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Cain drops out — 66 Comments

  1. I don’t believe they are true. There’s lots of reason to doubt them, and after the hatchet jobs on Bork and Clarence Thomas we should know the media will do anything. They covered as best they could for Bill Clinton and just about lied to protect John Edwards. Here’s a black man not only leaving the Liberal Plantation but running for office against it!

    My greatest fear now is that they will be able to bring the full power of their fully operational smear machine to bear on the new front-running GOP candidate.

  2. If someone’s chances of running or winning are ruined because of attacks on character not on positions, is this case really unprecedented or just the latest? The solution here is to avoid giving any attention to the old media. The MSM is unethical. Treat them that way.

  3. I agree with your last paragraph Neo.

    I believe he was lynched by a loser in a defamation of character lawsuit, a woman who couldn’t take a joke comparing people to computers, and a bankrupt serial lawsuit filer.

    I don’t think he was perfect but I think he was the most perfect candidate.

    A black conservative republican running against a black liberal Obama.

    A man with so much experience running against a man who hasn’t run a hotdog stand – Obama

    A man who had a plan for cutting tax rates dramatically against a man who was interested in raising tax rates for the job creators (because they are so-called rich).

    A man who was a mathmetician vs. the man who knows no logic – Obama.

    Cain hands down.

    The only thing they could do to Cain was lynch him.

    I am angry.

  4. You hope Cain was actually a womanizing cheater?

    I would like to believe I know what you mean. This is the world built by neocons, in partnership with lefties. Afraid to take the side of a person with a long biography of integrity, even while acknowledging the dearth of evidence. The disease of po-mo relativism has eaten away whatever principles the society used to stand upon.

    Believe Saddam Hussein, but doubt Herman Cain. Good work.

  5. Although only Cain (and his accusers) knows the truth, it is a stain on the political process and an indictment of the ethics of the MSM that this string of unproven allegations, made by several women of highly questionable character, has caused Cain to ‘suspend’. The contrast between how Cain has been treated and how Clinton and Edwards were treated proves the MSM is the propaganda arm of the DNC.

    “The only thing they could do to Cain was lynch him.”

    As I stated several months ago, Cain was the one team Obama feared the most.

    “I am angry.”

    Me too.

  6. After the Civil War, the Democrats started the KKK as their terrorist wing. One of the objectives was to keep the former slaves from joining with the political party that ended their slavery. Some 4,000 people, principally the decedents of the Democrat’s slaves were lynched. Fast forward to today. The Democrats have changed their tactics but not their strategy. The lynchings are now high-tech as we have seen with Clarence Thomas and now Herman Cain. It saves on the laundry bill since they no longer have to wash the blood out of the sheets.

    Note: I would understand if you had to “snip” my comments. Just please understand my anger.

  7. How is it i know every female Herman Cain ever bought dinner but have no idea of any woman even existing in Barak Obama’s past?

    You damn right i’m angry and just sick and tired of the immoral MSM.

  8. Neo fears a terrible precedent has been set.
    Sweet Mother Mary! We are not practicing law here.
    We are in the hands of the plundering, raping, looting enemy, and we fear their precedent-setting? The Vacationing One’s troops have their hands on our throats, people, and instead of fighting back, we are to quiver about precedent?
    This is too much. Let’s just feed all the Repub candidates to the Dem machine. Or maybe the neocons will get really bold and throw their shoes at ’em.
    Bunch of quitters.

  9. the precedent was set was set during the 3 years Palin was destroyed while the Republican party stood aside. Now they will reap the whirlwind,

  10. It seems clear to me. They were destroying his family. They were destroying his marriage. This is how Democrats teach blacks a lesson about what happens if they dare run for office as Republicans. Would you sacrifice your family to run for public office? Would you sacrifice your marriage?

    Cain had to make the same choice Palin had to make. I can only hope that American blacks noticed how he was treated by the Democrats and maybe decided just a little bit that they didn’t like it, because the full evil racism of the Democratic party hasn’t been quite on display like this since the Clarence Thomas hearings.

