchases do. Thanks!
My wife purchased almost all of our gifts via Amazon this year, and used your portal.
I don’t know if it shows up who it is that uses your portal – but wanted you to know how much we enjoy and appreciate your blog.
Merry Christmas,
Jim (and Mary).
southernjames: thanks again to you and your wife.
I wrote you an email, asking how to order through you blog. I have looked online. I can see the link on other blogs, so have an idea what I am looking for, but I can’t see it on your page(s).
I am pretty sure you aren’t a techy, but maybe others have had difficulty finding the link. I am using Firefox, and some add-ons, through which I can turn off and on various things. I had it off, at which time I could see Amazon widgets, but that just took me to some of your recommended purchases. When I turn it on, the widgets go away and nothing replaces them.
I’ll keep looking, but if you know something, please advise.