…in shopping on Black Friday.
Are you?
And this sounds like a nightmare. Although shopping on Black Friday already sounded like a nightmare.
…Except of course for shopping online, at Amazon, through the neo-neocon portal (note how I cleverly snuck in that little advertisement for myself).
I refuse to go anywhere near a bricks and mortar store on Black Friday. Online shopping, that I’ll gladly do. From the sofa, in my jammies, with a cup of coffee in one hand.
Yeah, I avoid the stores, too. I’ve been doing a lot of “window shopping” at Amazon.com, but probably won’t buy anything today.
No way. You would need to force me at gunpoint to go anywhere near a mall today.
Speaking of gunpoint, the son and I went out to the farm, shot four pheasants and six quail this morning. It was definitely Black Friday for them : )
I dragged myself to Joann Fabrics this morning. Luckily, my friend went with me, so we had fun. It was also more efficient, as we tag-teamed on acquiring a cart, then guarding the same cart while we took turns browsing, then standing in line for checkout. Three-and-a-half hours in the store. I bought enough baby flannel to last a couple of years so that I don’t have to do it again next year!
I refuse to shop on Thanksgiving Day, even at midnight. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
I HAD to shop…
I have a wedding next month in Indonesia
(hey Walt send me contact and maybe we could meet
and so i needed a suit…
my choices were a custom suit in Indonesia, which was a very tempting choice, but since they didn’t have silk available… (but did have a great Hugo boss material at 150US per sq meter)
at that price it would have costed near 300 or so, but if silk, i would have been happy to spend 700.
but i checked out Macys ended up with a dark charcoal grey (almost black) Ralph Lauren, retailing at 700, but marked down, and with an extra 20% off for being there in the morning, came to 200…
with the savings i also bought a white Egyptian shirt with french cuffs, a Donald trump tie (surprise at that)
given that the whole deal was done in 45 minutes, i sent my wife into the ladies shoe section, and she got a beautiful pair of bronze short heel strappy thiang…
now the big problem is that i have no cufflinks…
oh woe what to do?
well, here is my plan…
i will see if i can find some cufflink findings
and then cut some black opal, or Ethiopian Welo
personally i would prefer to use black opal, but i have a more welo laying around…
[i do and have done lots of things, but generally no one believes it so i cant get a group of people together to get anywhere. from being a glazier, framer, bricklayer, electricians helper (not licensed so that’s all i can legally do), plumbing work, flooring, professional driver, an accountant, mosquito catcher, roofing, parts assembly, machining, antique restoration, collector, gem cutter, applications developer and db expert (30 years), solutions designer, actor, paparazzo (signed to one of the top three agencies), graphic/fine arts, handyman, bouncer, and trying to be a innovator of new intellectual property (solved the unstructured data problem, but people think the solution is so easy, that there is no problem. ie, its too good), and thats about it give or take…]
but the kick here is will i have the time before i take that 24 hour flight
the shopping was ok, but way too crowded…
and i am in a nice police flyover place
not like south carolina and another place where someone maced the shoppers to get advantage to get to the products… (among other things including gunfire)
I don’t know if I’ve ever gone shopping on Black Friday. Certainly not that I can remember.
(And it sounds like the sort of thing you would remember.)
Normally I do not venture out but . . . My wife had been bugging me for years for a new fridge and dish washer (a machine, not a hunk ;-)). Went to HHGREGG in Boca. wasn’t overly busy and got a great price on models we wanted.
I used to work behind a cash register in a store where the lines of customers on the day after Thanksgiving (we didn’t call it Black Friday then) wound back through the store’s narrow, crowded aisles out of sight all the way to the back of the store, every one of those shoppers anxious and grouchy and impatient. Never, ever again will I set foot in a retail establishment on the day after the holiday. Yay for online shopping!
I worked retail one year in an upscale department store in a mall … likewise, never set foot in a store on Black Friday. The bargains just aren’t good enough to put up with the hassle. And as for turning out at 10 PM Thanksgiving night at the San Marcos outlet mall … absolutely not, although I hope the staff who had to work got generous overtime.
We shop thruought the year: round about now is when we inventory the gift closet and figure out who is getting what. No problem with wrapping paper and gift bags either, as we bought that last year at the post-Christmas sales.