  11. reg:
    Yep, O’Donnell too. I will never forgive Karl Rove for trashing her on the very night of her victory in the Republican primary.

  12. From thetruthaboutguns.com on yesterday’s 1600 page DOJ document release on Fast and Furious:
    The doc dump contained one particularly damning email written by [now former] U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke to Assistant Attorney General Ron Weich and other high-level DOJ officials. Burke was responding to Senator Grassley’s investigation into the ATF’s gun running op.

    “What is so offensive about this whole project is that Grassley’s staff, acting as willing stooges for the Gun Lobby, have attempted to distract from the incredible success in dismantling [southwest border] gun trafficking operations….by not uttering one word of rightful praise and thanks to ATF – but instead lobbing this reckless despicable accusation that ATF is complicit in the murder of a fellow federal law enforcement officer . . . No commentary by Grassley on the lax laws, nor greedy gun shop owners, nor careless straw purchasers, and not boo about the evil gun traffickers for the Cartels. Just demonize ATF w/a strategically-timed repulsive letter emailed to the entire press world before we ever saw it.”

    The facts. amazingly, are before us. Couple Fast & Furious with the Cain attack and you will have a sense of the sociopathic conduct of The Vacationing One and his buddies, and where we are headed. How’s that for precedent setting?

  13. Palin, O’Donnell, Angle, Cain.

    Perhaps the Progs are correct. The Republican establishment *is* a white male club.

    Watching Cain’s speech today, I had a little fantasy about the dreaded Third Party. The GOP rejects are building up into a nice bench of prospects. Might as well include Ron Paul as an affiliate member. Could probably draft Gary Johnson.

    I know the new party wouldn’t win the first time, but a Cain-Palin ticket would be a helluva kickoff. *There’s* a way Cain could stay relevant and change history.

  14. Don Carlos:
    Seems like the American people are on to their game:

    Black Friday Best-Seller: Guns

    Americans were big spenders on Black Friday—especially on guns.

    Numbers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation show an all-time one-day high for background check requests from gun buyers last Friday. There were 129,166 requests to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)—a third more than the previous record of 97,848 on Black Friday 2008, FBI spokesman Stephen Fischer said. On Black Friday last year, there were 87,061 requests.

    The numbers, first reported in USA Today, reflect the experience of gun-sellers on the ground. “It was the biggest rush we ever had. Some of the people at the gate sent their kid running to the gun counter to get in line,” said Tom Ritzer, store manager at MC Sports in Springfield, Mo., which opened its doors at 5 a.m. on Black Friday. Gun buyers had to wait until NICS opened at 7 before they could leave with their purchases, he said.

  15. Remember one thing: The only rights you have are the rights you are willing to KILL for.

    If you are not ready, willing, and able to KILL TYRANTS, then you have no rights and are nothing more than a slave.

    That is ultimately what it comes down to.

  16. This is just a foretaste of what’s to come. Anyone who doesn’t realize how nasty the dems will get isn’t paying attention.

    It’s going to be down and dirty. The Republican candidate will have to have a media reaction team that knows how to immediately counter lies, innuendoes, rumors, and misinformation. Couldn’t hurt to have an all out media blitz with facts to help the independents understand the issues either. That means we have to get behind the candidate – whoever it is – and give money, man the phone lines, write letters to editors, put up signs, and anything else that will support the cause. Work like your life and future depend on it – because it does!

  17. reg said:

    “The precedent was set was set during the 3 years Palin was destroyed while the Republican party stood aside. Now they will reap the whirlwind,”

    This is one of the main reasons I haven’t been able to call myself a “Republican,” even though I’ve become a conservative.

    The Republican party is WEAK, full of “men without chests.” If the various Republican candidates had stood together and condemned attacks against Palin, I would have had some respect for them. But no, they acted like bystanders who hang around while someone gets beat-up or gang raped (examples abound in Chicago).

    So the Republicans will reap what they sowed. They look like real losers now.

  18. “the precedent was set was set during the 3 years Palin was destroyed while the Republican party stood aside. Now they will reap the whirlwind.. ”

    The RNC establishment is just as much an enemy as the DNC.

    “Remember one thing: The only rights you have are the rights you are willing to KILL for. If you are not ready, willing, and able to KILL TYRANTS, then you have no rights and are nothing more than a slave. That is ultimately what it comes down to.”

    A strong statement Rickl, but I agree 100%. I’m willing to kill and be killed, but not for just myself. I’m willing to do so for the future of my children and grandchildren. However, I would much rather ‘kill’ the would be tyrants at the ballot box. The cartridge box is always the last, desperate resort.

    Its going to take at least 3 election cycles to turn the Titanic from the path of the iceberg (hope we have that long). Hold the house and take the senate in 2012. Amass greater majorities in 2014. Take back the oval office in 2016.

  19. foxmarks: you don’t seem to understand what I was getting at here.

    I’ve written quite a few previous posts about the Cain accusations. In all of them I make it clear that I think the evidence against him is very weak, and that I very much doubt the truth of the accusations, but that obviously we can’t know for certain.

    So in this post, when I say I hope the accusations are true, I am not saying I think they’re true, or that I wish Cain or his family ill. It’s a way of referring to the fact that I think he was forced out of the race by unsupported allegations, and that I would hate to see that happen to an innocent person.

  20. I remember the NYT’s non-stop stories about McCain’s affair with a lobbyist once he segued from useful idiot to Obama Opponent. Accusations based on third and fourth person anonymous statements.

    That was a warn up for this.

    What you hate to think is going on every day. Whether or not you think about it.

  21. Neo,

    I knew what you meant.

    English has a mathematical way of speaking sometimes that make people fail the logic test.

    Not to say that I interpret everything correctly but you have been a very clear writer for me to understand.

    I knew exactly what you meant as I read on.

  22. The back-and-forth over neo’s statement reminds me of one of my favorite moments in Xenophon’s Apology, which occurs right after the jury hands down the death sentence-verdict to Socrates:

    “And a certain Apollodorus who was present – an ardent follower of Socrates, but otherwise naive – then said: ‘But I, at least, Socrates, bear this with most difficulty, that I see you die unjustly.’

    “And it is said that Socrates, after stroking Apollodorus’ head, said: ‘Dearest Apollodorus, would you prefer to see me die justly?,’ and that at the same time he laughed.”

    Those Greeks – always putting things in perspective 🙂

  23. Leftist strategy works. Which is why this country has yet to recover from the disease.

  24. Have any of the charges been substantiated?

    Cain is guilty of being accused.

    The Media and Democrat Complex – the media being nothing more than the Propaganda Wing of the Democrat Parry can destroy anyone they want in a few weeks. That’s the reality here.

    America is mist likely over.

  25. Of course what happened to Cain is horrible and we have to find a way to stop it. But I don’t think we are blameless. Like the Obama maniacs, we have been all too ready to see messiahs in some of our candidates. Our overenthusiasms helps set them up for the enemiey’s fire. We need to vet people first. Have they done their homework or are they mouthing popular clichees we want to hear. We need to know the candidates we support well enough that we can defend them even as their weak spots become known.

    I always liked Cain but couldn’t support him because he seemed very weak on foreign policy. So I felt in a bind between defending him on one issue and having that defense carried to his overall suitability as a candidate. I don’t want to give the Dems ammuntion to use against the whole conservative movement. They will always take the flakiest statement and use it against us, so we have to find a way to avoid the flaky image so that our real objections to serious problems like Cain’s treatment are heard. Instead, we call people RINOs and try to pretend Cain will save the world. Turning up the volume is not the way to improve the music.

    I would be very happy if one of our front runners would say that Cain made some important points in his campaign, that he was very effective in taking those to the voters, that the campaign against him was disgraceful, and that Cain’s input would be heard by Republicans and given careful consideration.

  26. “”They will always take the flakiest statement and use it against us, so we have to find a way to avoid the flaky image “”

    Who hasn’t said flaky statements? Who can withstand a spotlight on all their worst attributes and moments in their life while ignoring positives they’ve done?

    The answer…Nobody can. What you’re advocating is that we continue playing heads the marxist win, tails Americans lose with the media. Except if we do it right with some angelic candidate who’s led such a cocooned existence till he’ll literally qualify as non human, we may have a chance.

    No. The game and its rules have to be destroyed so normal people can rule themselves.

  27. Expat,

    No one said anything you suggested they said.

    Messiahs? He was a good man with a unique plan. He allowed for a conversation and thought. He had spirit. No one said he was a messiah. No one WANTS a messiah. That’s the whole point. We want decent, normal people.

    Another one was destroyed. They did him like it was a layup in the pre-game drills.

    Wait until the main event.

    And you are rationalizing it all away, as our side always does.

  28. Neo,

    Your “hope” that Cain did in fact do that of which he is accused – and yes, I understand how you meant it – misses the point entirely.

    If the Democrat Media can gin up a story to chase someone from a race, it hardly matters if he is guilty or not. The relative truth or falsehood of the charges is entirely coincidental. The only important thing is the “Politics of Personal Destruction” taken to the extreme by the Dems with the collusion of the media, or vice versa.

    The only way, in my humble opinion, for any Republican candidate to weather a storm like this is Alinsky #1: RIDICULE! As in, “why yes, I had an affair or three. I also bugger goats and small children, and the small children of goats. And I worship Cthulhu and sacrifice ferrets to her on a daily basis. Now can we be grownups here and acknowledge that 1) none of that matters if I have the right solutions to America’s problems, and 2) nobody can name me one politician who hasn’t had sexual skeletons in his closet. My closet’s wide open. Is this REALLY the only argument you losers can come up with that I shouldn’t be President? SERIOUSLY?”

  29. Yackums,

    You are close to the point.

    There are no sins, except for Republican ones.

    All men are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God….except for Dems and their victimist power voting bloc.

    Better was the day, and better were the men and women who knew we all sinned and that therefore not all sins are relevant to high office.

    The sin of personal and public slander is far far worse than anything Cain is “accused”.

    But what they did to him is small compared to what they are doing to us….

    They are destroying us. They are destroying our rules and laws and system. They are deciding elections and we most definitely are not.

    I must say, anymore I have less problem with the Liberal – he is a devil and is doing what a devil does, without even a hint of shame or a pretense of apology. For the devil, it is exactly the case that to do wrong is the right thing to do. But more and more I despair over the tepid conservative, the non-fanatic conservative, the one who makes excuses for the devil, and the one who still wants to be thought well of by the devils they know.

    They flatter themselves with conceits that are more and more disgusting to me. Never has the Revelation quote about being lukewarm been more real to me, how it would be better if they were either hot or cold….

    A good woman is destroyed…Palin. A good man is destroyed…Cain. They can do anyone.

    There is no time – ever – more perilous for any so-called culture, here, now, then, to come, ever ever ever ever….Than when evil is called good, and the good is called evil.

    We are very near the end. Very near the end. We have maybe one slim chance left, and that gets slimmer by the day.

  30. I did detect some blogosphere overcommitment to Cain before we had a chance to hear him out on more that 999. Look, we can be very enthusiatic about his specific ideas and about his down-to-earth style and we can be very vocal about that. It’s just that these things shouldn’t cause us to stop evaluating his take on other issues.

    Also, I am not referring to the neo family. I think other sites have commenters who show far less rationality than the people here, but they are portrayed as the conservative voice by our foes.

  31. Yackums: I fail to see your point. For example, if it is true that Cain is a serial sexual harasser, then the public has a right to know and to decide accordingly whether they want to support him, and it is something the media isn’t “ginning up” but is rather doing its duty in exposing. Whether or not you or anyone else wants to vote for Cain under those circumstances is another story.

    The fact that the MSM is selective in who it exposes (candidates on the right) and who it protects (candidates on the left) is another issue entirely, although a valid one.

    But the truth or falsehood of the anti-Cain allegations, particularly White’s (which does not involve harassment but involves infidelity) matters in terms of the media’s culpability in the destruction of a candidate and the public’s lack of discernment. If lies about someone’s past can get this much credibility, that is an even worse situation than exposing the truth and allowing the public to decide, don’t you think?

    And to those who point out that Cain has been Palinized, I’m well aware of the fact that Palin was subject to a host of lies in the media, and that it was part of the reason she was defeated. But I am hard-pressed to think of a time that specifically sexual lies brought about the resignation of a major candidate for president before. That’s not to say it hasn’t happened; I simply can’t recall it. They tried in a half-hearted way with McCain (remember that article that he’d had an affair, which failed to get any traction?). Clarence Thomas weathered the storm of his accusations and subsequently became a Justice. But Cain has been successfully taken down and withdrawn from the race.

  32. kolnai: great quote.

    And I would have answered that I prefer to see Socrates die justly—although I doubt I would have had the guts to say so to his face under the circumstances.

  33. Forgive me if I find it difficult to care about who drops out of the Republican race at this time.


    Add to that, the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act, aka the Protect IP act in the Senate), and the Leahy Amendments to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and yeah, the terrorists have won.

    I don’t know what (A Super President? The Head of the US Division of the International Conglomerates? A dictator?) we are electing anymore, but unless someone like Paul gets to the Presidency, I’d say we are starting to hit the end of the times when we will be allowed any say in who governs this country.

  34. If you leave the Democratic Party plantation, boy, they’re gonna hunt you down and make an example of you.

  35. I couldn’t get too excited about Cain for the same reason I can’t about Ron Paul. It’s the foreign policy. So we have lost a bad choice and gained a martyr. The MSM is the Democratic Party’s Gestapo and should be treated as such at every opportunity.

  36. Brad,

    Another issue altogether. A classic Red Herring. It just throws more smoke out there in our smoke and mirrors world.

    We have a good man here, metaphorically mugged and beaten within an inch of his life. And he was one of us.

    You are saying to forget the good and decent man and what they did to him, and look at the monster over there!

    I blame our educational system. There are orders of business. Some things comes before others, and if they don’t you never get to the other or get to them rightly.

    The good man beaten up is numero uno. In the world where that happens so matter-of-factly, who cares that we have a dictator to make our subjugation official?

    In the world where we defend to beaten up man, before he is mugged! hopefully, or tend to his and our unjustly inflicted wounds afterwards, there is not dictator big enough to subdue and control us. He wouldn’t even dream of trying.

    Instead…..Ron Paul???

    We are lost.

  37. Foreign policy is just policy. And you get good policy by common sense and a track record that proves you have common sense.

    Where we came up with this notion that not knowing the maiden name of the first lady in the Czech Republic constitutes a lack of foreign policy knowledge is beyond me.

    Show me an American businessman with uncanny knowledge of foreign policy and i’ll show you an overly ambitious politician with a major disconnect from the folk.

  38. Good stuff SteveH.

    I’m not looking for a jeopardy champion as president.

    I’m looking for one who has his logical facilities (which Obama does not), has common sense (Obama does not), has priorities straight (Obama does not), can communicate well without the teleprompter (Obama can’t), has a true sense of humor (Obama does not), and is likable.

    By the way expat , nobody here built up Cain to a Messiah. We recognize REALITY. Thank you.

  39. Steve H, you’re preaching to the choir. We don’t need a quiz show winner. We’re stuck with one now, although thinking, for example, the Austrians speak Austrian doesn’t add up to a plus in my book. We need someone who can coldly calculate what’s best for the US in a dangerous world that rapidly getting more dangerous. Maybe Cain could have, but that’s moot now.

    Still, good may come of it if we make this lynching a “Remember the Maine” moment.

  40. Neo: I got your point on the surface level. But after all the pixels you spent highlighting the weakness and doubt in the accusations and accusers, you (y’all) couldn’t cross over and make a case for Cain’s integrity. I saw some of “why doesn’t Cain do X to prove she’s lying”.

    For example, nobody ever followed up on the Bialek hotel room. It was supposed to a be a provable fact, and if proven, Cain was lying. It was not proven, but nobody then concluded Cain was telling the truth.

    And my point on the deeper level was about the society that the establishment (righty + lefty) has created which leads you to write a comment that you hope Cain was a cheater. While I get it as rhetorical device, take a pause and think about what that device suggests is now acceptable.

    “I hope Jesus was G-d, because otherwise all the Christmas stuff is just stupid.”

    “The Shoa better have been real, or maybe Ahmadinejad has a point about Israel.”

    “I hope Obama is natural-born. The first American Dictator should be an American.”

    It is a triumph of cynicism over virtue. Our default setting is distrust. And it is almost impossible to achieve trust if we give weight to all the unreasonable doubts that haunt every healthy mind.

    We have become something I do not like being a part of.

    (I don’t mean to pin the failings of society on Neo personally. This is the best place I have to air out my thoughts after visiting around the blogosphere and meatspace.)

  41. Baklava,
    Newt’s dramatic rise in the polls does suggest that more is going on than just a careful consideration of his proposals. Of course, the Politico headlines show bias, and we should criticize it by saying we won’t be swayed by them. We should point out that we want to listen to all the candidates and choose the one we think is best, and that we will incorporate their good proposals into our platform. We should stand up as the party that thinks and doesn’t fall for styrofoam columns.

  42. Cain had to be destroyed very quickly before he got any real traction, and they did it. Their brutality and efficiency is breathtaking, in the way one can be stunned by a mob suddenly turning and focusing its beastly power on the next victim. It is truly scary. I fear for our country now more than I ever have. It is almost despair, but since that is also wrong I refuse to despair.

    If Cain carried on for a few months he would have lured some percentage of African Americans to the Republican/Tea Party side.

    The Dems simply could not allow that. If that happens, they lose big time. So they metaphorically killed Cain. He is out and taken care of….and a lot of people on our side did their work for them.

    It’s not whether you would vote for him or not. It’s not whether you liked this or that policy or not. It’s not whether you thought he was lacking in foreign policy or political experience or this or that whatever.

    It’s whether you’d rescue a good man being beaten up by a vicious mob.

    Now we know the answer.

  43. @expat:
    “Of course what happened to Cain is horrible and we have to find a way to stop it. But I don’t think we are blameless. Like the Obama maniacs, we have been all too ready to see messiahs in some of our candidates. Our over enthusiasms helps set them up for the enemies fire. We need to vet people first.”

    And thus you have lost. Period. And you do not understand why or how. Period.

    When whoever becomes the Republican candidate is smeared in a like manner, your kind will drop to your knees and cry to the heavens, “WE SHOULD HAVE VETTED HIM! HE’S FINISHED!”

    Here is a moral to learn: There is no one without sin, without a background. At what point are you going to accept that and stop expecting virgins to run for office. At what point are you going to let the immoral use your own morals against you for evil purposes?

    At what point are you going to understand….

  44. correction: At what point are you going to not let the immoral use your own morals against you for evil purposes?

  45. “”We should stand up as the party that thinks and doesn’t fall for styrofoam columns.””

    The foreign policy wonk with encyclopedic answers revealing all the personality of being reared by a focus group instead of a mother IS the styrofoam column!

  46. “If Cain carried on for a few months he would have lured some percentage of African Americans to the Republican/Tea Party side.”

    The righties had the opportunity to reshape the popular perception of their party, and thereby, the American culture. Cain could have delivered some of the promise the lefties and squishies saw in Obama. A poor black kid from Atlanta as a legit Republican contender.

    It’s not a matter of a messiah of instant deliverance, but of a sound and solid datapoint creating cognitive dissonance. That dissonance leads to political change. Cain speaks the dialect of the downtrodden with an authenticity that Barry cannot. Nor could Rice or Powell.

    For example, if Cain had said what Gingrich said about kids going to work, it would have had weight.

    We had a General Grant, but there were too many stories about his alcoholism, so we settle for more McClellan.

  47. Innocent or guilty will be relatively easy to determine from this point on. If Cain brings a lawsuit for libel and slander against the woman who claims to have had an affair, there was no affair.

    If he does not pursue the woman in court, there was an affair and Cain knows it.

  48. Steve H,

    A real foreign policy wonk as candidate would bother me because he might be too invested in pushing his own pet issues. I prefer someone who is interested enough in foreign policy to know a bit about some of the wonks and how to get a variety of opinions before making a decision. It was Cain’s seeming lack of interest in the whole area that I found disturbing. I would like to know how 9/11 affected him and what kind of reading he did afterwards to educate himself about Islamic terrorism. I certainly didn’t blindly trust Bush, but I did identify some people living in cloud cuckoo land.

  49. expat, that “seeming lack of interest” was an anti-Cain narrative. He was beating the drum against Islamofascists years ago on his radio show and his HITM website. He was on of the few contenders who openly stated that Islam is a political system as much as a religious doctrine.

    Having been acquainted with Cain for years, and being more curious about his candidacy than most, I saw that he had a grasp of the fundamental issues. Certainly not at the depth of a wonk or member of a Congressional intelligence committee. Foreign was an area where the righty factions did not give the new guy a fair shake.

    All the blather was about trapping him into what he did not yet know, not encouraging him to build on what he already had in his head.

    Which rambles me onto another tangent…wouldn’t it be better for a party and a nation if the candidates were thought of as a team? Develop each of them into better contenders, as a coach would. Let the enemy do the attacking.

  50. @ Vanderleun,

    A lawsuit is utterly pointless and totally beside the point. His “guilt or innocence” is completely irrelevant to what happened here. What will he do if he wins? Say ‘poor me, see!!!’. That pot who he is; or what anyone wants. You don’t sue the bully after the fact. You take care of him while he is in the act of bullying or preferably before.

    A good man was just metaphorically lynched and left hanging until dead.

    A lot of people on our side stood and watched. A few participated. I am sick. Anyone should be.

    I love our new standard (for Republicans only!!! by the way): The accuser only accuses. It never has to substantiate an accusation. The accused…did I say accused? I meant condemned!…has to prove that something they say is not there (an affair or sexual harassment stretching back over a decade), really isn’t there.

    What can he say? “I have no pictures of me sleeping with her”? Is there any thing that could possibly make him innocent short of the accuser retracting her statement of accusation?

    I wonder have you ever seen the trial scene in “A Man for All Seasons”?

    And that is only question. Let’s say he is “guilty” of everything. Therefore?

    Do you realize what just happened to this man happened to the voters, right? They are the ones who don’t get to decide on him. They are the ones who are supposed to decide on him.

    But we have lots of people who know better. They decide for us. Some of them are on our side.

    I am spitting mad as any decent person should be. The pol who comes along and addresses our issues, if there was one…scary again to think what they could harness.

    Sarah Palin’s strength of character right now will be shown in her not jumping back into the race, since if she did….something might go off and it won’t be good.

  51. Van…

    As a public figure it is brutally difficult to get traction in such a libel suit.

    Further, such suits can blow up in your face.

    Having been libeled, my attorney told me: the perp has zero assets, any suit will only propagate the myth; you can’t win at law.

  52. Conservatives are going to have to become ruthless and learn to accept its neccessity. We will soon have no other choice. If we don’t, this country and millions of decent people are headed toward an unthinkable darkness and despair.

  53. expat wrote, ““and doesn’t fall for styrofoam columns


    Every one of the Republican candidates have more executive experience than Obama had when he was elected, more common sense and I don’t see ANY of our candidates erecting Greek styrofoam columns like Obama did.

    I’m still unsure why you used the word Messiah with respect to Cain.

    Can you admit on substance that Cain’s economic policies are a positive and Obama’s is a negative and then be done with the negativity on Cain?

  54. As far as I know, Cain was the only candidate who ever said that Islam was a threat to us. That takes a lot of foreign policy brilliance right there.

    He had to pull back when he was attacked on this subject because he understood that Americans instinctively support freedom of religion. However, I think he really understood the big picture.

    On the other hand, he lost much of my support when he said he asked Kissinger to be his Secretary of State. I thought that was a sign that he didn’t have many good contacts.

    So far I don’t care for any of the current Republican candidates, but ABO–anybody but Obama.

  55. Baklava,

    I meant those things metaphorically. I am really worried that people think a turnaround can happen quickly and with little personal sacrifice. I don’t think it will be easy, and I’m afraid that a failure to meet expectations could mean the Dems would be back in force at the midterms. Romney is failing to win trust of the base. Gingrich is talking about big plans, but I don’t know whether he considers things carefully before he says them. We have a world-wide economic crisis on the horizon, the Islamic world in not benign turmoil, and a China that could easily play the nationalism card big time if their own problems get any worse. We certainly have to clean up our domestic financial troubles, but international events could disrupt our plans to do so. As I see it, Gingrich and Romney are the only candidates who appreciate the complexity of the situation, yet people still seem to jump from one candidate to the next as if there is someone who could make all this go away.

    That is why I said earlier that the candidates’ teams might make a difference. If they are building a team (potential cabinet) that shores up their weak spots, it could help build voter confidence and bring them out on election day. I am really scared of the my-way-or-the-highway comments I read on some sites. I think they will be used to scare off independents and moderates and could give us 4 more years of Obama. I fear that we are not projecting strength and confidence.

  56. As to your last question: Of course Cain’s economic policies are far superior to Obama’s. I always said he could play an important role in developing policies and explaining them to the public. I just didn’t think he was ready for POTUS. Like Prometha, I thought the Kissinger move was telling.

  57. I agree with everything you said. 🙂

    Anything could happen in the next year worldwide or domestically.

    And… all the while we are dealing with a generation of babies overturning Ohio’s collective bargaining law, occupying, declaring bankruptcy and losing defamation of character lawsuits yet actually believing they are people of character that can come out to a microphone.

    We have a LOT of hard work – not just the candidates but the people of America.

    We need to educate people that it is about our individual and collective choices. In a nation where the people decide (capitalism) we have to make better choices as consumers, employees, taxpayers, voters, families, etc.

  58. Regardless of Cain’s guilt or innocence of the charges, I still can’t get over the fact that within a month of emerging from obscurity the press had a ton of murky allegations from 15 years previously. Meanwhile a Democrat vice-presidential nominee and presidential candidate had a love child right under their noses and they left it to the National Enquirer.

  59. @Baklava: You said it.

    @Gary Rosen: You said it double. Except you’ll have to get over it, and not be surprised. Cain was warmups. You are dealing with viciousness and perfidy, with no redeeming qualities at all. Don’t expect any. Plan for the worst because they will do even worse than you plan for. These people are not good people. If you think they are, you’ll be fooled again.

    Rule of Thumb: Democrats (today) are always, without fail, worse than you think. There are no exceptions to that rule (today).

  60. Bottom line is that we dont get to pick our candidates, they do… and its a cool process out of history, and has to do with changing how we donated to candidates… and other things. i noticed no one mentioned this history…

    too bad…

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